Recent comments in /f/massachusetts

frankybling t1_jefvcj7 wrote

I agree I don’t think we will ever know the full story… however if he was carrying the correct insurance on his vehicle the rule of 30 day residency is faulty on its own for this state… you should be able to travel between states and be a resident of your home state… say like a year minus 90 days (if you’re in a state for 90 days I think is a fair compromise for residency). I don’t really have a good answer other than that I feel 30’days is not a long enough window if you’re abiding by the rules of the state for insurance coverage.


bostonshopper t1_jefuqep wrote

I'm really not bullshitting! I visited and stayed with friends from mid-October to mid-November, then drove home to VA and that was it. I know it seems like I must have done something obnoxious to get caught up in this, like staying for several months or abandoning my car. But I just honestly didn't.


Hoosac_Love OP t1_jefui28 wrote

It's not unual for young people to do cross country type road trips and stay a week here or a month there or two weeks here.Young people do that type of thing.

I don't think he lied ,I think he was just a transiant young person that made the mistake of staying Mass to long.I don't think he is lying.


The_rising_sea t1_jeftt4g wrote

Exactly. I fully expect that. I don’t think this guy is being forthright about all the details. I will never believe that this was a “vacation.” Keep in mind that the whole media firestorm resulted after this case was originally adjudicated, and he only took to Reddit and the local media because it wasn’t adjudicated in his favor. Sometimes accountability sucks, and sometimes we screw up. The difference is this guy played on everyone’s sympathy and their disdain towards the RMV in order to get out of a mess he created. I guess that’s the part that bothers me, not just that he’s full of shit, but that he used you all in order to avoid accountability, and worse yet, it worked.


flamethrower2 t1_jefrff6 wrote

I'm more concerned about misinformation. Nothing is gained when misinformed people speak, and it might be harmful. Let's say nothing of people who speak in order to misinform leaders, to achieve their policy objective.

In some of the rural western states, people got library closures (they wanted) because certain children's books (they were rarely even novels for adults and older children) were present in the library.