Recent comments in /f/memes
RoamingBear810 t1_jegjo06 wrote
Reply to It’s out of control by looptarded
Unwind irl
TheChosenToffee t1_jegjm0e wrote
Reply to Is it worth it? by My_cat_is_sus
So we can kill Doofenshmirts without facing the consequences of murder?
Tattoosnscars t1_jegjkrv wrote
Have you thought about what you want on your headstone friend?
AhxelAceBruh69420 t1_jegjbax wrote
Reply to It is what it is by idk_juan_maybe
I just took the SAT a few days ago. In my opinion its not that bad if you take a few practice tests. Just don't waste your time on questions that stump you and move on.
GentlmanSkeleton t1_jegj8sc wrote
Reply to comment by fictionalicon in It cannot be by johnlen1n
I pity you. Scrubs is the best tv show.
That1XboxUser t1_jegj8a7 wrote
Reply to Inspired by recent events by Emir8008
Me during history...
EmbarrassedSwim145 t1_jegj77x wrote
Reply to [ Removed by Reddit ] by Syn_Savage
Pedos are disgusting why would someone even consider such a thing
GentlmanSkeleton t1_jegj6xg wrote
Reply to It cannot be by johnlen1n
What a difference a day makes...
Smart-Resist4059 t1_jegj4mx wrote
Reply to It is what it is by idk_juan_maybe
Professional procrastinator here. I was wondering. If I do this long enough and hard enough, does it come full circle and I eventually end up procrastinating procrastination and cancel it?
DoodleTheLostSoul t1_jegj3dn wrote
Reply to It is what it is by idk_juan_maybe
Really need to revise but can’t be bothered
WetMoldyButt t1_jegizac wrote
Reply to comment by CatLoverItaly in Is it worth it? by My_cat_is_sus
Whatever, cat lover
Someone_Shady t1_jegiz1z wrote
That1XboxUser t1_jegiydn wrote
Reply to Now that's embarrassing. by SaiyanJedi122
I can't relate
Renkij t1_jegiwy5 wrote
Reply to comment by unicornweedfairy in Ironic that her name is "April" by joelman0
But actually can disregard those.
Baroubuoy t1_jegitn4 wrote
Reply to Is it worth it? by My_cat_is_sus
Doesn't it actually mean Mrs. Doofenshmirtz is a zoophile?
[deleted] t1_jegitn1 wrote
Reply to comment by unicornweedfairy in Ironic that her name is "April" by joelman0
TheOneOfWhomIsGreen t1_jegit34 wrote
perry the platypus!!
Someone_Shady t1_jegipbu wrote
Reply to comment by Terrible_Practice_94 in Pardon??? by KLASHINOV
As an Indian, I can confirm. Now show bobs.
Repulsive-Neat6776 t1_jegik4z wrote
Reply to comment by joelman0 in Ironic that her name is "April" by joelman0
Thanks! Lol.
TheOneOfWhomIsGreen t1_jegijnh wrote
Or you can switch the left battery for the right battery
[deleted] t1_jegi8ow wrote
Reply to Dog-tired by QuantifiedDigits
I see dog I upvote
TheChickenGuy7 t1_jegi7ra wrote
Reply to It’s out of control by looptarded
They removed the free trial
[deleted] t1_jegi3zk wrote
Reply to It’s out of control by looptarded
Renkij t1_jeghoxh wrote
Reply to comment by unicornweedfairy in Ironic that her name is "April" by joelman0
You count with your fists closed and next to each other.
n4jm4 t1_jegjvvo wrote
Reply to It’s out of control by looptarded
dont nobody tell op about the houses that still have lead paint