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t1_j6mqnzm wrote

You see, Billy.... long ago.... there was a beautiful thing called "couch co-op". You didn't speak to your friends over the headset. They would physically come to your house after school or on a weekend and you would spend hours upon hours playing side by side. It was glorious


t1_j6n26n2 wrote

And what's happening now? Coming from NES, N64, HALO regime....


t1_j6nio9f wrote

What's happening now is people don't even play games in the same room anymore. They play online games with strangers from halfway across the country. Sometimes with people on the other side of the world.


t1_j6njqpk wrote

Hell I've played that all yer talking bout?


OP t1_j6o8zuq wrote

That’s not the problem i was referring too. Online games is normal. My post is about how the games today all have extreme monetization. We have games that are 70$, and they still have a Battle pass subscription, along with store credits. We no longer have games that are just multiplayer fun without being GRINDY, or at least there are only few. Also, before, even if there was extra content, you wouldn’t be missing a lot, you would still have more or less the same experience as other people, but games now, have so many extra features that should be bought with real money, it is baffling.


t1_j6p7l6n wrote

The graphics weren't up to much so the designers had to compensate by making them actually fun and engaging. They designed a game to be played with you and your boys on a Friday night after school, sat on the couch sharing a pizza, god damn goldeneye all weekend.


t1_j6nobfb wrote

Split screen 1v1s was the ultimate trust breaker


t1_j6ofcd8 wrote

They said that they weren't looking at your screen, but they were looking. We all knew they were looking


t1_j6oez4z wrote

Only experienced it a few times, because I was born in 2007 but the nostalgia is real


t1_j6ndu1z wrote

Some old legends that don’t predate this shot and still refuse to conform are still up and surprisingly popular


t1_j6p1iqr wrote

We payed for our offline games upfront and we liked it


t1_j6o885q wrote

Most of my friends only play games because they had a season battlepass. It's mind baffling.


t1_j6ow6vx wrote

Fr as soon as fork knife showed up and got super successful literally every game got a battlepass and a battle royal mode


t1_j6ohtwj wrote

I honestly don’t see why people hate battlepasses or season passes so much. It’s literally free stuff and even more stuff if you pay a small fee. It’s much better than buying bundles of 3 things that cost as much as a premium battle pass


t1_j6omue2 wrote

In my case, I prefered paying once for a game and receiving all of the content it had. I hate playing a game I already paid for and seeing things (skins/weapons/etc) that I cant obtain without spending more, especially so if the battlepass in question is limited time/seasonal since I work full time and don't have the time to grind. DLC's are tricky, I like them if they are game changing, like the Monster Hunter World ones, but not if the DLC is something that could have been included in the base game.


t1_j6owssz wrote

I understand that. The battle pass format does allow a lot more content to be implemented and does increase a games lifespan because of it.