Recent comments in /f/massachusetts

Hoosac_Love t1_jeejpoh wrote

If that is the case and the address on registry is in Texas and in the mother who is a valid Texes resident.Leave things as is and drive around Massachusets with Texas plates.And if anyone asks just say you are barrowing temporarily from your mom and the car is not yours.Which is esentially true

I don't think MA can can force you to register a car in MA that is not owned,registered and insured by a MA resident.It's a glorified rental car basically!


bv8ma t1_jeeh76d wrote

I've found our registry makes zero sense anyways. My wife was trying to get her license moved from NH to MA and it was a huge pain, she was rejected twice for not having the right paperwork and the third time she went she brought a page from the registry showing what you can use for proof of address and they still gave her a hard time.


somegridplayer t1_jeefy0p wrote

Reply to comment by madtho in Acushnet Ave, New Bedford by Mojam59

The art joint around the corner from No Problemo has had some AMAZING pieces.

I'm super sad I missed out on buying the UFO abducting the whale. :(

>“Untitled” Sculpture
>Location: To be announced
>Partner: Téa Leoni
>Spring 2023
>By Thomas Deininger

Téa Leoni has a house in South Dartmouth.