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CesarGameBoy t1_je3akpb wrote

β€œHey Siri, search up Rilex Lenov on Twitter.”


3_internets_plz t1_je3e0hh wrote

Hmm.. what about users who use AI to generate their own porn?


GLI8Y t1_je3e6le wrote

"I use ai to make i-" SHUT UP


SpirituallyUnaware1 t1_je3gs9k wrote

Incognito forever baby, I don't care who sees it, as long as, it isn't a friend/family member that happens to use my phone for some reason....


meaniedabeanie t1_je3m8ff wrote

i dont look ad bad stuff but i look at gory stuff with incognito + vpn


BrokenFridgeHandle t1_je3oz16 wrote

fuuuuuuuuuuck this brought back a memory where i hid under my blanket even while my parents were in the room and got my ipad and used to siri to watch porn


P3dr0S4nch3z t1_je3r7ov wrote

Hey Siri, find me porn with two gender neutral midgets that massage a shaved goat. Alexa, order daddy more lube, this time family size!!


Fuzzy_Durian_9284 t1_je3xdgv wrote

there must be no one that they care around their life ( i mean the rabbit


HelloPepperoni73 t1_je3y82a wrote

"Hey Siri, search 'pregnant mixed-race MILF gang bang. Oh! With lactation!"


Frisky_Potato42nite t1_je3ykwa wrote

Bro, I barely use Siri to set an alarm. Who the hell out here asking Siri for porn? Put her out of her misery!


RAGNES7 t1_je3zqjw wrote

This is sad, Alexa Play despacito mashup on the Hub


Knight9910 t1_je41rta wrote

Me who just looks it up normally, because I'm lazy and because despite what you think, they're still tracking your ass even if you use incognito or a VPN.


TotalImagination4408 t1_je42fi1 wrote

It wanted me to allow 18+ content, and I just never did that. I don't even know how to do it as well, but it's just not worth the troubleπŸ’€


TotalImagination4408 t1_je42ku5 wrote

I saw a bunch of AI made stuff on rule 34 the other day, and I have to say, its pretty solid. No weird hands or anything, but it just lacks that special something you get from handmade images. It will probably learn that too eventuallyπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


mrfroggyman t1_je44fpi wrote

Hey Siri get me some good granny rimming porn


KevinFlantier t1_je4556r wrote

If you want disturbing know that you can ask ChatGPT to create you a text-based role playing game, so basically you can ask ChatGPT to cosplay as your sex-slave.


Pacobing t1_je48lrx wrote

Hey siri. Look up Samsung X Apple


NimaSon t1_je4amnm wrote

Me who searching porn on a regular window


[deleted] t1_je4awfj wrote

Oh you poor sweet sweet child...whoever pays for the internet can see the websites you go to regardless...

Fun fact: They can't see what you were searching on uh idk pornhub? It will just show the website name. (I think)


NoVirus_69 t1_je4e1cg wrote

Why use sir ? I don't understand cuz I don't use Iphone lol


Dr4zhar t1_je4f5g1 wrote

"Siri, remove your shoes and show me feet"


FlexViper t1_je4fgey wrote

Use siri to find one of those Samsung chan nsfw inorder to make siri jealous


ImperialSasquatch t1_je4g15z wrote

VPN to just watch porn ? Unless your parents work at ISP, or you just gonna watch something from no no category then it makes sense. Otherwise, who cares that I watch some milf porn


ToastedPerson t1_je4hp0g wrote

Everybody wants Siris help

Nobody wants Siri 😩

They only want that h0e Alexa


Diman1351 t1_je4mhr5 wrote

Hey alice, show me some catgirl hentai


areola_hotah t1_je4r8l5 wrote

Tor user not even in the picture, because they're in prison.


Ocean_Man6587 t1_je4vpnm wrote

Lotta people like to shit on AI, but like, as long as you curate a hypernetwork based around what you actually like, and then you have detailed prompts, you can make some reeealllly good stuff with little effort. People just hate it because now artists can't charge $70 for art anymore, 'cause now I don't need to hire somebody to make cover art for any of my stuff, I can just use AI, and it's free! Therefore it's bad.


kindofsus38 t1_je4yxqd wrote

Me who uses google home to ask what's the last number of pi:



soap_soap07 t1_je50gh9 wrote

Hey siri, contact the milfs in my local area


Susdoggodoggy t1_je5av9i wrote

β€œThere are 23 MILFS in your area, which would you like?”


No_Feeling_6833 t1_je5grc2 wrote

As an incognito user, I have to agree. Who uses Siri to find porn?


eltha9 t1_je5ntft wrote

Oh I need to test that. Thanks for the idea ^^'


sobernator t1_je5y33i wrote

Alexa: ... did you mean chickennuggets?


NoInstruction2007 t1_je5zymu wrote

Too poor for a VPN, too lazy to use Incognito.

A foolish method, but it works. No one else looks in my phone anyway.


JOUHANLO t1_je60nc5 wrote

Holy shit that is horrible im scard


AIDANSNIPER t1_je65wev wrote

Oh what the fuck. People actually do that? Jesus didn't die for this on God.


Howdydobe t1_je6ayju wrote

Can't use VPNs to look at porn here soon, the TikTok ban is making it illegal.


Leskotoja t1_je6cnir wrote

Nah incognito is ussles i like my prefs to be saved in cookies as long as shemle dosent show up on fp XD


jimMyIsNotTaken t1_je6fx46 wrote

My parents know I jerk off so I don’t need any of those


MOM_STEALER_ t1_je6zsas wrote

you remined me of one of my friends done this shit thingπŸ˜‚


jromperdinck t1_je7281k wrote

How about going to an actual porn shop to purchase a porn magazine?


rameneater23 t1_je76mg7 wrote

"Hey Siri, pull up file 32 from porn folder labelled 'sound only'."


Aden-55 t1_je7btuc wrote

Haha. What an adorable pic: the semi-baby is so scared of that beautiful rabbit.


brokenwound t1_je7enr0 wrote

Alexa, Siri, Cortana please bring me more AI waifu for my harem.


RoofJumpy323 t1_je7wy9i wrote

"Hey Alexa, Play *insert Generic Porn Name here* on living room TV"


DevilinPanties t1_je8cswj wrote

We have people who use twitter to search porn here in India


TheVikin6 t1_je91x6o wrote

I can't be the only one who uses VM for that?


Slazy_ t1_je9mxhi wrote

Imagine using a Google home speaker that has your wife's profile.