Chris_Wasnt_here t1_j69r9dv wrote
If your post gets downvoted.
#Just ignore it.
People clearly don’t know Facts.
Assassin_843 t1_j69shch wrote
Unless im objectively wrong, I'm gonna back myself and will continue to do so until I'm proven wrong or unless the other guy is an idiot or troll
Karma isn't worth shit
Suitable-Helicopter9 t1_j69suky wrote
This is a daily occurrence for conservative redditors
Besher-H t1_j69t2iz wrote
Downvote this
[deleted] t1_j69ubg5 wrote
burnt_cucumber t1_j69uvkc wrote
Sometimes, you just don't have the energy to deal with things.
YaBoyAverage t1_j69vels wrote
What if I don't want to
Anarchy_trucker t1_j69xdti wrote
9/10 I delete because I don't argue with simps and incels or sheep. And I don't want their ignorance popping up non stop
Moseratti t1_j69xjbl wrote
I said what i said. You don’t have to agree with me, you dont have to have an opinion about my opinion.
Equal-Rutabaga-8104 t1_j6a0ikg wrote
Especially if overall is ~1200 karma
Chris_Wasnt_here t1_j6a0n9g wrote
Fabulous-Pause-6881 t1_j6a0qhq wrote
I'm not into arguing with idiots, so I post and fly away.
I do not give any Fucks about if a comment gets downvoted.
Downvote this comment to oblivion and see if I reply.
bluethunder7788 t1_j6a2wkf wrote
I delete my comments when they get too many upvotes if I don’t like them
banananas_are_sick24 t1_j6a32x7 wrote
“Never argue with an idiot, for they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience” - I don’t remember
Landscapeus021 t1_j6a6tso wrote
I got banned 2 times for making "innaproperiate" comment. Still hold a point and I will hold it until i die. Or someone proves me wrong. Which they can't. Why? SCIENCE MY DEAR REDDITORS!
bugleboy488 t1_j6a87e2 wrote
Most of the time, yeah.
But, I have mad respect for people who are open minded and respectfully change their minds WITHOUT deleting their stuff or gaslighting folks.
Then again this is reddit... how unlikely is that?
atomicBlaze21 t1_j6a88ya wrote
There was one time that I got corrected to such a degree that I changed my stance, but kept my old comment up for the historical record.
Equal-Rutabaga-8104 t1_j6a9lk6 wrote
Boy literally ratio'd
WALLY_FRANKS3036 t1_j6adud0 wrote
I delete it. Sue me. It’s called damage control, neutralize the damage before it grows bigger.
gunslinger_1234 t1_j6ae1fc wrote
Sounds good 😊
No-Good_Oddity t1_j6af64k wrote
I got downvotes for referencing r/lovefornestle and I don’t exactly know why
shreddedtoasties t1_j6agkeg wrote
Usually I just comment 3 or 2 words and watch as the person arguing with writes a short novel in response to my comments
Lost_Static t1_j6ai3cj wrote
Teska-Tenka t1_j6aive6 wrote
Don’t trash people who genuinely change their opinion.
Quick-Protection-831 t1_j6aki5t wrote
I would admire a person who is willing to change their veiws when presented with a new perspective, new info or something along those lines.
Silly_Bee_9676 t1_j6akme9 wrote
Probably sun tzu idk
[deleted] t1_j6al6l9 wrote
Charles12_13 t1_j6am5ua wrote
It’s completely normal to switch side once you realize you’re wrong
ThatRandomDude_mp3 t1_j6amho4 wrote
I honestly believe karma is stupid. Some people value karma so much they will avoid using Reddit for fun and start just grinding karma and staying away from anything that might get downvotes. Meanwhile, I am here willing to die fighting against people whether Air-Heads taste like flavored plastic. (They do.)
EthanSheehan t1_j6an951 wrote
I downvoted every comment in this comment section 😎
satans_bootyhole t1_j6asgy8 wrote
What’s wrong with having a change of heart?
Edit: oh cool I see the smoothbrained hive mind is downvoting. Lmao
Rubi_69420 t1_j6at2q2 wrote
Renember , there is difference between switching sides and knowing you were wrong
-_-10001110101-_- t1_j6at5q2 wrote
I don’t even look at my good comments, not worth it.
RabbidYoshi9 t1_j6atn85 wrote
Guess I’m on the classy side
Goatymcgoatface10 t1_j6aujrp wrote
Nothing is wrong about changing your mind if you're presented with new info or perspective
kajetus69 t1_j6auooi wrote
bitch please
kajetus69 t1_j6auxu1 wrote
Money Doenst matter -Rich People
Looks dont matter -Attractive people
So i say Karma doesnt matter
kajetus69 t1_j6av37q wrote
Minecraft is a bad game overall
ReedThaUchiha t1_j6av990 wrote
Yup I almost went into karma debt the other day after making 3 posts on new subs that just bombed
ReedThaUchiha t1_j6avcs0 wrote
I stuck with my arguments though*
Eclipse9S t1_j6awauz wrote
Team neutral
Limebeer_24 t1_j6axuz8 wrote
I go until mutual ground is found, an acknowledgement of both sides is met even if not agreed upon, or the other person rage quits and/or blocks me .
BenZed t1_j6ay0k7 wrote
Okay, I’m suing you.
WALLY_FRANKS3036 t1_j6ay4e2 wrote
You wouldn’t.
[deleted] t1_j6ayfxt wrote
BenZed t1_j6ayiao wrote
My lawyers are drawing up a supeona as we speak.
WALLY_FRANKS3036 t1_j6ayni1 wrote
Good luck findin my house.
BenZed t1_j6azmeb wrote
What’s your address? Also, can you detail some damages you’ve caused?
My lawyers are asking me fuckin lawyer questions like “why” and “whats the goal here”
WALLY_FRANKS3036 t1_j6b0ell wrote
Ive damaged your moms ass. Does that count?
BenZed t1_j6b0jn8 wrote
lol, I guess that’s on me for trying to get some witty repartee going in the comments of r/memez
DefinitionOk7157 t1_j6b0zgh wrote
This. If you are willing to actually learn and change your stance on something, that should be something admirable, not something frowned upon.
Shadow07655 t1_j6b1zfu wrote
I enjoy the downvotes. Your hate is nothing a good meme can’t reverse!
Hoodie_gang t1_j6b2dj2 wrote
Get Rick Rolled!
T_M_G_ t1_j6b2tb1 wrote
It’s not about votes it’s about sending a message
pizzaboieatspizza t1_j6ben55 wrote
Not if you are a stubborn bastard like me if i know im wrong i stay wrong, unless its like actually a fucking stupid thing i said
Konapups t1_j6bfboc wrote
batman said that
TheLordofSpuds t1_j6bk8dz wrote
You’re forgetting the best of all: people who have a point but are willing to listen to others opinions and change their minds if they feel they are incorrect. A rare species indeed.
myself__again t1_j6bmz4t wrote
Downvote me for free bobucs
No_Two8934 t1_j6bpkk4 wrote
aSaik0 t1_j6brs9h wrote
When you never did something wrong you're an outsider that cannot judge people. When you did something wrong and you change your mind and tell people to not do it you're an hypocrite. You're free to think wrong things are right and it's honorable to change your mind when exposed to good arguments.
GUM-GUM-NUKE t1_j6bt3uy wrote
No when people give you criticism review it and think on it And if you still think you were right that’s fine but don’t dismiss how people feel about what you said because surprisingly and they shocked me when I learned it to you weren’t always right.
Consistent_Paper_104 t1_j6bw41r wrote
So one isn't allowed to change one's mind when shown adequate readon to consider doing so? Sounds pretty close minded. Glad i don't hold the same values I did at 13 but you do you
XxMcW1LL14MxX t1_j6byn1l wrote
Wabbit Theathon!
-Rens t1_j6bz4tp wrote
You forgot the person who downvotes themselves
ExistingExample281 t1_j6c02m8 wrote
4th is changing sides once you have realised your mistake and acknowledging it.
Doz1525 t1_j6c0j9r wrote
Let’s see which one OP is
The_User008 t1_j6c0n7w wrote
recent updates are kinda shitty and the devs are lazy so I agree
Critikalz t1_j6c18wg wrote
I’m surprised my karma is positive now since it used to be negative and I still don’t care about it lol
Psycopathic_Duck t1_j6c1ft6 wrote
Karma is kinda dumb. But if i know im in/Am wrong about something, then i will try to right that wrong 78% of the time depending on how bad it is
skitz6969 t1_j6c2abg wrote
Alright your paying tax for your karma now
Nika13k t1_j6c5861 wrote
Yo OP, comment here, you pussy! Let's see which side of the spectrum you on!
Wood_On_Fire t1_j6c6odq wrote
Guys, I know this sounds crazy but hear me out
Why don't we do the opposite of what he said, and give him a ton of upvotes instead
Susdoggodoggy t1_j6caqdh wrote
I know what I said, I know who I am.
I know that I’d sell you for an Xbox one X and not think twice
TheFriesMan t1_j6cd05c wrote
And he knows a little more about war than you do pal because HE INVENTED IT
SomeLikeItDusty t1_j6ce3oj wrote
…if you’re wrong. More than a few times I’ve been downvoted into oblivion even though I know I’m right, but yeah, I wear those downvotes like a badge of pride. Some mfers will delve deep into denial rather than accept a basic fact.
SomeLikeItDusty t1_j6ce5zy wrote
Similar-Sector-5801 t1_j6cebmo wrote
I got downvoted into oblivion on r/terriblefacebookmemes because people thought i was a bot smh
kajetus69 t1_j6cecrt wrote
Like that's gonna affect me
Qtoyou t1_j6cex6d wrote
Yep. Funnily enough. My life is no different whether I have karma or not. I don't actually know what it's for
da_way_joshua t1_j6cg5p4 wrote
Downvote me all you want, i will not change my opinion
PcTheCoconut t1_j6cgjek wrote
Downvote this comment, bc screw karma
some_bald_boi t1_j6cgx6e wrote
Why wouldn't I delete my toxic comments if they get downvoted? Like, why would I keep negative karma coming when I can stop it whenever I want? And it makes me feel down and ruins my day. Why can't I just say whatever I want and get away with it? /s
FlappyFish07 t1_j6ci18x wrote
If people respond, continue to argue your point
Character-Good5353 t1_j6cjbz9 wrote
nice im in a suit then
Vanir-_- t1_j6cjidz wrote
If someone looks the shit up on Google don't shit on them, thier becoming more intelligent
[deleted] t1_j6cjitm wrote
Vanir-_- t1_j6cjt5y wrote
"karma is useless" everyone on reddit yet we still care, even if it's just a little
Vanir-_- t1_j6cjvqe wrote
Karma literally doesn't do anything, what can you do with it?
kajetus69 t1_j6ck7p9 wrote
i dont know
JustaNormalRedditorL t1_j6ckkuo wrote
I am the fucking 4th reply
JustaNormalRedditorL t1_j6ckrxl wrote
OP is sad boi
Scrambled_Juice t1_j6coe20 wrote
I argue for the sake of it
[deleted] t1_j6coh44 wrote
I would like to think someone who listens to cogent, thought out debate and objective arguments and change their mind and perspective should be respected.
Personally, I think there’s nothing more stupid than “dying on that hill,” with confident wrongness to serve the ego’s need to see itself as right.
Pristine-Ocelot1034 t1_j6cp8h0 wrote
Tell me your comment got massively downvoted without telling me your comment got massively downvoted.
[deleted] t1_j6cprm7 wrote
Chemical-Beat-7174 t1_j6cryqv wrote
Me who gets downvoted stands by my opinions and gets even more downvoted bt deletes it when when I am bored of the argument and want to go on with other memes. Which category am I???
[deleted] t1_j6csk3f wrote
Once I realize people don't care I just delete my post to keep my page clean haha
[deleted] t1_j6ctqlq wrote
pannoboy t1_j6cuus9 wrote
What does karma have to do with debating abilities and arguments?
[deleted] t1_j6cuwgn wrote
ndation t1_j6cuxer wrote
People who try to understand the problem, learn from it and change - where are those losers?
[deleted] t1_j6cvtz4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6cvuba wrote
aikaofthepleiades t1_j6cvv1y wrote
Downvoting you unless you send proof that you're flying.
Tasriel514 t1_j6cx9ir wrote
Imagine switching sides…
quickly changes shirt to other team
[deleted] t1_j6cxy8y wrote
banananas_are_sick24 t1_j6d3b1m wrote
“Probably Sun Tzu idk” - Batman
LlorxYT t1_j6d3cbp wrote
Sorry but dumb meme.
People that stand by their points although they ar shown empiric data that shows otherwise are the dumbest ones.
I prefer the one that switch sides when he is shown data that shows how he was wrong, so he understood that he was wrong.
Equal-Rutabaga-8104 t1_j6d52hi wrote
HunterVertigo t1_j6d834n wrote
Why did you have to specify it? Now everyone's gonna remember that rule and downvote your comment, well done.
HunterVertigo t1_j6d8bhy wrote
[deleted] t1_j6deqgr wrote
[deleted] t1_j6dfbsk wrote
The fuck you care about karma for? Nothing interesting in your life than farming a fucking forum karma and cherishing it? Holy fuck.
ShadTaker t1_j6dgbx2 wrote
I definitely delete it IF the thing i am arguing about is stupid
jakethesnake949 t1_j6dhphf wrote
I deleted comments because I couldn't figure out how to mute notifications, I didn't change my mind just got tired of getting yelled at for having a take and not being able to mute the notifications.
Bruschetta003 t1_j6dkp4i wrote
Heard it's needed to post memes, but i couldn't give a fuck, i lurk most of the time and can't be bothered to make memes
Embarrassed-Lab3661 t1_j6dkpdu wrote
By switching sides, do you mean are convinced of something else?
Bruschetta003 t1_j6dl0as wrote
Yeah, those are as rare as diamonds in reddit, it always feel nice to see someone change the way they view certain things after hearing from others that can show where he is wrong
Sensitive_Job_7164 t1_j6dlwmh wrote
I've seen people edit comments then argue I read it wrong to begin with and watched them get up voted..its enfuriating, I deleted it to avoid it altogether.
Bruschetta003 t1_j6dn8v3 wrote
You are making the problem bigger because acting like a coward would only make the people corious and ask why the comment is deleted, usually followed up by a detailed version of the worst possible takes you previously typed by the people that just roasted you, no amount of "damage control" can save you from this outcome
Bruschetta003 t1_j6dno00 wrote
That's like saying you don't argue with kids because you are an adult, they may be ignorant about a lot of things, but that doesn't stop them from being right on one particular subject
Jemaniema OP t1_j6do6zb wrote
I meant if for example you wrote and opinion like the earth is round and you get downvoted and than suddenly you say no your right it is flat ( not because you realised your wrong but because you don’t want to loose karma)
WALLY_FRANKS3036 t1_j6dpnox wrote
No, but people won’t know who posted it, can’t downvote my post, and won’t be able to badmouth me about it.
SizeableFowl t1_j6drvob wrote
Isn’t the point of an argument to try to convince the other side you were right? Therefore if you lose an argument that means you sort of have to reevaluate your position, which would include changing sides?
Sticking with a bad idea thats been proven wrong in front of you is just a bad idea.
blue-gamer-07 t1_j6dtqzd wrote
Insulin_Addict52 t1_j6duv8o wrote
How about knowing you were wrong, and learning you were wrong?
Rubi_69420 t1_j6e60j6 wrote
Yes yes , thats what i meant
Some_Dude_718 t1_j6e7z0c wrote
Wait you think people admitting they were wrong is the third image?
OP is the third image 💀 💀
Jemaniema OP t1_j6e8g5q wrote
obvious that I meant people who try to switch sides to avoid loosing karma not the people who realise that they were wrong
Jemaniema OP t1_j6e8n80 wrote
It’s obvious that I meant people who try to switch sides to avoid loosing karma not the people who realise that they were wrong
Jemaniema OP t1_j6e8ovc wrote
Some_Dude_718 t1_j6e8t6d wrote
Only thing obvious to me is that you’re actually the third image.
OneSpicyTaki t1_j6e95g9 wrote
real men argue back and forth to prove there point
Jemaniema OP t1_j6e9681 wrote
Clearly if you don’t understand the difference between trying to switch and realising your wrong you are the last one irl
Some_Dude_718 t1_j6e9dgv wrote
Clearly you are the third image. Don’t get offended snowflake.
[deleted] t1_j6e9rq0 wrote
Jemaniema OP t1_j6e9v9y wrote
Seems like all you can do is repeat yourself. If you can’t think of any argument stfu and go cry to your mommy snowflake
Some_Dude_718 t1_j6ea07y wrote
Oh he’s projecting now.
[deleted] t1_j6ea6tj wrote
Jemaniema OP t1_j6ea989 wrote
This you ?
Some_Dude_718 t1_j6eagik wrote
Oh he came at me with the “No u”. I’m never going to recover from this.
Jemaniema OP t1_j6ebemo wrote
Bro can’t differentiate two different things than makes a lame ass excuse goes to mom and cry’s and now try’s make a comeback. In your place I would wipe the saliva of my face and stop trying to win a lost cause. Now if you excuse me I will do something more interesting than writing with a idiot online. Don’t bother replying I’m not gonna read it anyway
Some_Dude_718 t1_j6ec0jf wrote
Oh he’s hurt. Homie wrote me a love letter that he thinks I’m reading. 💀 💀
Equal-Rutabaga-8104 t1_j6f4upc wrote
Taxes for having too much karma
JustaNormalRedditorL t1_j6gwzy7 wrote
Thank you
HunterVertigo t1_j6hljhz wrote
You're welcome.
[deleted] t1_j69qqei wrote