Submitted by nebirah t3_yp6nyh
Violent Crime Rates of Massachusetts Municipalities (2020) (OC) (re-upload based on constructive criticism)
Submitted by potkea t3_zyav1l
Submitted by genadyarkhipau t3_zhu5kq
Dozens of cities and towns are facing their first big deadline to comply with a new state law that requires them to legalize more homes near MBTA stations. In Weston, a notoriously exclusive suburb, town officials met this morning to discuss how they might comply with the new rules:
mass.streetsblog.orgSubmitted by streetsblogmass t3_10pb2iy
Submitted by Clementine823 t3_zc9d5y
Despite the geographic similarities, and their proximity to eachother, New York was never considered a part of New England. Why was this historically? What sets NY, especially Upstate (with scenic views, small towns) apart from NE?
Submitted by Commercial-Life-9998 t3_10frivo
Submitted by Lawlesslawton t3_115onj1
Submitted by new_Australis t3_10yy8ig
A mystery body washed up on a Marblehead beach Thursday has been identified as 31-year-old Michael Gray | “The truth of what happened was such an innocent but reckless mistake. … He started cold plunging sometime ago and often did it to clear his mind and help him work out his stress."
boston.comSubmitted by rabblebowser t3_10oiub0
Submitted by Lil_Brown_Bat t3_10jtj5p
Submitted by SanguinePenguinPete t3_z636bh
Submitted by Hoosac_Love t3_11rv656
Submitted by obcork t3_y0hv1p
Submitted by [deleted] t3_11ok3qf
Submitted by bostonteacher90871 t3_1176bd6
Submitted by SnooHedgehogs7109 t3_y4qkey
[3-15-2023] Thanks to all who sent in snow reports. Here's the map based on the reports + estimates from NOHRSC (
Submitted by [deleted] t3_11s2pfo
Submitted by LeslieMarston t3_xulpp4
Submitted by smedlap t3_yit6jj
Submitted by dignitytogether t3_y5rv49
Submitted by aHurricaneGod t3_yab6kl