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ThePhabtom4567 t1_ja9ceql wrote

68 dollars for a ribeye?!? No need for sexy time after dinner, you're already getting fucked.


JACrazy t1_ja9j6vg wrote

Restaurant's gotta afford those light up menus some how


nerragton OP t1_ja9dffg wrote

I got the porter house for $105. It was really good, but I've had plenty of steaks half the price that were better. Oh well.


contrary-contrarian t1_ja9o44p wrote

So there are people who order that nonsense. You're nuts... but more power to ya.


nerragton OP t1_ja9rtv0 wrote

My parents gave my girlfriend and I $300 for a nice Valentine's dinner. I considered being frugal and pocketing the leftover cash. Then I figured I should live a little! Spend that bread!

Normally I would never ever spend that kind of money.


contrary-contrarian t1_ja9wo09 wrote

Fair! I've splurged every now and then for silly meals. Sometimes their worth it, sometimes they're not!

Best fancy food splurge I've had was for Omakase Sushi (where the chef served you curated dishes one after another at the sushi bar). Worth every penny!


249ba36000029bbe9749 t1_jaatszx wrote

Now you can live knowing that you've tried and know that it actually isn't worth that much money so you don't have to wonder. Worth it, especially if it isn't costing you.


motojunkie69 t1_jac81je wrote

Poor people always got something to say about how others spend their money.


sedition- t1_ja9qiau wrote

It's the craziest thing, there's no steak worth that much.


Chennsta t1_jaav2zb wrote

Wagyu? Dry age? Celebrity chefs? And, people are already willing to pay these prices


40ozkiller t1_jadojla wrote

You arent buying a raw steak to take home for $70, youre paying for them to prepare and serve it to you on top of the $30 cut of meat.

Stop being so dumb.


sedition- t1_jaeokgj wrote

That's crazy, you act like cooking an amazing steak is somehow worth that extra $40. Literally just chuck it into a well seasoned cast iron pan with melted butter and you've magically cut out the middle man somehow.


jnemesh t1_ja9wg3m wrote

You have obviously never eaten at a good steakhouse in your life. There are plenty of places where a steak is worth that much (or more)...and yes, it is quite different from your average steak at Chilis or wherever you get your $15 shoe leather served.


MusicianMadness t1_jaa16gw wrote

Local butcher + prepare it yourself


jnemesh t1_jad7t2q wrote

If a) you have a good butcher and b) have the time and experience to prepare the steak properly.


Azhaius t1_jaanuzv wrote

I must just lack the taste receptors necessary for enjoying un-marinated beef, because I have literally never had a steak that tasted better, or even just different to any random grocery store slab cooked on a frying pan.

Literally the only time I'd ever choose steak over other options is if those other options were dry-ass chicken breast or even drier-ass turkey.


Rorynne t1_jab4v9a wrote

That is a thing afaik. Some people find steak and red meat in generaly to be extremely bland regardless of whats done woth it. Its some type of thing where that cant taste an essential part/enzymes/protein, whatever of steak.


jnemesh t1_jad6y1z wrote

I am guessing you never have been to a good steakhouse then. Find a Ruth's Chris sometime...

There is a HUGE difference between the "grocery store" beef, which is primarily grain fed, mass produced beef, and grass fed beef. You CAN taste it!

There is also the cut of the beef and the dry aging, both of which will improve the taste and texture. A proper dry aged steak is aged for at least 21 days...which also contributes to the cost of your meal.

If beef isn't your thing, this may be wasted on you, though...but for someone who enjoys a good steak, there really is no comparison.

Alternatively, you can also find a good local butcher who has grass fed beef, and dry age and prepare the steaks yourself...


happycheff t1_ja9uauu wrote

Do they not have cows where you come from? That's hella expensive!


40ozkiller t1_jadnzpk wrote

Buying a steak at a nice restaraunt isnt the same as buying a steak from a grocery store even though they both come from cows.


Rahdit42 t1_ja9ku6r wrote

I get paying high prices for excellent cuts. This a bit too high admittedly, but I throughly dislike the fact they charge you for a side. That’s getting not just getting fucked, it’s getting DP’ed. I mean, how much does a potato cost?


PlebBot69 t1_ja9tzkt wrote

It's a banana, how much could it cost? $10?


samba_01 t1_ja9xete wrote

>I throughly dislike the face they charge you for a side.

I feel like that’s standard at American steakhouses? not sure about other countries


Anakha00 t1_jaals0j wrote

I don't think it's a standard thing at steakhouses specifically so much as standard at upscale restaurants. Even still, there's only so much you can do with mashed potatoes for them to cost that much. I think I'd pay up to $20 for truffle fries though, maybe add some aioli, so good.


StewartGotz t1_ja9pt46 wrote

Thats cheap at the majority of decent steakhouses


baltinerdist t1_jab712c wrote

I seriously do not get the shock that people seem to be undergoing in this thread about these steak prices. I'm not wealthy by any means but my wife and I go out for a fancy dinner now and again and I've absolutely paid 60-80 for a standard cut of steak.

You hit the right kind of white tablecloth restaurant in Vegas or NYC or Philly or DC or whatever and you're absolutely not getting out of there for less than $200 across two people.


[deleted] t1_jabb4u3 wrote



baltinerdist t1_jabcn7u wrote

Generally speaking, the kind of place that serves a $60 ribeye vs a $20 ribeye is going to have a vastly different dining experience. Better cocktails, better wine selection, better apps, better sides, better dessert, better service, better atmosphere. And the steak itself is likely to be a high quality piece of meat that is cooked properly, crusted and seasoned expertly, and is served at the temperature you ordered.

The best meal I've ever had in my life was at Joe's Steak and Seafood at Caesars Palace in Vegas. The steak was perfect, I still dream about the hash brown potatoes, and the service was immaculate. And I'm pretty sure after it was all said and done at two steaks, two sides, appetizer, couple of glasses of wine, dessert, with a healthy tip, it was probably around $250.

I also just ate at Longhorn (a steakhouse chain) last Friday and paid $24 for a strip that was quite yummy. I don't discriminate.

And like I said before, I'm not wealthy. Comfortably middle class. I haven't gotten into Wagyu or Kobe or any of the dry aged market price pay by the ounce shenanigans that can set you back $200 a steak. I think there's likely a point of diminishing returns. I can tell the difference between a $20 steak and a $60 steak, but am I going to be able to tell the difference between $60 to $180 steak and even if so, is it going to be worth the triplicate increase?

Only one way to find out but I'm not fiscally there yet.


RJFerret t1_jabh76i wrote

Rather that's just ignorant of your wealth if you have that much disposable income I'm afraid.


Dewshbag41 t1_ja9w6t5 wrote

Seriously though, you can't make a ribeye THAT good.

Now a fucking giant porterhouse, I'll pay $70 for that all day long.


40ozkiller t1_jadnvc5 wrote

You aren’t paying butcher prices at a steakhouse dude.


Dewshbag41 t1_jado1t5 wrote

70 bucks for a ribeye is a rip, unless it's top notch wagyu or some shit its just not worth it. You can get a prime rib for that much money.


ExoticSalamander4 t1_jac90j5 wrote

It's always a coin flip whether the "wtf are these prices" comments or the ones sucking off the restaurant industry will prevail.


Godtrademark t1_jab1xsm wrote

Ill never understand people going to “____ grill.” Like those are always scams, only populated by boomers, and absolutely garbage food.


jnemesh t1_ja9waio wrote

It's a high class steakhouse outside of the Biltmore Estate in Asheville. If you pale at the thought of paying these prices, don't worry, you will never step foot in such an establishment. Just stick to Applebee's and Outback for your dining needs.


doomman118 t1_ja9ywlw wrote

could you say this in a more snobby, elitist way? what a dick lol


bow420 t1_jaatmgi wrote

I mean you're a dick forsure but you're right, these prices are standard for upscale places-on the cheaper end even.


jnemesh t1_jad5cqa wrote

Was actively trying to be a dick about it. Just because that individual can't afford it doesn't mean that such establishments don't have a place in the market. I don't eat at such places even REMOTELY regularly, but for a special occasion or to treat a date, I will absolutely spend the money on a good meal!


Riegler77 t1_jaa8za0 wrote

Dude didn't work a day in his life


jnemesh t1_jad7owu wrote

I wish I didn't have to work...but I can see the value of spending my hard earned cash on a good meal from time to time too.