Recent comments in /f/massachusetts
[deleted] t1_jee488k wrote
Reply to Death with dignity by Avocadoexpresss
burn_your_bible t1_jee42ty wrote
Reply to Acushnet Ave, New Bedford by Mojam59
Gop human scum won’t like books in their faces
Thiccaca t1_jee3rba wrote
Reply to comment by NickRick in A new report found that Mass. has the highest GDP per capita in the country and is among the states least dependent on federal dollars. by truthseeeker
Done all 3.
MA is the worst. Especially for what it costs to repave. But hey, cops need a new ski boat so....
IH8Pickulz t1_jee3nkh wrote
Reply to A new report found that Mass. has the highest GDP per capita in the country and is among the states least dependent on federal dollars. by truthseeeker
I feel like this just means we are getting more fucked on taxes than most other states...
Thiccaca t1_jee3knu wrote
Reply to comment by Megsmik8 in A new report found that Mass. has the highest GDP per capita in the country and is among the states least dependent on federal dollars. by truthseeeker
Then why does everyone claim the weather is the problem and then shrugs?
Hoosac_Love OP t1_jee2hsm wrote
Reply to comment by GRADIUSIC_CYBER in Brian Walshe indicteted for murder by Hoosac_Love
There will ne internet where he is going!
abat6294 t1_jee21j8 wrote
Reply to A new report found that Mass. has the highest GDP per capita in the country and is among the states least dependent on federal dollars. by truthseeeker
You're saying the bluest state has the least dependence on government dollars?
Huh, isn't that neat.
cimson-otter t1_jee1yqc wrote
Reply to View from Verizon by bdoped
Ah the new Verizon building. Very nice
potentpotables t1_jee1nyu wrote
Reply to comment by Nicksucksathiking in Traffic was interesting today. by scissorbritches
> break
>tiny brain
at least this tiny brain knows how to spell.
Dude, I'm just going off what OP said. I drive this stretch every day and that spacing does not look like people are driving fast at all.
Goldenrule-er t1_jedyetx wrote
Reply to A new report found that Mass. has the highest GDP per capita in the country and is among the states least dependent on federal dollars. by truthseeeker
Yet we are in desperate need for federal receivership of the MBTA, please!
It's killing people and causing literally all of our traffic problems.
No one can rely on it to get to work on time so everyone drives.
Sammy948 t1_jedwryp wrote
Reply to comment by warlocc_ in After three-year pause, state begins clawbacks of $719 million of jobless benefit overpayments by bostonglobe
Def a lie. I had a real job that was impacted by Covid. Late last year I received a bill saying I owe upwards of $3,000. Sorry don’t have that shit now as I used it to pay bills. Good luck getting blood from a stone
ronaldo0789 OP t1_jedvhxy wrote
Reply to comment by PakkyT in Is the black rose pub in Boston, the best Irish pub by ronaldo0789
GRADIUSIC_CYBER t1_jedu3py wrote
Reply to Brian Walshe indicteted for murder by Hoosac_Love
>Internet searches for “how to dispose of a 115-pound woman’s body,” and topics of dismemberment were also found on Brian Walshe’s phone
how can people be this dumb.
what a worthless human.
AnonLurker7_7 t1_jedoayc wrote
Reply to comment by noo_you in Please be against the restrict Act Contact your reps. by [deleted]
Data they're probably already scraping through PATRIOT act era legislation.
Hoosac_Love OP t1_jedn420 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Berksire county man pleads guilty to possession of child porn by Hoosac_Love
I read again and no prison or even county jail
Hoosac_Love OP t1_jedn1m9 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Berksire county man pleads guilty to possession of child porn by Hoosac_Love
The article said he got probation,I read it three times ,just because I couldn't believe
[deleted] t1_jedmiq2 wrote
Reply to comment by Hoosac_Love in Berksire county man pleads guilty to possession of child porn by Hoosac_Love
Hoosac_Love OP t1_jedm7pg wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Berksire county man pleads guilty to possession of child porn by Hoosac_Love
You feel that is sufficiant in lui of prison?
[deleted] t1_jedlk2d wrote
Hoosac_Love OP t1_jedl7qw wrote
Another suspended sentence for child porn and another stupid move by the most incompetent DA's office in the state.
This dude faced 20 years in the DOC but walks with probation.
Megsmik8 t1_jedjkvx wrote
Reply to comment by Thiccaca in A new report found that Mass. has the highest GDP per capita in the country and is among the states least dependent on federal dollars. by truthseeeker
NY state has a toll system for most of its highways. MA DOES NOT. This is HOW THEY KEEP UP THEIR ROADS and MA does not. It's not rocket science.
Both I-90 and I-87 in NYS are Toll Roads. Except I-87 North of Albany. Tolls in NYS are not cheap, the ONLY Tolls you pay in MA are on I-90 or the Ted Williams, Sumner or Callahan Tunnels.
[deleted] t1_jedj05f wrote
Hoosac_Love t1_jedgwek wrote
Reply to comment by noo_you in Please be against the restrict Act Contact your reps. by [deleted]
What info will they try to access
BasicDesignAdvice t1_jedfqh7 wrote
Reply to comment by woohooguy in A new report found that Mass. has the highest GDP per capita in the country and is among the states least dependent on federal dollars. by truthseeeker
I remember reading that every wealthy town needs three not wealthy towns to support it.
That was fifteen years ago.
ThisMominterrupted t1_jee5a5e wrote
Reply to Looking for an eye care provider that offers optomap retinal imaging instead of dilation by catfarmer1998
Lasik eye center in West Springfield by Costco. I get this done every 6 months