Submitted by ImScared93lol t3_11efd0q in memes
Titankronus111 t1_jadsucb wrote
ImScared93lol OP t1_jadtt1r wrote
Some video I seen earlier
ImScared93lol OP t1_jadtxrj wrote
Ahhh a fellow appreciator of the fine things. Nice to meet your acquaintance sir!
Suspicious-Wing-8808 t1_jadw3yk wrote
me too bro, I even prefer regular porn with plot lines (it's rare to find them) than those in which they straight up start having sex.
[deleted] t1_jadx2oz wrote
Znagge t1_jadziqa wrote
Grisaia no kajitsu be like
Chilly_C00p t1_jae1d2t wrote
you watch hentai for the porn. i watch it for the plot. we are not the same
marshalzukov t1_jae1y4s wrote
I often find myself skipping the scenes because it often feels secondary to the fucking psychological horrorshow unfolding outside of the scenes themselves. Its unreal how involved a fucking cartoon porn plot can be
Avg_Degenerate t1_jae8k8v wrote
may I request the sauce, good sir?
[deleted] t1_jae9df0 wrote
r_ugly_man t1_jae9o3h wrote
wannaplayterraria t1_jae9p8q wrote
Sometimes I go soft because I'm too invested in the plot
[deleted] t1_jaebk9f wrote
ImScared93lol OP t1_jaeg2l5 wrote
Plot gang represent
[deleted] t1_jaegdf3 wrote
[deleted] t1_jaeh53j wrote
depressedmaniac210 t1_jaehhr3 wrote
Sure you do...
Send_nudes_over_here t1_jaejo6p wrote
I can't get off without character development
[deleted] t1_jaek1ef wrote
[deleted] t1_jaek3dv wrote
Crankyest t1_jaekl9z wrote
Bible black was a hentsi with great plot
Smart-Nothing t1_jaekopa wrote
You guys get translations?
Susysigmamale t1_jaekvww wrote
Metamorphosis has a good and happy plot you should see it
king_o0o t1_jael0d5 wrote
Ah black bible plot twists, such memories
wawawa9055 t1_jael541 wrote
joke on you, in Quebec, plot is a slang word for vagina
Sc0ttify t1_jaem093 wrote
I hate to admit it, but same… it has happened too many times
Sc0ttify t1_jaem660 wrote
Nah, we learned Japanese just too understand the plot.
Jeremy_irons_cereal t1_jaeucy4 wrote
Urotsukidoji. Those of us who know, know.
Questionablememelord t1_jaewgqy wrote
Finding actually good acting and plot is hard. (No pun intended) A great replacement i have found is going for the delibretly bad acting ones where they are self aware and you can laugh a bunch
Yin1783 t1_jaf0snm wrote
If I say I can't relate, will I get downvoted?
[deleted] t1_jaf1i4r wrote
Virtual-Goose-7135 t1_jador5d wrote
True learning about Jurai-San and his 3 girlfriends he has that he has to hide from his mom everytime she comes home is much more interesting then Jurai fucking them.