Submitted by Marofer t3_11dc7mi in mildlyinteresting
andersonfmly t1_ja7qlgv wrote
Looks like you have a bit of supination with a roll step going on.
Marofer OP t1_ja7rkgy wrote
What do you mean five finger? And they are Aku Selvaticas - but it literally says vibrum in the center haha
nhbruh t1_ja7rzsz wrote
Vibram makes the soles for a many boots/sneakers
Supertho t1_ja7sev4 wrote
Vibrum five fingers are running shoes with individual toes.
Marofer OP t1_ja7sibi wrote
My Aku Selvaticas that I bought over a year ago for mountain hiking. I liked then so much that I got a black pair for duty a few months ago. The practically unused pair are the non-mid high version (low hight?) which are sadly smaller and therefore too tight, for some reason, so I wore them only a few times.
I thought the wear of the soles is mildly interesting.
[deleted] t1_ja7smeb wrote
Marofer OP t1_ja7smh7 wrote
I’ve had a feeling that I’m something of a cripple. I sometimes stumble on my own foot, even in my house. Well, whatever, hasn’t killed me yet.
andersonfmly t1_ja7unnf wrote
I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say "something of a cripple," since that's 1.5 years of wear. I'm luck to get six months from a pair of shoes, even with custom orthotics, due to severe supination.
_Silly_Wizard_ t1_ja7v5u7 wrote
Which is cool until you need them fixed, which my boot guy says is impossible.
Marofer OP t1_ja7x5n8 wrote
Oh I misread, that only they make finger soles
fondledbydolphins t1_ja7xlqy wrote
I'm sorry, I couldn't get through this sentence.
Supertho t1_ja7qfea wrote
Interesting, I thought vibrum only made those five finger shoes.