[deleted] t1_jebwzl2 wrote
doomonyou1999 t1_jebxb9e wrote
They're expensive. Get all you can from it.
MostBotsAreBad t1_jec0qur wrote
I wish I had a neighbor like that.
My neighbors are fine. Just no giant skeletons.
Soulborg87 t1_jec6is2 wrote
It's what I'd do
volpster31 t1_jecd3zh wrote
you dont happen to live by college of n.j do you???i swear i see this everyday
sneakybrownoser OP t1_jech0gv wrote
South FL!
BlueberryHoneypie t1_jecigt1 wrote
I’d honestly have nowhere to put it. Not just for space reasons, but so I also didn’t scare the shit out of myself every time I forgot about it.
Hoosier_Daddy68 t1_jecihsq wrote
It's cool. It really is. But why?
retired_punk t1_jecjfgv wrote
My family leaves the Christmas tree up at my grandma’s bc it’s huge and a pain to assemble. We decorate that for each holiday. Birthdays get a random assortment of pictures of birthday boy/girl in it with the presents underneath. It’s actually pretty cool.
chocobloo t1_jeck2n9 wrote
As with most things in life, the better question is why not?
phred_666 t1_jeck8p5 wrote
Now this gives me ideas…
Dabookadaniel t1_jeckc8z wrote
Ive seen the one youre thinking of came here to ask as well
TheKz262 t1_jecml2r wrote
I accidentally put that sentence out of context
Dr-Pharmadillo t1_jecondm wrote
To no one's surprise, they're in their closets.
WastelandHound t1_jecq3va wrote
Because it's easier than finding a place to store it between Halloweens.
RudeAndSarcastic t1_jecqrms wrote
I have a giant steel spider that I do the same thing to.
robot_pirate_ghost t1_jecreav wrote
Do you live in North California? Cause I know somebody that also does that.
ackillesBAC t1_jecsjaa wrote
Is your neighbour Jamie Loftus
NewNoose t1_jectgxa wrote
Another weird trend thing. The skeletons were in high demand- and the year round costumes are sold by the same company
robo-dragon t1_jectup4 wrote
There's someone who does this near my workplace too! I pass it every day. Around Halloween, they don't just leave it as a giant skeleton. They have dressed it up in different costumes. It had a sheet covering it last year to make it into a ghost.
RyFromTheChi t1_jecu6wm wrote
I’ve seen a couple of these here in Chicago that are decorated year round. Saw a ton on Halloween this year.
_elisheba_ t1_jecusxp wrote
Someone in my hometown does this too
OJSimpsons t1_jecutc0 wrote
Why do we do anything we do or say anything we say? Its all made up and doesn't matter. Do what makes you happy.
hhtran16 t1_jecw7ik wrote
It’s bc they don’t have anywhere to store it
IThinkIKnowThings t1_jecwwye wrote
Ah, to live HOA-free...
Leoimirmir t1_jecxvf1 wrote
I had a neighbor that did this for Christmas last year! I hoped he would keep it up year round, but unfortunately it was put away in January
HeckelSystem t1_jecxvvs wrote
I know of another one up in NoVA. I wonder if it’s some secret club of cool people.
AnonEMoussie t1_jecyyi2 wrote
Mine, too!
Vytian t1_jed16t2 wrote
I have a neighbor like that too. They have a quote on their back fence (faces a main road) that the skeleton peeks over
smith_716 t1_jed1vsa wrote
My neighbor keeps one up year round, too. During the off-season, because this guy goes all out for Halloween, I'm talking a full haunted house that people can come visit. His MIL lives next door so they commission her house, too.
Anyway, during the off-season, he dons a Bills jersey. I would love to know how he got the jersey on it.
-_Jason_- t1_jed2apd wrote
Very nice. My neighbor just leaves it plain
tofu889 t1_jed2fyx wrote
Fun fact: just take a giant Santa and leave it out until spring. Usually after a month or two the flesh rots off and bam! Free giant skeleton!
FeralBottleofMtDew t1_jed2jx3 wrote
I love this. I recently saw a Christmas Tree decorated for St Pat's Day. I'll have to figure outbwhere I saw it and check out the Easter decorations.
asaparaguspiss t1_jed384d wrote
i want to be this neighbor so bad it's burning my soul
PasgettiMonster t1_jed39cl wrote
I know someone in my town who does the same. Ran into her at dollar tree the other day as she was buying supplies to dress it up for Easter. She also has a smaller skeleton and a 2 headed dragon. They all get decorated for every holiday.
C3PO2D2 t1_jed6ix4 wrote
You don’t happen to be in Hernando county by chance?
maruffin t1_jed7f1n wrote
Someone in my town did this last year. It started at Halloween, which makes sense. But then we were all treated to Fall/Thanksgiving Skeleton. Then Christmas Skeleton. Then Mardi Gras Skeleton. Then Easter Skeleton. Finally they took it down.
bosman3674 t1_jedav6t wrote
This is in Maryland right ?
bosman3674 t1_jeday6s wrote
Nvm should've scrolled down , I got someone near me that does the same thing , decorates it different all year around
can_somebody_explain t1_jedek9o wrote
Kudos to them for keeping real estate prices down in your area
bitchalot t1_jedfre4 wrote
The 12 ft Home Depot skeleton that was popular a few years ago. It doesn't bend well and would take up half of the garage to store. That's why there are so many standing all year in the US.
Top_Policy_970 t1_jedfv6s wrote
I love to see the freedom people have without a HOA
bagofhoodies t1_jedg65x wrote
My mom actually does the same thing just with one of those smaller plastic ones.
She tried getting her hands on one of the big ones though.
hollyxbeans t1_jedh9ik wrote
My hometown has one too that has become a sort of local celebrity. It got stolen once an was never returned, so people all pitched in to get the house another one. I love it!
JonesBBQafm t1_jedhm3l wrote
That dude had big ass knees
[deleted] t1_jedi9j1 wrote
Elegant_Spot_3486 t1_jedjb2o wrote
Love seeing stuff like this. Gives some personality to the area.
taavidude t1_jedn0zh wrote
It's always spooky season for him.
CapG_13 t1_jedon40 wrote
I think that this belongs on r/oddlyterrifying 😬😱🤣
aught4naught t1_jedowd4 wrote
Never be too proud to fap
Little-Variation8268 t1_jedqm8t wrote
If I brought home a giant skeleton my wife would be like, "you wasted your money on what????? You better find ways to use it as much as possible!" So I know where you are coming from. Good useage!
Hello_Skin t1_jedrnwf wrote
I feel like the McElroy boys willed this into existence.
__xXCoronaVirusXx__ t1_jedt728 wrote
HOA’s hate them, skeletons love them
hannibal_morgan t1_jedtaxo wrote
Is your neighbor Fred Vogel?
thewebspinner t1_jedyy1w wrote
Imagine what the skeletons they’re hiding in their closet are like.
Akai1up t1_jee1cqq wrote
I wish I could afford a skeleton.
anon783828 t1_jeebnd6 wrote
It could be worse... my neighbor abuses animals and keeps the lawn unmowed, so we have a rat problem. I would 100000% take this over my current neighbor.
cecil721 t1_jeee1yd wrote
Skelly can be purchased at Home Depot around Holloween time. They are often left in place because the people who buy it often don't consider how to store it once the Spoopy season ends. Hence, Skelly became a year-round phenomenon.
bosman3674 t1_jeegrjc wrote
Is this in Essex maryland?
[deleted] t1_jeelqan wrote
Kursan_78 t1_jeenb76 wrote
What do you mean "get all you can from it"? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?
anticlockclock t1_jeepe5g wrote
I'd do the same after paying $1000 for a Halloween decoration.
Peldor-2 t1_jeeqdrv wrote
Can you think of a better way to decorate your yard? Of corpse not.
Frozen_Bart t1_jeerm0v wrote
There's 2/3 (I think the one guy has 2 but I didnt see them both last time I was near that way) of them depending which roads you take. One buy the elementary school and another once you get off the high way that leads towards 7/11.
Gimpstick t1_jeesyjg wrote
With the roof tiles, fence and weather I'm willing to bet this is in Ireland
Saponosapato t1_jeeupc6 wrote
Every day is a good day to be spooky.
little__boxes t1_jeev52m wrote
I've had mine up a full year, and we love decorating him each month!
Negative_Band183 t1_jefcv0m wrote
There's been one in small town Kansas for at least 15 years lol
Unspeakblycrass t1_jeffd5w wrote
Damn you Skelletrex!!
GlitteryCaterpillar t1_jefgikr wrote
A neighbor near me tried this and got wrecked by the HOA right before Valentine’s Day. Haha
devanchya t1_jefhe0w wrote
Why isn't it nailed to a cross?
rabbit__eater t1_jefl6sk wrote
Don't give up, skeleton.
glenninator t1_jeflss4 wrote
Needs a dress or a skirt
bigsoftee84 t1_jeflxsl wrote
There is a house in Maine with a couple.
jimipanic t1_jeg3c5h wrote
My neighbor has had one up for 18+ months and decorates per the nearest upcoming holiday. I just figured it must be a B to take down and to store it
Doctorr-cubism t1_jegk8ir wrote
Palm beach?
sneakybrownoser OP t1_jeh0xqz wrote
no, more south lol
erotyk t1_jeh4kk2 wrote
he stole it from the Mr Bones wild ride
EngineeringVirgin t1_jebwf26 wrote
That’s just being smart, but assert dominance, they take it down during Halloween.