Recent comments in /f/memes
consensualstabbing t1_jegn70o wrote
Reply to Doctors were pretty good back then by MoazzamDML
must've been quite strong back then
euneke123 t1_jegn2im wrote
Reply to comment by TrailerBuilder in McDonalds speed run by sociothemad
I don't think you got the joke
WetMoldyButt t1_jegmzfq wrote
Reply to comment by CatLoverItaly in Is it worth it? by My_cat_is_sus
80% of your posts are either Pokémon, animals, sexuality, or a combination of them…. Quite the coincidence
Correct-Addition6355 t1_jegmx4s wrote
Reply to comment by marshalzukov in 20 years jail by SuperLitchi3000
Max not minimum
Ogurasyn t1_jegmwy7 wrote
Reply to It is what it is by idk_juan_maybe
I feel called out
TrailerBuilder t1_jegmvm3 wrote
Reply to McDonalds speed run by sociothemad
Don't blame the US on your shitty choices
xXL1ghtSk0p3zXx t1_jegmuf8 wrote
Reply to Inspired by recent events by Emir8008
I think this may be the back seat position in a F14.
CatLoverItaly t1_jegmt33 wrote
Reply to comment by cacatua_azul in Is it worth it? by My_cat_is_sus
Why is everyone stupid
Sophia724 t1_jegmsxt wrote
Reply to comment by YourPal10195 in They D-riding so hard ngl by HarshSingh793
Thats not true.
No_Contribution1900 t1_jegmq3f wrote
It was more like “AI will take over the world and start a war against humanity once it becomes self aware” but here we are
RealGarlicBread t1_jegmo80 wrote
Reply to It’s out of control by looptarded
Ay yo thats pretty cheap, can i sign up?
Aeon1508 t1_jegmm3h wrote
Reply to It’s out of control by looptarded
If you could gaurintee me that for 9.99 sign me the fuck up. That's a hell of a deal
pandabro331 t1_jegmjox wrote
Reply to comment by Ravenclaw_14 in Ironic that her name is "April" by joelman0
As someone who’s birthday is on that day I must agree because I wasn’t even meant to be born then I just came out early. March 31st is a hoax
Spousta_slov t1_jegmi4e wrote
Reply to You dont think it's funny? That's ok. by slikq
And here we see a dumbass person whos so full of shit that it has to be spit of the mouth to prevent rupture of internal organs, not understanding that joke is only funny if both sides laugh and that making fun of marginalized ppl is just a dick move. Probable cause is all the hair that moved from receding hairline to ass, creating a swamp inbetween butcheeks with the consictency and smell of the Great Atlantic Sargassus Patch which then pickled their actual brain positioned in the perineum, effectively rendering them unable of actual comedy, proof being the fact that this has 85 upvotes after 5 hours.
traditional_prompt64 t1_jegmb6k wrote
I thought that it’s not longer a thing now because it didn’t pass the senate?
rogerworkman623 t1_jegmaki wrote
Reply to comment by Other_Bread5704 in It’s out of control by looptarded
Childhood’s the free trial
Stolen joke but I don’t know from where
ImprovementAnnual340 t1_jegm3os wrote
Reply to It is what it is by idk_juan_maybe
I have a feeling I’ll be doing the same thing in the future
cacatua_azul t1_jeglyr0 wrote
Reply to comment by CatLoverItaly in Is it worth it? by My_cat_is_sus
user flair does not check out.
[deleted] t1_jeglydj wrote
Reply to It is what it is by idk_juan_maybe
Tofu_redd t1_jegly6u wrote
Reply to Psyc..what??!? by cumslayer69
I literally shit myself just to think on blender (my pants are brown in this exact piece of time.)
Mjolnirthedestroyer t1_jeglxc6 wrote
Reply to Psyc..what??!? by cumslayer69
MonKeePuzzle t1_jeglwip wrote
Reply to Amazon. What!? by cumslayer69
they have many new ones, so high supply with lower demand. but used ones are rare!
Eggs351 t1_jeglsgk wrote
Reply to comment by Olysses02 in TikTok was a hero, I just...couldn't see it by KaptainMurica96
It’s no more a cesspool than here.
rikispainish t1_jegls42 wrote
Reply to Tankie is just liberal "woke" by HollowVesterian
Woke is dead ass just any combination of anti-Herero, anti-male, anti-white with a dash victim worship and self victimization
MazInG_GaMeR t1_jegn7oz wrote
Reply to never ever by TGSYAS
Motion blur is satisfying in parkour games