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buddboy t1_jefkwce wrote

I think its pretty interesting because it is shocking that this mechanical device is cheaper than a chip unless this works without batteries


Oclure t1_jefsjix wrote

They often do work without batteries, they are esentialy low quality plastic versions of the old school Victrola record players that rely on the record needle directly vibrating a diaphragm to make sound and thus need no power just somthing to spin the record which could be a pull string in a doll like this.

The same concept is used on those old animal sound spining toys, except those had multiple tracks arranged in concentric spirals on the record. When you pointed the arrow at the animal whose sound you wanted to hear you were actualy lining the record up so the needle would fall into the groove for the right track.


buddboy t1_jeggjmo wrote

Thats really cool. FYI though what you are describing is a lot more like a gramophone than a record player


Oclure t1_jegn19c wrote

Yea I meant to say victrola, but my phone autocorrected into Victoria.


Quasm t1_jefpe44 wrote

They said it was an old doll, which depending on how old it was probably unthinkable to put an expensive microchip in a kids toy.