Recent comments in /f/massachusetts

kitkatklyng t1_jeeqoqv wrote

We are dealing with a similar but more much complicated situation. In many other places, I’m sure in Texas as well, the RMV/DMV electronically pull the title but MA requires the original PHYSICAL copy. I say this with emphasis because we had to fight with our lien holder tooth and nail to get them to send the physical copy to the RMV. Many lien holders, especially ones who don’t regularly do business in MA, will tell you you’re wrong and that it’s all done electronically.

Also, there is a very specific place to send the title. It’s not just your local RMV. Make sure to send to the RMV title office. Another option would be to have your lien holder send the title to your insurance, and the RMV should be able to confirm it with your insurance or something, but I’m not quite aware of how that pathway would play out. Sounds like more steps for things to go wrong.

Good luck and as one Texan transplant to another, Welcome!


Hoosac_Love t1_jeemn1c wrote

There is nothing stopping him either from driving the car out of state though if it is validly registered and insured by a valid out of state resident.

I used to to deliver pizza in Amherst near UMass and none of the out of state college students used MA plates on the cars their parents lent them.In amherst you see tons of out of state plates.Never heard of it being a problem.


cleancutmover t1_jeem4ss wrote

The more attention this matter gets, the worse the situation will become. I can go to your town and read sex novels for 3 minutes if I please. Any attempt to limit my speech is a violation of my 1st amendment rights and your town will be writing me a check. Its gross, but but there certainly is an increase in these losers out there. Best you can do is let them speak uninterrupted, nobody react, and move on.