Submitted by Vortex9966 t3_10ntbek in memes
Emergency_Low8125 t1_j6apwib wrote
edit: omg thanks for all the likes!
Bond6580 t1_j6aqh5b wrote
Someone actually using POV correctly? Someone give this man an award.
Solid-Brother-1439 t1_j6atb5f wrote
I will come back to take back my upvote once your comment get super upvoted and you edit it to thanks people.
GrandmaCheese1 t1_j6av5nt wrote
Using the POV format correctly. Bravo
Edit: OMG thanks for all the likes! 🥰😘🤪
insooolent t1_j6avk5l wrote
yeah fuck that people
I_Stole_My_Ex_Pantie t1_j6avo9s wrote
Wow. This really blew up.
EconomyAd122 t1_j6aw3fl wrote
Or like Edit: MOM IM FAMOUS!!!
[deleted] t1_j6ax0x6 wrote
Equivalent_Growth_75 t1_j6aylta wrote
The only ones i like are the ones about hard stories and they repost or comment saying thanks for the support or the i didn’t expect so many people to agree with me
FourthSoldier t1_j6b0kxc wrote
Every time I see a comment I like and then see the "thanks for the likes" I immediately remove the like.
Extension_Grape5452 t1_j6b21wp wrote
Is that a statement or a command?
[deleted] t1_j6b2kab wrote
Chilly_C00p t1_j6b3cfm wrote
Edit: OMG THANKS!1!!1!1!
Virtual-Past t1_j6b3gx8 wrote
It’s a suggestion
truecommentor69 t1_j6b42wx wrote
like this comment so I can edit it later
edit: thank u guys so much for the likes!
SodiiumGames t1_j6b44oc wrote
You mean downvotes, right?
Cal3b163 t1_j6b9zul wrote
Facts bro the person who speaks real logic.
pdrobini t1_j6bbuc3 wrote
I do this exact punch on my friends and now they fear me
jeneveupasdepseudo t1_j6bemt0 wrote
Do people rellay say likes instead of upvotes?
No_Pipe_8257 t1_j6bhior wrote
No_Pipe_8257 t1_j6bhjb8 wrote
Kill me please
ofjund123_YT t1_j6biuam wrote
Other sites exist...
Axoloran t1_j6bjn8c wrote
Or worst case scenario: “edit: DADDY IM FAMOUS”
FuckGotaisback t1_j6bju25 wrote
Cypeq t1_j6bkcam wrote
Let's get to work.
[deleted] t1_j6blayu wrote
[deleted] t1_j6bmenb wrote
MrTitan20 t1_j6bmldq wrote
BEAmainlol t1_j6bnlra wrote
Edit: thanks for the likes everyone MOM IM FAMOUS
Dankalii t1_j6bnogx wrote
I'll see either a funny comment or repeating a phrase used in a video. When I see that edit I'll always have my opinion if them go down, even though the approval of an internet stranger is the least of ones problems.
pAsSwOrDiSyOuRgAy t1_j6bnuvz wrote
Edit: omg thanks for all the likes!
No_Pipe_8257 t1_j6boo80 wrote
Thank you
SushiThief t1_j6bou3o wrote
POV: OP never gets likes.
CaraQueSeVacinou t1_j6bptra wrote
Once i saw a guy on yt that made 3 edits thanking for the likes, the last one was the cringiest one, it was like this:250 LIKES LEEEEEESSSSSS GOOOOOOOOOOOOO
darakpop t1_j6bpzsg wrote
It's not even that bad when it's something like "wtf?? Why am I getting upvotes", it's specifically this/ "Mom I'm famous!"
A_random_zy t1_j6brsdm wrote
Interesting. I mever really understood why edit thanks for likes annoyed me but it did annoy me. I also usually dislike/UnLike it.
[deleted] t1_j6brzff wrote
hehehahahohohuhuhu t1_j6bu8w9 wrote
An actual POV
AcelJean t1_j6bvehx wrote
I'm convinced these people are trolling whenever they edit it...
WildCardJT t1_j6bx9cv wrote
Thanks for the likes👍🥹🙃😏😀😁🤣😂🤪🤓
[deleted] t1_j6bxrso wrote
iamcapleb t1_j6byk1s wrote
likewise, and I have no idea why
i_amnotunique t1_j6byv29 wrote
They're Australian. All the northern down votes are southern upvotes
Excrement_Cranium t1_j6bzizi wrote
Fuck the edit
[deleted] t1_j6c1gpu wrote
Zarvanis-the-2nd t1_j6c1oyr wrote
We humans are irrational creatures.
ACED70 t1_j6c26nd wrote
Edit: omg thanks for all the likes!
Saftigerkeks t1_j6c27mr wrote
Its so cringy, like what are you trying to achive with this? Aint nobody gonna go back to your comment after already liking it, so youre only thanking the other people that just saw your comment xD
Zanven1 t1_j6c33t5 wrote
I would but as a poor pleb I cannot now that free awards were taken away.
Thiscave3701365 t1_j6c36r8 wrote
edit: omg thanks for all the likes!
AndrisPronis t1_j6c3fct wrote
The only reason I don't do that myself is because of memes like this
Kazoomers_Tale t1_j6c3jmi wrote
Ok, but why is this bad?
HeyNoWaitIDis t1_j6c4ouu wrote
[deleted] t1_j6c4p1n wrote
HeyNoWaitIDis t1_j6c4pwt wrote
Or it’s like “I edited this comment so you don’t know why I got so many likes”
[deleted] t1_j6c4zl2 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6c5iat wrote
mrbossmajor t1_j6c5v53 wrote
Black. Edit omg thanks for all the likes! Mommma it's ya BOIIIII we famous woooooop woooop ong i must be top 10 most popular reddits
Smooth_Afterno t1_j6c6cce wrote
Could be the best comment I’ve ever seen but will still
[deleted] t1_j6c6g3t wrote
[deleted] t1_j6c6jcc wrote
BOI2812 t1_j6c6l17 wrote
I legit have top comments in like 3 different videos, never had the urge to do that shit. I just watch people fight in the replies and laugh at the people trying to be smart/missing the point of my original comment entirely.
[deleted] t1_j6c8f2h wrote
[deleted] t1_j6c8ftp wrote
Fish_N_Chipz_Boi t1_j6cbbpo wrote
OMG thanks for all the likes
Predditer_Ender t1_j6ccoe6 wrote
I'm tracking the IP as we speak
Guilty_Bother_3772 t1_j6ccx3s wrote
Ok but uh something i never thought about...WHY do we execute people for saying thanks? It seems like such a small pointless thing
RockaRaccoon t1_j6cdxtu wrote
Worth it to have that man come flying at me
odd_goater t1_j6ceeyo wrote
Doesn't even make sense considering that practically nobody who liked will see the edit.
[deleted] t1_j6ceg2i wrote
[deleted] t1_j6cejdg wrote
[deleted] t1_j6cenrr wrote
Some_Guy2750 t1_j6cfb7l wrote
You get an upvote for using pov correctly
Shade00000 t1_j6cg24z wrote
Same, it's so cringe when people act like that
Yui_Desu69 t1_j6cgatx wrote
The more creative way is by changing your comment to make people guess what you commented in the first place.
FrontwaysLarryVR t1_j6chhs6 wrote
>"My adoring fans!"
How it comes off to me.
MrCakemann t1_j6chlep wrote
Good soldiers follow orders.
BKDROY94 t1_j6chubh wrote
Somebody that has never won first place in their life
Telford-100 t1_j6cixba wrote
“edit: omg thanks for all the likes!”
UraharasFavHat t1_j6cjh03 wrote guys are getting likes for your comments?
Vivid-Agent1162 t1_j6cjhlf wrote
I hate this, so very much. It's like explaining a joke.
[deleted] t1_j6ckgid wrote
ALMOSTNEKKID t1_j6ckmt3 wrote
Why do people do this unironically? If somebody answer legitimately to my rhetorical question, please log off
GingerboyhasNoSoul t1_j6cljmf wrote
Edit : Omg, thanks the 1k likes
Edit : Mom, I'm famous now!
Edit : When I commented here I wasn't asking for likes but omg, thank you all for the likes
Crown6 t1_j6cllax wrote
I don’t really agree with the message of the meme, but I’m tempted to upvote simply for the correct usage of “POV”.
Elzxr t1_j6cm2vj wrote
Like why just why?
AnphansSchtrom284 t1_j6cmxiy wrote
Other comment "the waffle house had found it new host"
IMeantHat- t1_j6codnb wrote
Lol i also get annoyed with that. Also happy cake day heres an upvote
Ego_Though t1_j6cr6ly wrote
They acting like they're celebrities just for making a funny or good comment
[deleted] t1_j6csjv4 wrote
If I get get a bunch of upvotes ima pull out one of these: "Edit:🖕"
MasterDni t1_j6ctun0 wrote
Edit: thanks for all the likes
[deleted] t1_j6cu77k wrote
onichow_39 t1_j6cuafj wrote
What about thanking an award? (Nothing but a genuine question)
2KGHOST666 t1_j6cuqbx wrote
Just gave him gold award
[deleted] t1_j6cvfco wrote
Thepotatohitme t1_j6cw9n4 wrote
Fuck you for all those likes
Frozen_Fang100 t1_j6cwyav wrote
Maybe we'll even see the Spiderman glasses format used correctly (glasses on should be first because his eyes became good)
somehowlucky12w t1_j6cxlh2 wrote
"Edit: omg thanks for all the likes!"
[deleted] t1_j6cxpj0 wrote
somehowlucky12w t1_j6cy19a wrote
I regret to inform you that I do not have the ability to achieve a free award. Therefore, I can only leave this lowly message...
That response was poggers
Jamstan_ t1_j6cyqxh wrote
What video is this from again?
[deleted] t1_j6d01m0 wrote
UktraPotatoMaster321 t1_j6d0anz wrote
I swear I have a basement ready to torture people who edit the comment to “I edited this comment so that you will never know why I got so many likes 🤭🤭😂😂😱😱”
[deleted] t1_j6d0b7v wrote
Defender2-5 t1_j6d17ot wrote
Because the are degenerates
Alter_tgh t1_j6d1etw wrote
Edit: omg thanks for 1k likes!
OkayArt199 t1_j6d2n9z wrote
Edit: jk I didn’t actually edit anything
Bond6580 t1_j6d3z6n wrote
Good man
N3croFox t1_j6d77se wrote
Simply here to watch Markiplier swiftly punch back and forth whilst scrolling these idiotic comments🤧🍿
Qwerowski t1_j6d8bj7 wrote
the_guy312 t1_j6d9o2m wrote
what’s worse is when they change their comment to say
“wee woo now you don’t know how i got all these likes”
the_guy312 t1_j6d9qs2 wrote
Leather_Revolution_ t1_j6dgauz wrote
"You are going to oblivion"
I_Am_Steve_Roggers t1_j6dgdle wrote
Edit: thx for all the likes💀
YouTheGamers t1_j6dkgg1 wrote
I’m not too sure where this is from, but that looks like Markiplier
Necessary_Finding946 t1_j6dr1g3 wrote
Once I saw a comment which got edited 8 TIMES, each one saying "OMG THANKS FOR THE LIKES!!!" or something similar.
Sub2PewDiePie8173 t1_j6dsweq wrote
Idk. People like hating on random things. Just dislike or ignore it and move on. Don’t need to make an entire post about why you hate it. Then so many people start getting mad in the comments.
I saw one meme previously about another iPhone vs Android and it was making fun of iPhone idiots, and everyone in the comments were so upset and getting mad at iPhone users.
shankskakashimyfav t1_j6dvotk wrote
those are the worst and everytime I see one they get a dislike which ofc is not shown to general public.
Kazoomers_Tale t1_j6dwd5t wrote
Yeah, I just don't understand why it's annoying, it's just someone really surprised and pleased about something they said being so liked.
I dunno, just doesn't make sense to me.
isuckforfun t1_j6dx6xe wrote
Pov: someone uses pov corectly
OctopusProbably t1_j6dz9iq wrote
Redditors when gratitude:
deuceer t1_j6e27lf wrote
Exactly. I wanted to see if anyone confirmed that this is Markiplier. FNAF!
FraxPL t1_j6e2kjm wrote
Very relateable
adequatequality t1_j6e5h5b wrote
Really funny
EDIT: I'm new to Reddit, but someone already liked my comment. Thanks so much!
Inevitable_Ant7475 t1_j6e5uhv wrote
Ov3rwrked t1_j6e8csp wrote
Why tf do people on reddit use "Edit:" at all
ravenwingx t1_j6eas22 wrote
Edit: agreed
xXghastlyXx_4445 t1_j6eayvw wrote
Edit thanks for all the downvotes
JessTheRatLover t1_j6ec1gw wrote
Remindme! 3 days
bigthiccdonguser2000 t1_j6edlou wrote
When they say "No one knows how I got this many likes"
Moukatelmo t1_j6ee09n wrote
Edit: thanks for the likes
Living-Positive8849 t1_j6eeozf wrote
average cringy commenter.
shycat417 t1_j6egs81 wrote
I hate people who do this
Massive-Mountain7157 t1_j6el4f2 wrote
Dislikes also move comments down further so they're not on top.
You can get a browser extension that shows dislike count for videos but it seems comment count is lost
[deleted] t1_j6ela52 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6em7t2 wrote
da_zachyzachy t1_j6enjmz wrote
Unddit to the rescue
voltaicudo t1_j6f19ox wrote
Edit: thanks for the award
Dramatic_Material_56 t1_j6f2elx wrote
Also the people who say "Mom I'm famous!"
Dramatic_Material_56 t1_j6f2kne wrote
Well, it could work as an update for stories. But apart from that absolutely nothing
robot_peashooter t1_j6f4d5z wrote
The new puss and boots movie sucks because this fella wasn't in it
Rockoll t1_j6f6igu wrote
Actually they were, when Puss first came to Mama Luna's and he was first introduced to the other cats.
Moe_Alien t1_j6fb8ys wrote
Guys, literally upvote me and then I'll thank you for likes and then downvote me
Squishmallows_Lover9 t1_j6ffc0e wrote
Just leave the epic comment as it is!
partialtomartial t1_j6firff wrote
okay what about “omg thanks for all the comments” 🤣
tomangelo2 t1_j6fujx5 wrote
I've always thought about it as common courtesy, like thanking for giving an award.
Unless someone doesn't try to go outside of that (like trying to make others vote up "to make it even higher") I don't mind others doing that.
DragonCore134 t1_j6fx8w1 wrote
edit: omg thanks for all the likes!
Coolhandhansen t1_j6g3osh wrote
Someone needs a Reddit break.
painman9 t1_j6gbshy wrote
Hey want to see something cool
That-Bed4254 t1_j6i08pk wrote
Edit ; thanks for the likes! 🙀🙀🙀
Secret_Sympathy2952 t1_j6ih225 wrote
Seriously, don't ruin a good comment with that stupid crap
No_Cartographer_8647 t1_j6aphze wrote
Could be the best comment I’ve ever seen but will still downvote that cringe shit