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molotovtotheface t1_j2ebz9u wrote

The left should've had "Jack" capitalized to insinuate that it was a person's name; followed by a comma, distinguishing what's the verb, and noun to the sentence.

My overthinking has given me a headache.


Rumble_N OP t1_j2ece7w wrote

I was going to do this, but then realized the lack of punctuation and capitalization portrays the idea that the same exact sentence can mean two separate things.


mrsockyman t1_j2edi6o wrote

I get what you're trying to say, but this meme conveys that you're having 2 reactions to jacking a horse off, not emphasising the difference from capitalisation.


Bob3130 t1_j2ebku8 wrote

Capitalization of names is useful.


scalascione t1_j2eeqdh wrote

Comma placement, very important.


fizzy_the_dragon t1_j2eunwe wrote

I read them the first one the way the second one was supposed to be read