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Pingusek02 t1_j6fr3gd wrote

"some heterosexuals" -gender not stated

In their dialogue they refer to the possible future lover as she, so in some cases it would in fact be gay.


Pop_Bulky t1_j6fsva2 wrote

Y’know, I could write a whole paragraph about how that statement could be interpreted; but assuming you meant in relation to females of any context, I’ll just agree with you and not overthink it.


evildreaming t1_j6ga4v6 wrote

So what? If I wanted to date a Trans Man, and I'm a girl, It wouldn't stop me.


freebirth t1_j6gf9iz wrote

hey look. more right wing bullshit.


naytreox t1_j6gmlvt wrote

They are, but with femboys you can have a conversation with them that doesn't feel like ether a test or that its going all over the place.

Plus since they are men they know what men like.


dwipad61 t1_j6grhyx wrote

I was not even demeaning anyone. I just genuinely wanted to discuss the topic. But it seems like people get offended for the sake of being offended. I like that you reasoned. Now I will delete the comment before Reddit bans my account.


CaveGuy710 t1_j6gvhxv wrote

I mean it's under the umbrella of queer but it isn't gay unless both people identify as women? Owlturd sucks now...


MineTerraGamingYT t1_j6gyy1y wrote

If the heterosexual is of the opposite gender: Won't date because the trans person isn't biologically the opposite sex.

If the heterosexual is of the same gender: Won't date because the trans person is the same gender.

Catch 22.


Intelligent-Umpire88 t1_j6h3zku wrote

no, having unprotected anal sex with another man behind an arby's made him gay.