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MelGibsonIsKingAlpha t1_j8sajhj wrote

When I was a kid I had a ninja turtles toothbrush where if you pressed a button on the base it gave a monologue that began with, "We work for good and right and always do it well..." for over two decades I have been trying to remember the rest. It bugs me much more than it should that I can't. Like a word your trying to remember in a conversation, it sits at the back of my brain taunting me. I've tried to look it up but apparently the is no database of early 90's toothbrush monologues. Still, I can't accept that I may never know the rest.


1nquiringMinds t1_j8t0ljj wrote

"We work for good and right and always do it well We're teenage mutant ninja turtles. My name is Raphael. Brush three times a day and after pizza pie. It's good to do just what we say, because turtles never lie. I'll be here each day standing on this tower. Brushing our way is such fun it must be turtle power. HaHa!"