Recent comments in /f/massachusetts

The_rising_sea t1_jefy3zm wrote

Ask the RMV who originally had a judge, magistrate, or other hearing officer look at the facts and came to a decision based on those facts and not based on a popularity contest. They will be able to tell you what accountability looks like. The sad fact that they caved in to pressure because of a popularity contest doesn’t change what should have happened


The_rising_sea t1_jefxbsn wrote

Your insistence on winning me over is dubious. You played on people’s sympathies and wrapped yourself in the warm blanket of “yeah! Screw the RMV” sentiment, in order to get yourself out of a self created crisis. It’s worth every downvote to tell you straight up, you are not to be believed.


The_rising_sea t1_jefwl9l wrote

He might be a plain old-fashioned transient, living out of his car. That would be a better explanation for what transpired. And, I am only now getting a look at him, and let’s be honest with each other, it strains credulity to call him a “young person.” You can think he’s telling the truth. I just can’t.


pillbinge t1_jefw8ot wrote

She can't directly affect any of those things, so that's irrelevant. My question is why she's focusing on this as a trans issue, or why outlets are, when this has been happening for as long as married women have been changing their name, and other people have decided for different names for other reasons, for a long, long time. I'd say thousands of years, but it depends where, and credit bureaus have only been around so long.