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ibimsderjakob t1_iy794lb wrote

If you need wolfram alpha for this youre lost


SpaceshipEarth10 OP t1_iy7i40j wrote

Nope. I want to think of other things instead mundane and repetitive steps. Free your mind means using the correct tools, tech included.


Johnny_Slayz t1_iy8k8yb wrote

Using wolfram is definitely not the right tool. That’s basically the equivalent of using a rocket launcher to kill a spider


IllustriousApple1091 t1_iy7thhc wrote

It was BIDMAS at my secondary school. What is PEMDAS?

Brackets, indices, division, multiplication, addition, subtraction


Thunderscoob t1_iy82u78 wrote

parentheses, exponents, mutiplication and division, addition and subtraction.