Submitted by EthicalBribes t3_yvjdp5
Submitted by ak47workaccnt t3_10wugmu
Submitted by TurretLauncher t3_ziycsz
Submitted by aHurricaneGod t3_11osmpg
Submitted by Consistent-Tooth-390 t3_z867ag
Submitted by nrvs_hbt t3_yqqa2s
Submitted by Hoosac_Love t3_123wk8o
Submitted by aehsonairb t3_11au0ga
Submitted by pastywhiterunner t3_zylh1q
Submitted by orleansville t3_y9s2zo
Submitted by Avocadoexpresss t3_125ww38
Submitted by Hoosac_Love t3_124jttn
Submitted by oceansofmyancestors t3_yopgpy
Submitted by LopsidedWafer3269 t3_10cyrrv
Submitted by MarcoVinicius t3_11nro45
U.S. hospitals are required to publish their prices for medical procedures now, so my friends and I collected around 15 million prices from 143 hospitals in Massachusetts and created a search engine where anyone can see how much they may be charged. Let me know what you think!
finestrahealth.comSubmitted by taeyoungwoo t3_zg7zrb
Submitted by FTHomes t3_10cpj3w
Submitted by [deleted] t3_ztcwpv
Submitted by richg0404 t3_11x2u70