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matcha_me t1_j9y9cwy wrote

Actually you don't split the bill, you pay for what you had. Clearly the person who had the Persian Pancakes needs to pay GBP 1.50 more. 12.30 + 3.13/2 or 13.80 + 3.13/2 is a fair split.


sjmp75020 t1_j9y9urk wrote

Just split the bill. Have some dignity.


matcha_me t1_j9yao7q wrote

Fuck that shit.


DeTrotseTuinkabouter t1_j9zs1rq wrote

It's one or two pounds, why care so much?

I get it if the difference is big but Christ otherwise /2 is perfectly fine.


matcha_me t1_ja26y04 wrote

It's about the principle of it. If the bill was huge, and one person had a lobster and a $10000 wine, and the other had a soup and a salad and expected a /2, that wouldn't be fair.


DeTrotseTuinkabouter t1_ja4vo4t wrote

Yes. Which is why I said "I get if if the difference is big". Did you not see that?

In this case, it isn't a big difference. So your example doesn't remotely apply.


matcha_me t1_ja6atvx wrote

It's not an example. It's a precept. A principle. Going dutch. Doesn't mean an even split. It means you pay for you.


DeTrotseTuinkabouter t1_ja79oho wrote

Seems like a really dumb principle. I don't mind paying a pound more than a friend.


matcha_me t1_jaame7q wrote

You're better than all of us. You'll sleep better with that knowledge, I'm sure.


DeTrotseTuinkabouter t1_jacyr2a wrote

Yeah thanks, I do think approaching splitting a bill my way does make me a better friend!


Captain_Naps t1_j9z8va5 wrote

Paying for your own meal has no dignity?


sjmp75020 t1_j9zm7qs wrote

Sitting there trying to add up everything you had like a child is ridiculous. Just split the bill equally and enjoy your time with your friends. Better yet, you pay the entire bill and don’t worry about it.


Captain_Naps t1_j9zodry wrote

If there's a group of us, we just let the server know that we'll be asking for separate cheques, or cheques as couples, etc. They keep us separated by-seat and it's easy to pay your own way. As a non-drinker I'm not paying an equal share of their bottle of DRC. Fuck that. You pick up that tab.


DeTrotseTuinkabouter t1_j9zs6cm wrote

I agree with not worrying over a pound or two, but I think taking the entire bill is a meh system. Some people simply are more prone to doing that and it fucks them over in the long run.


Geek55 t1_ja0mlh9 wrote

Found the asshole that always orders the most expensive stuff and then suggests splitting the bill


sjmp75020 t1_ja0o850 wrote

Nope. Just the opposite. I’m usually the one ordering something simple. I also worked my way through college and law school waiting a lot of tables and I know how not to be the asshole who wastes the server’s time splitting up the check a million ways. Another pro tip: increase your tip according to the amount of time you spend socializing.


noahnear t1_ja2rcgg wrote

You would hate eating out in Germany.