Recent comments in /f/massachusetts
youngjuju212 t1_jees7uo wrote
Reply to comment by greenglasstree in A new report found that Mass. has the highest GDP per capita in the country and is among the states least dependent on federal dollars. by truthseeeker
Exactly. They've tried to build affordable housing in many expensive Boston suburbs and the townspeople protest it every time.
SmuglySly t1_jeerugt wrote
Reply to comment by MOGicantbewitty in Brian Walshe indicteted for murder by Hoosac_Love
You are an honorable redditor
[deleted] t1_jeermhe wrote
Reply to comment by Cheap_Coffee in After three-year pause, state begins clawbacks of $719 million of jobless benefit overpayments by bostonglobe
Careful-Sentence5292 t1_jeerm35 wrote
Reply to A new report found that Mass. has the highest GDP per capita in the country and is among the states least dependent on federal dollars. by truthseeeker
Because we take care of our own here. We blue as f.
MOGicantbewitty t1_jeer35h wrote
Reply to comment by SmuglySly in Brian Walshe indicteted for murder by Hoosac_Love
My bad! I did miss that. Sorry! I’ll leave my comment up to accept my shaming
kitkatklyng t1_jeeqoqv wrote
We are dealing with a similar but more much complicated situation. In many other places, I’m sure in Texas as well, the RMV/DMV electronically pull the title but MA requires the original PHYSICAL copy. I say this with emphasis because we had to fight with our lien holder tooth and nail to get them to send the physical copy to the RMV. Many lien holders, especially ones who don’t regularly do business in MA, will tell you you’re wrong and that it’s all done electronically.
Also, there is a very specific place to send the title. It’s not just your local RMV. Make sure to send to the RMV title office. Another option would be to have your lien holder send the title to your insurance, and the RMV should be able to confirm it with your insurance or something, but I’m not quite aware of how that pathway would play out. Sounds like more steps for things to go wrong.
Good luck and as one Texan transplant to another, Welcome!
SmuglySly t1_jeepvt5 wrote
Reply to comment by MOGicantbewitty in Brian Walshe indicteted for murder by Hoosac_Love
You are missing the reference and joke. Trump tweeted he was indicated after his indictment.
SmuglySly t1_jeeps7j wrote
Reply to comment by eisenhower2016 in Brian Walshe indicteted for murder by Hoosac_Love
Came here for this! Not disappointed
OriginalUsername9 t1_jeep82p wrote
Reply to comment by great_blue_hill in Brian Walshe indicteted for murder by Hoosac_Love
QuasiQuokka OP t1_jeenh3o wrote
Reply to comment by 2phatt in Seeking affordable reception venue recommendations near Canton, MA by QuasiQuokka
Oh, those prices look promising for sure!
QuasiQuokka OP t1_jeen6ot wrote
Reply to comment by Ken-Popcorn in Seeking affordable reception venue recommendations near Canton, MA by QuasiQuokka
I'll have a look, thank you!
QuasiQuokka OP t1_jeen5wc wrote
Reply to comment by kissmekate48 in Seeking affordable reception venue recommendations near Canton, MA by QuasiQuokka
I'll check it out, thank you!
QuasiQuokka OP t1_jeen581 wrote
Reply to comment by TheSpaceman1975 in Seeking affordable reception venue recommendations near Canton, MA by QuasiQuokka
Thanks, I'll take a look!
QuasiQuokka OP t1_jeen4hc wrote
Reply to comment by JMan0380 in Seeking affordable reception venue recommendations near Canton, MA by QuasiQuokka
Yea, we contacted them and they had a whopping $9500 food and beverage minimum to rent the space for just 3 hours (with an extra 500 for each hour more)💀(oh and 5% admin, 7% tax and 18% gratuity).
Thanks for the recommendations though, the ICC looks very promising!
majoroutage t1_jeemsvw wrote
Reply to comment by Hoosac_Love in registering an out of state financed car by Alive-Comfortable571
QuasiQuokka OP t1_jeems2j wrote
Reply to comment by the-court-house in Seeking affordable reception venue recommendations near Canton, MA by QuasiQuokka
Thank you! And good advice too :)
Hoosac_Love t1_jeemn1c wrote
Reply to comment by majoroutage in registering an out of state financed car by Alive-Comfortable571
There is nothing stopping him either from driving the car out of state though if it is validly registered and insured by a valid out of state resident.
I used to to deliver pizza in Amherst near UMass and none of the out of state college students used MA plates on the cars their parents lent them.In amherst you see tons of out of state plates.Never heard of it being a problem.
MOGicantbewitty t1_jeemmro wrote
Reply to comment by eisenhower2016 in Brian Walshe indicteted for murder by Hoosac_Love
You know you spelled it wrong too, right?
Indicted, not indicated
paganlobster t1_jeemb6t wrote
Reply to comment by 0tanod in A new report found that Mass. has the highest GDP per capita in the country and is among the states least dependent on federal dollars. by truthseeeker
Or try getting addiction treatment in those states. They want addicts to die, full stop.
majoroutage t1_jeem63i wrote
You don't own the car. Your mother does.
You cannot register it.
cleancutmover t1_jeem4ss wrote
The more attention this matter gets, the worse the situation will become. I can go to your town and read sex novels for 3 minutes if I please. Any attempt to limit my speech is a violation of my 1st amendment rights and your town will be writing me a check. Its gross, but but there certainly is an increase in these losers out there. Best you can do is let them speak uninterrupted, nobody react, and move on.
paganlobster t1_jeem4fy wrote
Reply to comment by TheLyz in A new report found that Mass. has the highest GDP per capita in the country and is among the states least dependent on federal dollars. by truthseeeker
Unemployed yet paid protesters lol
PavelPod t1_jeelc7y wrote
Ban TikTok and any other Chinese or Russian crap!
PakkyT t1_jeel6w6 wrote
Reply to comment by instrumentally_ill in Ramifications of the "Right to be Rude" in Massachusetts by abhikavi
Well we have learned that if you tell your leaders to fuck off enough, you get to create a brand new country. Worked then.
youngjuju212 t1_jeesew6 wrote
Reply to comment by kaka8miranda in A new report found that Mass. has the highest GDP per capita in the country and is among the states least dependent on federal dollars. by truthseeeker
Seriously??? My god.