Chris_Wasnt_here t1_j69r9dv wrote
If your post gets downvoted.
#Just ignore it.
People clearly don’t know Facts.
Equal-Rutabaga-8104 t1_j6a0ikg wrote
Especially if overall is ~1200 karma
Chris_Wasnt_here t1_j6a0n9g wrote
pannoboy t1_j6cuus9 wrote
What does karma have to do with debating abilities and arguments?
Equal-Rutabaga-8104 t1_j6f4upc wrote
Taxes for having too much karma
kajetus69 t1_j6auooi wrote
bitch please
skitz6969 t1_j6c2abg wrote
Alright your paying tax for your karma now
kajetus69 t1_j6cecrt wrote
Like that's gonna affect me
Equal-Rutabaga-8104 t1_j6d52hi wrote
HunterVertigo t1_j6d8bhy wrote
[deleted] t1_j6dfbsk wrote
The fuck you care about karma for? Nothing interesting in your life than farming a fucking forum karma and cherishing it? Holy fuck.
GUM-GUM-NUKE t1_j6bt3uy wrote
No when people give you criticism review it and think on it And if you still think you were right that’s fine but don’t dismiss how people feel about what you said because surprisingly and they shocked me when I learned it to you weren’t always right.
FlappyFish07 t1_j6ci18x wrote
If people respond, continue to argue your point
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