Recent comments in /f/massachusetts
DeliPaper t1_jefphbh wrote
And in typical RMV fashion, it took forever
DMala t1_jefpdfa wrote
Reply to comment by brightlocks in Massachusetts ranks 49th for states where you're most likely to die early by LuckyLaceyKS
Ugh, that makes sense. It’s horrible, but it makes sense.
supercrooky t1_jefobd9 wrote
Reply to comment by brightlocks in Massachusetts ranks 49th for states where you're most likely to die early by LuckyLaceyKS
The "ranking" is dumb, it's by proportion of early deaths in the state due to accidents, rather than the more informative early death rate due to accidents.
A state can have a high percentage here due to accidents being high and other death rates being more average, or by having an average number of accidents and other death rates being low. West Virginia is the former, Connecticut is the latter.
This is pretty typical amateur hour mistake from someone making blogspam infographics.
Wesus t1_jefo9pv wrote
Reply to comment by BostonUniStudent in Exclusive: Ayanna Pressley on Introducing Bill to Advance Trans Rights by wdcmsnbcgay
I am not sure what the original comment said but if people want it from Ayanna directly:
brightlocks t1_jefo36l wrote
Reply to comment by DMala in Massachusetts ranks 49th for states where you're most likely to die early by LuckyLaceyKS
OMG I just spent 15 minutes figuring it out - it’s overdoses. I knew it was bad, but didn’t realize how bad.
Wesus t1_jefo1n7 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Exclusive: Ayanna Pressley on Introducing Bill to Advance Trans Rights by wdcmsnbcgay
you realize that federal congress members don't do anything at the state level, right?
DryAfternoon7779 t1_jefn6lb wrote
Mississippi has the highest obesity rate in the country. Must be a coincidence
DeliPaper t1_jefmimi wrote
Reply to comment by pillbinge in Exclusive: Ayanna Pressley on Introducing Bill to Advance Trans Rights by wdcmsnbcgay
But if you call it that, you can't take advantage of the 14th Amendment to force the issue.
crazicus t1_jefm62w wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Massachusetts ranks 49th for states where you're most likely to die early by LuckyLaceyKS
It’s ranked in ascending order based on the number of years lost per 100,000 people. #49 on that list means the 49th lowest number, or in other words, the 2nd highest number, as in 2nd most likely to die early.
BostonFoliage t1_jeflw3t wrote
Reply to comment by brightlocks in Massachusetts ranks 49th for states where you're most likely to die early by LuckyLaceyKS
Lobster attacks.
smokesmokesmokes t1_jeflqeq wrote
That's why I just escalated my pack a day smoking habit to two packs a day. Trying to make up for all the uptight do-gooders who think they're living forever.
mishakhill t1_jeflfzk wrote
I did not have to call my old insurance co. when I switched recently. In fact they (the broker I formerly used) called me to ask why I didn't get them a chance to bid lower.
The only thing I had to do was submit new proof of insurance to my lender (DCU, despite them also brokering the insurance, they didn't tell themselves about it)
Hoosac_Love OP t1_jefla36 wrote
Reply to comment by majoroutage in Berksire county man pleads guilty to possession of child porn by Hoosac_Love
Yea or at least go to jail and not probation
Hoosac_Love OP t1_jefl1h5 wrote
Reply to comment by CC_Ramone in Brian Walshe indicteted for murder by Hoosac_Love
Hoosac_Love t1_jefkvs9 wrote
Reply to comment by Popmuzik412 in registering an out of state financed car by Alive-Comfortable571
Yes that is a factor
eastwardarts t1_jefjjco wrote
Reply to comment by bostonmacosx in Massachusetts ranks 49th for states where you're most likely to die early by LuckyLaceyKS
Which pays for all the gun control, regulation, safety standards, healthcare, and social services that result in longer lifespans! Funny how that works.
HistoricalBridge7 t1_jefj9a1 wrote
Those NY NJ Covid % is insane when compared to other states and considering the type of individuals at higher risk.
pwmg t1_jefj206 wrote
Reply to comment by pillbinge in Exclusive: Ayanna Pressley on Introducing Bill to Advance Trans Rights by wdcmsnbcgay
I was wondering about people who change their name when getting married or divorced. Seems like that would be a much larger demographic subject to the same issue.
DMala t1_jefiyls wrote
Reply to comment by brightlocks in Massachusetts ranks 49th for states where you're most likely to die early by LuckyLaceyKS
I thought that too, but I’d think the industry is too small to have a big impact overall. Plus, if that were the case you’d expect MA to be higher. Places like New Bedford and Gloucester are much bigger commercial ports than anything in CT or RI as far as I know.
[deleted] t1_jefiege wrote
Megsmik8 t1_jefgrlg wrote
Reply to comment by Thiccaca in A new report found that Mass. has the highest GDP per capita in the country and is among the states least dependent on federal dollars. by truthseeeker
Because no one actually thinks it through. They don’t know NYS. Most people east of 495 know east of 495 and that’s it. They travel North to NH, ME for both summer and skiing. Maybe also VT for skiing. Then there’s also the Cape in the summer. If they do go to NYS it’s typically not often and it’s downstate. You don’t hit Tolls on I-95 until you hit the Bridges. If you take I-84 it’s the same, you hit a toll at the Newburgh-Beacon Bridge. If you drive on the parkways in NYS, which aren’t toll roads, they aren’t nearly as good.
brightlocks t1_jefgio9 wrote
Reply to comment by DMala in Massachusetts ranks 49th for states where you're most likely to die early by LuckyLaceyKS
It might be fishing? I’m really curious!
Bubbly_Preference_24 t1_jefg23l wrote
Just renew the registration in Texas.
D_is_for_Doomsayer t1_jeffqwc wrote
Reply to comment by bostonmacosx in Massachusetts ranks 49th for states where you're most likely to die early by LuckyLaceyKS
Welp, I guess that's one way to look at it. At least if you die prematurely, you won't have to pay taxes?
Hoosac_Love OP t1_jefpqqt wrote
Reply to comment by DeliPaper in Massachusetts RMV drops case against Virginia man who overstayed vacation! by Hoosac_Love
I knew he'd win.