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nico1952k t1_ja0qmv1 wrote

is this a meme


cinobalanos t1_ja0rs1m wrote

No meme, just salty


magic_Mofy OP t1_ja0tq3l wrote

Nah, theres no salt. I just dont find it funny. Whenever I see a clip of any of these I just wonder how you can find that funny.


cinobalanos t1_ja0u09l wrote

Well there's a lot of variety in those shows anyway, most people like some of them more or hate some of them and love others, and there's a variety of different kind of jokes inside them. I get it's not your thing I don't love some of those which you listed tbh, but it doesn't really feel like they are all the same category to me


magic_Mofy OP t1_ja0ujdn wrote

I mean I can only judge based on what I have seen and I had the impression these shows and their jokes were pretty similar. There sure may be differences I dont know about


cinobalanos t1_ja0v468 wrote

The only thing they have in common is it's animation also or mainly for for adults meant to make you laugh and make satire. Apart from that it's like stepping into complete different universes of plotmaking and comedy imho


Your-moms-house- t1_ja0wimk wrote

Just being open minded and having a sense of humor helps us enjoy these shows lol