Submitted by Dense_Blacksmith3894 t3_1003zxo
Submitted by good_cop_tenpenny t3_11dkr8i
Submitted by Your_Saddle_Buddy t3_1005ean
Submitted by sudobee t3_127f58n
Submitted by invisiblesharka t3_11dpla8
Submitted by newanda011 t3_yinasu
Submitted by S4G3_9087 t3_yi9z94
Submitted by asilvertintedrose t3_11dr221
Submitted by KJ_DiamondMiner t3_127ak34
Submitted by CliffTheAlien t3_127udpv
Submitted by comicalben t3_127iwhl
Submitted by HarryGeil t3_z6ebyu
Submitted by Mylzb t3_11enu1p
Submitted by shelbyqueen t3_10p4xe7
True story, and if you found one with both Autobot and Decepticon stamps it was like "confused stonks"
Submitted by AaronDarkus t3_10pqhv0
Submitted by PlasticDuckMan t3_11e01mj
Submitted by Ulquiorr4_ t3_10pyfwb
Submitted by johnfacner t3_yipszo
Submitted by Ironpanther2006 t3_yi1akl
Submitted by Doom_C25 t3_10pxtau
Submitted by webba-bell t3_126ioot
Submitted by myotheraccountdied1 t3_12817vw
Submitted by biscuits_six t3_yi4ez9
Submitted by garrettglover7 t3_126y8g4
Submitted by Thebeardedmane t3_zz9q9u