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RepostSleuthBot t1_j6n5112 wrote

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Berckish t1_j6n5weq wrote

I know how to use one of those dial tvs so I should be okay, I will unplug the phone because screw that.


MonKeePuzzle t1_j6n60xd wrote

frighten, no. annoy, yes. who wants to sit in a room full of out of date garbage?


Relaxpert t1_j6n6bgx wrote

Just don’t be surprised when that “new generation” tells you to get fucked when you can’t access your email, log into Facebook, or turn on your tv.


dubstylerz123 t1_j6n6gy9 wrote

You mean life moves on and changes? That’s crazy man.


Exciting_Rate1747 t1_j6n7yay wrote

I had an old tv as a kid. I also had a real rotary phone as a toy and my school taught me to write cursive so i can also read it. Checkmate boomers.


Ixcutamp t1_j6n84pd wrote

Terrible meme, also don't think that just because we're young we don't know how old technology works.


JstLkz t1_j6n87bj wrote

Sounds like my Childhood, what's so wrong with that?


SarcasticOrgasmic t1_j6n91zd wrote

My kids still learned traditional clock telling time back in 1st grade and started cursive in 3rd grade at public school. Really wish these boomers would stop with the sensationalism gaslighting bull shit tropes.


Lil_Ghosti t1_j6na3go wrote

Flip that paper over and leave this little gem. "𝓖𝓸 𝓯𝓾𝓬𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼𝓮𝓵𝓯."


0n1oN_71 t1_j6nab90 wrote

Don’t scare me I’m dogshit with most technology, old or modern


n4jm4 t1_j6nakyr wrote

Nobody writes legible English cursive. That's a trap.


Redvor24 t1_j6nalgy wrote

It's strange how some boomers think using old tech is more important that using the modern one.


UwU0v0 t1_j6nbfz7 wrote

Bro scare u mean traumatize


SandsofFlowingTime t1_j6nbwyo wrote

I can't read cursive anyways, but I didn't really need the instructions on how to use any of those things anyways


No-Noise7757 t1_j6nc02c wrote

me about to call my friend on the rotary phone when I realize there four 9's in his phone number.

"Fuck that guy, I never liked him anyways"


Nutters_Buster t1_j6nceuf wrote

If you want to frighten an generation, use senile people as president, allow greedy and dangerous people to store nuclear bombs and you pretty much set. As bonus leave the planet baking so they can be worried about the consequences that may happen.


(Im more unsettled by the fact that im going to university and that my life has begun to get serious)


Kanomus_37 t1_j6ncwzv wrote

And what is the goal? To escape the room or something?


KomithEr t1_j6neubt wrote

they probably still know how to use the door and just leave


CCHUCKLES1 t1_j6neuv3 wrote

I know how to use all of those. I can read cursive. get fucked


iiALXii t1_j6nhrvu wrote

The funny thing is that us the new generation, are fed up with our elders being in their phones non-stop, most of parents and elders now are always looking at their tv or mobiles or both at the same time, i remember we were being punished and disciplined for looking at screens for too long(over 2 hours) daily, but now they got their heads in phones almost the entire day...


Its0nlyRocketScience t1_j6nl9ea wrote

A rotary phone won't have any kind of answering machine functionality and a TV made without a remote in mind probably so old that it can't display digital signals.

It doesn't work anymore. Even if it's still top quality of its bygone era, society has agreed that more modern technology is to be the new standard that old items fail to match.


FrustratedCalico t1_j6nvom3 wrote

Let's put them in a room with an old style printing press and not let them out until they've printed a news article on it.

Maybe add in a butter churn too.

Old tech isn't used anymore for a reason.


CrustyMilkCap t1_j6pgxfy wrote

r/terriblefacebookmemes go back to Facebook grandpa