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wombat5003 t1_j5k5jny wrote

Honest.. you have to do what my wife and I do… basically live like cave weights… you have to get into the habit of turning off all lights as soon as you leave a room, and use a lower wattage bulbs on all your lights… also, if you have a lot of things plugged into your walls, coffee makers, and other appliance including phone chargers, unplug them when not in use…. Do not use space heaters, as they are a monster for using up electricity… for the 2 of us, we average around 150 bucks a month, but when the rates are lower, it’s around 100 a month


techorules t1_j5kuwxl wrote

Lights use very very little electricity. The OP says he has a heat pump which is where is money is going. How much lights are left on is nothing but a rounding error compared to the electrical cost of heaters, fans and pumps (if you have a well pump).