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ZentriX21 t1_j2echy5 wrote

Oh, I think I would play that game! Now i am going to save it and propose we play it with my friends.


Lili-Wen-Fach t1_j2edq07 wrote

Bald non binary people who has a Nokia, who never drink, are a middle height and are the eldest player would be better than others at this

Or if you’re just Domino (the mutant)


TotalyAwspmeNoob t1_j2ehtqg wrote

if you roll more than it takes to make it to the end, it carrys over to the beginning. like if you roll a 5 when you are 3 spaces away from the end you go to the second space from the beginning.


Dr-Polo t1_j2einyz wrote

I’m ready, when do we start?