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GhostMetalGaming t1_j6lmq29 wrote

Pretty sure "tribute" means something else on Reddit...


Panzerkrabbe t1_j6lmswm wrote

Paaaaaaint the best poooooortrait in the world. Or I’ll eat your soul.


Mailunread t1_j6ltoyu wrote

Couldn't remember the greatest artist in the world yeah no

This is a tribute


JonasRahbek t1_j6lzmt7 wrote

Since when did JB get such a smooth beard? I feel like it's been decades since his last trim.


DanakAin t1_j6m44ux wrote

I didn't know Tenacious D or Tribute existed until like a month ago and lemme tell you, it has been the best month music-wise since.


eigi_einhver t1_j6m4zq3 wrote

aww, to me its the thought that counts, love bob ross, cool photo jack🤘


Spenceky666 t1_j6mb42o wrote

Jack Black is a treasure amongst humanity. For real. If you think he is the SHIT, look up who is mother is. Truly amazing stuff in that family.


MarSc77 t1_j6mc0op wrote

great tribute. even the painting looks like a happy little accident.


whofarted81 t1_j6mc0z6 wrote

Neat, i like the use of..... what is he doing? Selling hotdogs?


dogdillon t1_j6mcbb2 wrote

Bob Ross as Bowser in the new Mario movie


Aafinthe3rd t1_j6mdawp wrote

I'm going fucking insane I just listened to this song for the first time like 2 minutes ago because Spotify randomly played it and now I see this. Wtf.


OliSnips t1_j6mguwb wrote

Amph, di-tsu-gamm-gi-guk gi, gu ga fligugigu, fligugigu, de-deee-ee, yugu-guk di, yu-go-go-gu-gu-ga-be, fligugigu fli-gu-whoo mama Lucifer!


FingerTheCat t1_j6mhtpj wrote

The ending of this video reminded me of when I was a child in the 90's, and Mars Attacks! was in theaters. When Jack Blacks character died I was extremely sad and I knew I shouldn't have been but that movie was scary for 8 year old me lol


akaRandomHero t1_j6mi18s wrote

There's no right or wrong here. There's just Kage.


Entropy_flipside133 t1_j6mmrxc wrote

Same thing applies with the new bionicle gift with purchase set that came out. It’s a tribute but could lead to something more in the future


greenshronkie t1_j6mx3p4 wrote

maybe not the best painter but one hell of a teacher


ShelterTPP t1_j6n34zm wrote

You got to belive it and you wish you were there


KMS_Tirpitz__ t1_j6n80nj wrote

Hold up I’m honestly quite confused about this could anyone explain this meme for me please I’d greatly appreciate it?


Tanked6 OP t1_j6neq03 wrote

Jack Black in his band has a song called tribute. It starts off, this is not the greatest song in the world, it’s a tribute. The painter is Bob Ross. It’s a play between the song and Bob Ross


Z0NU5 t1_j6njvbp wrote

You gotta believe me.


JasonGamesYT t1_j6nz5dc wrote

We couldn't be the greatest painter in the woooorld

n o

This is a tribute