Submitted by justsomegraphemes t3_zk2zu6
Submitted by [deleted] t3_zjd0u6
Submitted by PintacOnAcid t3_zkv0h9
Submitted by rackrackrackball t3_zjy9lq
Submitted by JohnnyGoldwink t3_zk2pxq
Submitted by Luuis0 t3_zkkuju
U.S. hospitals are required to publish their prices for medical procedures now, so my friends and I collected around 15 million prices from 143 hospitals in Massachusetts and created a search engine where anyone can see how much they may be charged. Let me know what you think!
finestrahealth.comSubmitted by taeyoungwoo t3_zg7zrb
Submitted by blup12 t3_zf0l73
Submitted by Limit9087 t3_zj3qjo
Submitted by OscarOrr t3_zj1780
Submitted by 11BMasshole t3_zi792i
Submitted by CrossroadsConundrum t3_zhsqgl
Submitted by Key-Fortune-8904 t3_ziw3ho
Submitted by genadyarkhipau t3_zhu5kq
Submitted by BF1shY t3_zh0uk4
Submitted by [deleted] t3_zi929i
Does Anybody Know What This Van Is Used For? I Keep Seeing It Parked In Chinatown With A Ton Of Stuff In It.
Submitted by MussleGeeYem t3_zhld79
Submitted by flying-cunt-of-chaos t3_zh7i1k
Submitted by BlankVerse t3_zed4td
Submitted by [deleted] t3_zfwovi