BallsDeepInADragon t1_jaaxp39 wrote
Chill, Satan just wanted a hotdog
darthcaedusiiii t1_jaayfcy wrote
I'm definitely thinner from not living a block from a 24 hr shell station that made banging breakfast sandwiches and salads. Also little Debbies.
Charlieuyj t1_jab0fd5 wrote
Hahahaha love it!
Asddddd6 t1_jab128o wrote
QX33557 t1_jab1jrt wrote
Also that awkward moment when you completed your transaction and the clerk give you that please don't leave me look.
TealTigerlily t1_jab25yp wrote
Dang I just had a cold flashback to living in Denver on Colfax st
Witlok t1_jab3njn wrote
Buy him a gas station hotdog and it’s good luck on your next scratch off
[deleted] t1_jab6a03 wrote
ElemLight t1_jabi2qc wrote
That's not how i remember Moana like.....
Downtown-Ad4625 t1_jac6t0i wrote
MrMiaw t1_jaca0bd wrote
Is this an american meme and Im too european to understand? /s
stealth443 t1_jaaxoi1 wrote
7/11 hotdogs 🤢