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Rahdit42 t1_ja9ku6r wrote

I get paying high prices for excellent cuts. This a bit too high admittedly, but I throughly dislike the fact they charge you for a side. That’s getting not just getting fucked, it’s getting DP’ed. I mean, how much does a potato cost?


PlebBot69 t1_ja9tzkt wrote

It's a banana, how much could it cost? $10?


samba_01 t1_ja9xete wrote

>I throughly dislike the face they charge you for a side.

I feel like that’s standard at American steakhouses? not sure about other countries


Anakha00 t1_jaals0j wrote

I don't think it's a standard thing at steakhouses specifically so much as standard at upscale restaurants. Even still, there's only so much you can do with mashed potatoes for them to cost that much. I think I'd pay up to $20 for truffle fries though, maybe add some aioli, so good.