[deleted] t1_j6lka60 wrote
dno610 t1_j6lkezw wrote
And we say nay!
AtomicBombSquad t1_j6lknhu wrote
A happy little meme.
PinheadLarrywastaken t1_j6llmvz wrote
This took way too long to understand
OzNajarin t1_j6llzo3 wrote
We are but men,
dno610 t1_j6lm5o0 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6lmg23 wrote
GhostMetalGaming t1_j6lmq29 wrote
Pretty sure "tribute" means something else on Reddit...
Panzerkrabbe t1_j6lmswm wrote
Paaaaaaint the best poooooortrait in the world. Or I’ll eat your soul.
Technical_Ad8568 t1_j6lngxk wrote
Chufflarry t1_j6lswec wrote
Jack ross
Mailunread t1_j6ltoyu wrote
Couldn't remember the greatest artist in the world yeah no
This is a tribute
polish-rockstar t1_j6lu593 wrote
This is just a repost
garryy_ t1_j6ly1ci wrote
the-shady-norwegian t1_j6lz7if wrote
Bob Black
JonasRahbek t1_j6lzmt7 wrote
Since when did JB get such a smooth beard? I feel like it's been decades since his last trim.
PM_me_coolest_shit t1_j6m02zb wrote
A legend portraying another legend. Legendception.
antenope t1_j6m0q07 wrote
Well me and Bob, we looked at each other, and we each said..
Vierstigma t1_j6m17gg wrote
Behzadhsh13 t1_j6m2onr wrote
Painting academy
rambossian t1_j6m37fq wrote
So we painted the first thing that came into our heads, and it just so happened to be
Kamouflauge t1_j6m3d86 wrote
The best painting in the woooorld, it was the best painting in the woooorld
DanakAin t1_j6m44ux wrote
I didn't know Tenacious D or Tribute existed until like a month ago and lemme tell you, it has been the best month music-wise since.
primeboy217 t1_j6m4q2n wrote
eigi_einhver t1_j6m4zq3 wrote
aww, to me its the thought that counts, love bob ross, cool photo jack🤘
crackersncheeseman t1_j6m6nzb wrote
I think I was jack rolled
LexLutfisk t1_j6m6sc6 wrote
Look into my eyes and it's easy to see
Wattsupwithalan t1_j6m6tnj wrote
where you born a month ago?
newroeliedude554 t1_j6m7c0x wrote
1 and 1 is 2 Yellow and blue make green
It was destiny
BoelSardin t1_j6m7d89 wrote
I mean it's not the greatest song in the world.
Turbotechblast t1_j6m7iun wrote
One and one makes two, two and one makes three, It was artistry.
[deleted] t1_j6m7zbf wrote
[deleted] t1_j6m8t3n wrote
cre8majik t1_j6m9e18 wrote
This is awesome!
tiffthespliff t1_j6m9lq7 wrote
Once every 100,000 brush strokes or so when the trees grow friends and rivers doth flow And mountains doth have snow
tayr5242 t1_j6makgz wrote
it was just a tribute
tayr5242 t1_j6mamrk wrote
Spenceky666 t1_j6mb42o wrote
Jack Black is a treasure amongst humanity. For real. If you think he is the SHIT, look up who is mother is. Truly amazing stuff in that family.
Feistydeg t1_j6mb6fr wrote
Since when did JB get such a smooth beard
hetfield37 t1_j6mbeyx wrote
aaaaaahhhhh aaaaaahahahaaaaaahhhh oOOoOOOOohhhhhHh ooowowowoowowooooohhhhh ohwowwooooyeeeeee
SergioEduP t1_j6mbpwr wrote
The joy of rock.
MarSc77 t1_j6mc0op wrote
great tribute. even the painting looks like a happy little accident.
whofarted81 t1_j6mc0z6 wrote
Neat, i like the use of..... what is he doing? Selling hotdogs?
[deleted] t1_j6mc8fg wrote
dogdillon t1_j6mcbb2 wrote
Bob Ross as Bowser in the new Mario movie
Urgayifyouregay t1_j6mcdb7 wrote
were you born an omnipresent god?
[deleted] t1_j6mcky4 wrote
Charlatangle t1_j6mcs1u wrote
Jesus, that makes the rest of your life sound kinda bleak music-wise.
[deleted] t1_j6md8ch wrote
Aafinthe3rd t1_j6mdawp wrote
I'm going fucking insane I just listened to this song for the first time like 2 minutes ago because Spotify randomly played it and now I see this. Wtf.
Icy_Health6006 t1_j6mdk09 wrote
Wish you were there
[deleted] t1_j6me1ng wrote
IHaveTheScurvy t1_j6memg7 wrote
Needless to say... The bush was stunned
[deleted] t1_j6mepbd wrote
gamegeekj t1_j6mffg6 wrote
This is not, the greatest painting in the world. THIS IS A TRHIBBUTTTE!
cdub998 t1_j6mfj9q wrote
I can hear that
Wattsupwithalan t1_j6mg80k wrote
ZurinArctus_ t1_j6mgmkk wrote
I love this community
[deleted] t1_j6mgngi wrote
Traditional-Draft-65 t1_j6mgrqj wrote
The brush of destiny
OliSnips t1_j6mguwb wrote
Amph, di-tsu-gamm-gi-guk gi, gu ga fligugigu, fligugigu, de-deee-ee, yugu-guk di, yu-go-go-gu-gu-ga-be, fligugigu fli-gu-whoo mama Lucifer!
KjoeLjan t1_j6mgvx6 wrote
You must have missed this Jablinski video then!
[deleted] t1_j6mhgje wrote
[deleted] t1_j6mhjp3 wrote
FingerTheCat t1_j6mhtpj wrote
The ending of this video reminded me of when I was a child in the 90's, and Mars Attacks! was in theaters. When Jack Blacks character died I was extremely sad and I knew I shouldn't have been but that movie was scary for 8 year old me lol
tamifromcali t1_j6mhwv5 wrote
I'm to lazy to look it up. So she is?
akaRandomHero t1_j6mi18s wrote
There's no right or wrong here. There's just Kage.
[deleted] t1_j6mipyh wrote
[deleted] t1_j6mivje wrote
[deleted] t1_j6mjls6 wrote
Drcokecacola t1_j6mkz23 wrote
Paying homage to the legend Bob Ross
[deleted] t1_j6ml61b wrote
BaconMeetsCheese t1_j6mlk5e wrote
Well he better beat the devil out of it.
Fantertuu t1_j6mll3s wrote
[deleted] t1_j6mm1w1 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6mm7f2 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6mmfe4 wrote
Entropy_flipside133 t1_j6mmrxc wrote
Same thing applies with the new bionicle gift with purchase set that came out. It’s a tribute but could lead to something more in the future
blahajlovinggirl t1_j6mno2e wrote
it took me a super long time to realise lol
Faeillus t1_j6mnpnr wrote
A bot commenting on another bot. Botception. Reported.
Dorfl-the-Golem t1_j6mo9js wrote
Now you have to watch The Pick of Destiny and Post-Apocalypto. Then your indoctrination will be complete. Long live the D!
[deleted] t1_j6mq8nh wrote
Anonymouchee t1_j6mtkud wrote
billlllllllllllLLLLP t1_j6mu56v wrote
Be you Bob Ross?
ara9ond t1_j6mvjoz wrote
You seven individuals deserve to win the internets. All of them.
ara9ond t1_j6mw030 wrote
I WANT to hear that!!!
Lezxcvbv t1_j6mwc8q wrote
I didn't know Tenacious D or Tribute existed until like a month ago and lemme tell you, it has been the best month music-wise since.
ara9ond t1_j6mwva1 wrote
Who. The. Frog. Knew!!!!!!!!
His brother, Neil, was no slouch, either.
greenshronkie t1_j6mx3p4 wrote
maybe not the best painter but one hell of a teacher
These-Serve-294 t1_j6mxao8 wrote
He still alive guys calm down
frick-boi t1_j6mztdu wrote
tamifromcali t1_j6n1c2t wrote
Well that's not helpful 😕
ShelterTPP t1_j6n34zm wrote
You got to belive it and you wish you were there
ItsAryNotAri_27 t1_j6n4pd8 wrote
Respect dude
[deleted] t1_j6n7bm3 wrote
KMS_Tirpitz__ t1_j6n80nj wrote
Hold up I’m honestly quite confused about this could anyone explain this meme for me please I’d greatly appreciate it?
Tanked6 OP t1_j6neq03 wrote
Jack Black in his band has a song called tribute. It starts off, this is not the greatest song in the world, it’s a tribute. The painter is Bob Ross. It’s a play between the song and Bob Ross
Armeanu91 t1_j6nfqlo wrote
Z0NU5 t1_j6njvbp wrote
You gotta believe me.
[deleted] t1_j6nwmmy wrote
JasonGamesYT t1_j6nz5dc wrote
We couldn't be the greatest painter in the woooorld
n o
This is a tribute
BBQCHICKENALERT t1_j6o1wnq wrote
his thumb is Mildly Penis
insertjokehere12345 t1_j6o4vc8 wrote
I can't remember, who is the greatest painter in the world?
[deleted] t1_j6obxe0 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6ofiwa wrote
Joverby t1_j6oko2g wrote
Tenacious D is great
batmenvonwayne t1_j6om038 wrote
Jack rolled
therudereditdude t1_j6orshc wrote
Yeah, you can't do that. I already sold my soul
CrimsonDesperado t1_j6ougr2 wrote
She's something of a scientist herself
Bobbytheman666 t1_j6oz7so wrote
Personnally I discocered them about a year ago, and Im 32.
But if he WAS born a month ago, he is a prodogy of writing
Monguises t1_j6ljeo9 wrote
Wait… be he Angel?