Bostonterrierpug t1_j98bt2o wrote
Ooh I had one of these advanced dungeons and dragons was awesome
Lord-Velveeta t1_j98c2ff wrote
"Mattel electronics presents: Beeee seventeeen booomber!"
Yeah, I'm that old... :)
fuzzy75 t1_j98cnob wrote
Probably my favorite game on that system too. Hissss….
bagoTrekker t1_j98eq0o wrote
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_j9932hx wrote
Yeah well I'm ATARI old
Famous-Restaurant875 t1_j9ac7kn wrote
To be fair, there are legal differences between a toy and a game
Lord-Velveeta t1_j9aiqjv wrote
Pong and Atari VCS here as a kid, Intellivision was the first console I bought myself. :)
MistrMoose OP t1_j9s57bn wrote
That is mildly interesting as well
OhioMatt77 t1_j98b4rg wrote
My first system!