I-took-your-oranges t1_iye1ndx wrote
Are people’s expenses going up? Then yes, it is indeed called inflation.
drakens6 OP t1_iye1pks wrote
rich hands wrote this
I-took-your-oranges t1_iye1rur wrote
I wish lol
drakens6 OP t1_iye4vf4 wrote
give the oranges back m8
lego_office_worker t1_iyeh7ri wrote
well duh, when the purchasing power of money falls, you have to pay more nominal dollars for the same goods.
thats why inflation is a problem. sure the corporations are making more nominal dollars, but they arent worth as much.
if you have an economy with $100 dollars in it, and then you print another $100, no one in your economy is "twice as rich"
they just have 2x the dollars which now have 0.5x the purchasing power. whats 2 * 0.5?
itsdarkinhere12 t1_iye4qxb wrote
It was super obvious that this was going to happen. A lot of people called it but nothing ever gets done.