Submitted by prayingforsuperpower t3_11dq6p3 in mildlyinteresting
thesnapening t1_jaa5i4e wrote
The question has to be asked. Why is a hospital giving away scissors?
FrequentSinger1661 t1_jaag5tl wrote
Most likely these are disposable instruments, not meant to be re-sterilized.
atomic_redneck t1_jaaltf0 wrote
Yup. I still have mine from 25 years ago. Apparently it is cheaper to make them disposable rather than having to handle contaminated material and then clean and autoclave them.
Akki14 t1_jac7gww wrote
Ever since the discovery of prions, people are less keen to reuse instruments.
Chevy_Suburban t1_jabymvx wrote
How is it cheaper to give away 10+ tools than autoclaving them?
jimb2 t1_jac3gmv wrote
That's how it works. Those tools are basically punched out by machines, some with a bit of human finishing. Those things are ok to use, but they are not the same quality as older instruments that would last for years. Single-use instruments can be made of cheaper metal etc and won't stand up to repeated use.
Autoclaving is a slow, manual, small batch process that uses a lot of energy. If the whole process is not done carefully, infection can be spread by poorly autoclaved instruments, potentially leading to infection, harm, death and million dollar law suits. This happens. More expensive stuff is disinfected and reused, but for the simple tools, it's smarter to open a new sterile pack.
Bird_TheWarBearer t1_jabl4tl wrote
They are actually the kind of instruments you sterilize and re use. But likely the facility can't or won't sterilize them but instead buys new ones for each patient. Which is weird but after seeing comments I guess it's common if done in a clinic.
prayingforsuperpower OP t1_jaa8btu wrote
It was done at a doctors clinic since it’s minimally invasive. I don’t know why they have them away…
WutzUpples69 t1_jaaqouh wrote
Hospitals use autoclaves to sanitize their instruments. In this case it's likely they don't have one or the instruments are just cheap to get. This could be a collection of 10 previous vasectomies they gifted to you.
kittenrice t1_jabde4g wrote
Yup, last one of the day gets to keep the tools.
Party-Ring445 t1_jab9p8w wrote
Because it touched his cooties
marvelofperu t1_jaaor4y wrote
Some appear to be hemostats, a type of clamp. I have good sized one that I used for stuffing dolls. Still use it to get hair out of drains.
Bird_TheWarBearer t1_jabliua wrote
Top left- schnidt scissor top right- adson forcep 2 mosquito clamps, alis clamp, 2 sharp towel clamps, more alis, mosquitoes and adson forceps
Riegel_Haribo t1_jaayy09 wrote
They can't bill sterilization equipment, but can bill new instruments for every patient.
drdrewpschlong t1_jabhxmz wrote
This is the reason. Insurance is wonderful about paying for new sterilized equipment. I, on the other hand, tend to have many cash clients and do my best to wipe my tools down between snips.
toshgiles t1_jabhund wrote
But also, why so many of the same instruments? Haha
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