Recent comments in /f/massachusetts
-azuma- t1_jegkbj6 wrote
Reply to comment by The_rising_sea in Massachusetts RMV drops case against Virginia man who overstayed vacation! by Hoosac_Love
Your hot take trash is absolutely unbearable and I felt the compulsion to call out your ass fuckery, I couldn't help it. Go stick your nose someplace else.
The_rising_sea t1_jegk5i1 wrote
Reply to comment by -azuma- in Massachusetts RMV drops case against Virginia man who overstayed vacation! by Hoosac_Love
You’re partially butt-hurt. It’s OK to have feelings. This is a safe space for you.
-azuma- t1_jegjwqq wrote
Reply to comment by The_rising_sea in Massachusetts RMV drops case against Virginia man who overstayed vacation! by Hoosac_Love
You're an absolute clown shoe
-azuma- t1_jegjsd8 wrote
Reply to comment by The_rising_sea in Massachusetts RMV drops case against Virginia man who overstayed vacation! by Hoosac_Love
Oh fuck off
Bmor00bam t1_jegj9bl wrote
Hell yeah!
Therapistsfor200 t1_jegid4f wrote
A nosy neighbor in JP? Whoever heard of such a thing!
ohhgrrl t1_jegi375 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Massachusetts RMV drops case against Virginia man who overstayed vacation! by Hoosac_Love
How do you make this post and add misinformation in the comments? Do you even k ow the story?
oscar-scout t1_jeghnz6 wrote
Given who are the top "unintentional injuries" states, looks like overdose deaths are probably included in this bucket.
Nomahs_Bettah t1_jegh985 wrote
Reply to comment by Hoosac_Love in Massachusetts RMV drops case against Virginia man who overstayed vacation! by Hoosac_Love
Learned...what lesson? The RMV was in the wrong. What lesson was he supposed to have learned, he did nothing wrong.
gweal t1_jegg51p wrote
Reply to comment by SouthShoreSerenade in Meet the 19-year-old Northeastern student running to be mayor of Woburn by ak47workaccnt
bleepbloopbluupp t1_jegd68t wrote
Reply to comment by DeliPaper in Best Polar Seltzer Round 4 by Simon_Jester88
This whole list, buncha sociopaths
Quiet-Ad-12 t1_jegcmpl wrote
Reply to comment by QuasiQuokka in Seeking affordable reception venue recommendations near Canton, MA by QuasiQuokka
Wow that's nuts
Hoosac_Love OP t1_jegci0a wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Massachusetts RMV drops case against Virginia man who overstayed vacation! by Hoosac_Love
There were so many comments on the previous thread it's hard to remember all of them
gordonfactor t1_jegchtd wrote
Ridiculous that it even escalated past the first phone call
-CalicoKitty- t1_jegcbmy wrote
Reply to comment by ungusbungus69 in Massachusetts RMV drops case against Virginia man who overstayed vacation! by Hoosac_Love
Somerville and Medford do, but afaik Boston doesn't, and I double checked the parking site.
Initial_Scarcity_609 t1_jegbol5 wrote
Reply to A new report found that Mass. has the highest GDP per capita in the country and is among the states least dependent on federal dollars. by truthseeeker
I follow this subreddit and also /r/Florida that stark contrast and positive news I see on here compared to there makes me sad
hemingwai t1_jegbett wrote
But bringing $0 home to her district
[deleted] t1_jegb5cb wrote
oklahummus t1_jegb3ny wrote
Reply to comment by dunksoverstarbucks in Massachusetts RMV drops case against Virginia man who overstayed vacation! by Hoosac_Love
This 100%. I had a neighbor in JP who put space savers in front of their house year round.
Popmuzik412 t1_jegawww wrote
Reply to comment by Alive-Comfortable571 in registering an out of state financed car by Alive-Comfortable571
Your going to have to get your own financing and buy it from her. Then put it in your name and the finance company will send the title to the RMV.
Hoosac_Love OP t1_jegat6n wrote
I believe you ,he may have been with friends
Hoosac_Love OP t1_jegajfn wrote
Reply to comment by ahecht in Massachusetts RMV drops case against Virginia man who overstayed vacation! by Hoosac_Love
Good than they were telling the truth than I'm not against him.
Hoosac_Love t1_jegadcw wrote
Reply to comment by Alive-Comfortable571 in registering an out of state financed car by Alive-Comfortable571
I could say have the title put in your name and have the lien holder fax the RMV Out of of other thoughts right now
Alive-Comfortable571 OP t1_jega2b4 wrote
Reply to comment by majoroutage in registering an out of state financed car by Alive-Comfortable571
that’s a nice idea. do I just look up the closes one I can find or should i look into which ones offer the best rate first? do you have any experience with any good ones? thanks for helping out boss!
oscar-scout t1_jegker8 wrote
Reply to comment by brightlocks in Massachusetts ranks 49th for states where you're most likely to die early by LuckyLaceyKS
Overdoses have to be a big factor in the "unintentional injuries" bucket. No one talks about it enough but CT has a series overdose pandemic going on, in particular, New Haven county. Most of these people go unnoticed or are estranged with their family so there are rarely any media stories on them. The big factor is the esplosion of fentanyl. Fentanyl is the real pandemic out there.