Submitted by Eigenurin t3_127f5hj in mildlyinteresting
Jupes600 t1_jedzfbn wrote
I remember thst
Trollercoaster101 t1_jee3egj wrote
Talking Doll Records
Diligent-Midnight850 t1_jeemrr0 wrote
Wasn’t the ‘talking doll’ with a vinyl record inside originally patented by Thomas Edison? Not one of his better ideas…
Dude1stPriest t1_jeenptc wrote
I really need someone to make custom tiny records so this can become nightmare fuel.
Eigenurin OP t1_jeeo40l wrote
It's already nightmare fuel! Because of its age the ABC song sounds like straight from a horror movie
dyskinet1c t1_jeepiik wrote
If you play it backwards, does it summon a demon?
[deleted] t1_jeepn5i wrote
BSB8728 t1_jeepq5l wrote
I had a Chatty Cathy doll that used records. You played the record by pulling a string in back of her neck.
VadersSprinkledTits t1_jeeq3ht wrote
Yep, the Kenner Star Wars Imperial Transport also use the same style internal record player. It’s quite a feat of engineering. Specifically placed buttons, and a retracting spring loaded needle. Wizardry before digital
rearadmiraldumbass t1_jeeqsx0 wrote
A B C D E F G, I will murder you in your sleep.
vinnyj5 t1_jees2vu wrote
Y’all have never seen Toy Story 4?! Gabby Gabby tries to steal this from Woody.
Emergency-Feeling912 t1_jees2x6 wrote
Indeed pure nightmare fuel
Eigenurin OP t1_jees7tm wrote
Wait, I can't remember putting it there on the bed...
gearslut-5000 t1_jeesj8y wrote
it's purely mechanical, yeah? the needle is connected to something that vibrates and amplified the sound rather than a battery powered speaker, right? pretty neat.
gwaydms t1_jeesm88 wrote
Take video and post it to r/lowbatterysounds
[deleted] t1_jeetfr7 wrote
VoraciousTrees t1_jeeuew4 wrote
Take notes, Bethesda. Gonna need a new bioshock game soon.
XRedcometX t1_jeexswg wrote
Someone didn’t watch Toy Story 4
Mysticpoisen t1_jeez74s wrote
There's an old William Osman video where he attempts to make a record with his laser cutter and it does sound horrifying.
General_Specific t1_jeezywb wrote
It summons a Furby.
gaze-upon-it t1_jef0u4a wrote
There were football games with the mini record, pick the offense, the other player chooses defense from the opposite side of the disc, several option. Those selections determined an outcome, cheering, play calls etc. great fun. Until you mark the discs and can call the perfect play for that disc lol. Came with about 10 records. My sister had one of these dolls
dadydaycare t1_jef1ck3 wrote
He also insisted on using the worst possible materials on purpose and never tried on vinyl. Still probably would Have sounded god awful but with that vinyl sound.
IShallSealTheHeavens t1_jef1k0y wrote
I am agreeing that I am very gruntled by this post.
mrchaddy t1_jef1xy9 wrote
These were very common in the 70s
toogaloon t1_jef2gt6 wrote
My alarm clock as a kid in the 80s was a plastic He-Man castle with an analog clock in the middle. The alarm itself was a tiny record like this, I still remember part of the song "time to wake up, smile and be happy. Brush your teeth and make it snappy." It ended with "we're the Masters of the Universe!" which I thought was super cool.
Provia100F t1_jef3le1 wrote
That works on humans as well. Pull their spine out and they talk...or scream
scoff-law t1_jef48yp wrote
Reminds me of that Phillip K Dick sorry about the guy that finds a tape machine in his body.
dell02 t1_jef4o6v wrote
Hello from Eastern Europe, this is my best childhood memory.
QuietGanache t1_jef4ud2 wrote
Using a laser on vinyl is pretty dangerous, you get all sorts of chlorine compounds so you need an external vent that's definitely not going to blow back in. If you're considerate, a scrubber is even better.
freshandminty t1_jef5im9 wrote
I have but somehow still never put it together that it was a tiny record. 🤦♀️
I_love_pillows t1_jef6l7i wrote
so that’s how those work back in the day before electronics.
_-__-__-__-__-_-_-__ t1_jefadxr wrote
Toy Story 4
Potaatolongster t1_jefamul wrote
My sister had one of these growing up! It was german, and if you think thar shit is creepy in English, try it in German. We used it once and then used the records for pretend plates.
could_use_a_snack t1_jefarsp wrote
Speak and spell works the same way. Very clever.
kpanzer t1_jefauj9 wrote
> A B C D E F G
A B C D E F G, my name is Talky Tina....
Trumpswells t1_jefcxz4 wrote
Looks like Chatty Kathy.
Everyday_Normal_Lad t1_jefdnf8 wrote
Budget cyberpunk braindance doll
Fuck_you_Reddit_Nazi t1_jefe1sx wrote
Sixties, actually. I always wanted one because my friend had one.
Jespoir t1_jefec4b wrote
This guy doesn’t Toy Story.
mrchaddy t1_jefeje8 wrote
I had a action man with some.
Reygle t1_jefevay wrote
Same kind of thing that some 80's ?Chrysler? cars used for thinks like door chime speech/etc.
[deleted] t1_jefftwb wrote
JDubNutz t1_jefgmvj wrote
Its a bit whelming.
MrRabbito t1_jefgo9f wrote
Dj Mustard! Young money!
Notguilty5190 t1_jefhr1o wrote
comment bot this is a stolen comment
IscahRambles t1_jefk2pd wrote
As they were saying...
EffectiveSalamander t1_jefkd2g wrote
I'd like one that said "ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn."
jonitfcfan t1_jefkp9e wrote
buddboy t1_jefkwce wrote
I think its pretty interesting because it is shocking that this mechanical device is cheaper than a chip unless this works without batteries
chazlarson t1_jefl3sg wrote
The record typically has multiple concentric grooves, so the needle will randomly drop into one of them. I used to have a 45rpm record for a regular turntable that had this same feature.
CMDR_omnicognate t1_jefl5q4 wrote
These were actually quite common on old “talking” toys, those old animal sound toys where you pull a cord and it would make an animal noise for example were basically just really rudimentary vinyls made of plastic
shifty_coder t1_jeflopz wrote
Yep. Pull the string to wind a spring. As the spring unwinds, the stylus drags across the record, and sound comes out.
Udax5000 t1_jefm2cl wrote
The Milli Vannili Method.
KJReadIt t1_jefm3yh wrote
I saw these in the 80s.
[deleted] t1_jefmk9y wrote
Sees_Walls t1_jefmlkz wrote
Time to 3d print the sounds of hell.
Thiccaca t1_jefmnon wrote
I now want to see a DJ do a set using vintage dolls.
Vectorman1989 t1_jefmnt8 wrote
jschubart t1_jefn7te wrote
I learned this from Toy Story 4.
jschubart t1_jefng30 wrote
Her record was fine. It was the speaker thingie that was broken.
Crackheadwithabrain t1_jefnvfx wrote
Yes but as kids and I wouldn’t remember this particular part lol 😩
julianx2rl t1_jefo02b wrote
Now DATs what you call a luxury item!
starraven t1_jefobji wrote
Quasm t1_jefpe44 wrote
They said it was an old doll, which depending on how old it was probably unthinkable to put an expensive microchip in a kids toy.
sonicjesus t1_jefqw2g wrote
The "see and say" was slightly more complicated. Turning the dial to a particular animal moved the needle to a specific track.
sonicjesus t1_jefr7pv wrote
It's essentially a plastic gramophone.
sonicjesus t1_jefrx65 wrote
Nah, that's fully synthesized, and people hated cars like that ever bit as much as they should have.
"Your door is ajar" fueled thousands of failed stand up comedy routines, as it should have.
sonicjesus t1_jefs6x2 wrote
Chatty Cathy.
You're thinking of the teenage version with leather miniskirt and giant hoop earrings.
Oclure t1_jefsjix wrote
They often do work without batteries, they are esentialy low quality plastic versions of the old school Victrola record players that rely on the record needle directly vibrating a diaphragm to make sound and thus need no power just somthing to spin the record which could be a pull string in a doll like this.
The same concept is used on those old animal sound spining toys, except those had multiple tracks arranged in concentric spirals on the record. When you pointed the arrow at the animal whose sound you wanted to hear you were actualy lining the record up so the needle would fall into the groove for the right track.
iTwango t1_jefsn9f wrote
Makes me want to gurgitate
Oclure t1_jeftb6i wrote
The movie is only 4 years old.
pogpole t1_jeftrr2 wrote
I was going to mention this. I think it had six different grooves spiraled together, each one playing a different sound, and it was a matter of chance which one the needle fell into. Very clever.
EDIT: I misremembered. The buttons would turn the record to line up the appropriate groove. But I learned that you could get it to play a random sound by pushing the button only halfway down. That's probably what prompted me to take it apart and see how it worked in the first place.
MillardSheets t1_jefv5ob wrote
I had an old Nisan 280ZX with this tech. She'd warn you if you left the parking break on or a door was ajar. At the time I thought it was the height of technology.
Reygle t1_jefvmjs wrote
Huh. I stand corrected. Could have sworn I'd seen a video about using that odd LP style "tech" back then. Maybe a different auto maker used it, or maybe my brain is bad.
vinnyj5 t1_jefw0ii wrote
Ahh you’re right!
TonyManhattan t1_jefxcmb wrote
I remember these and I'm under 40.
ParusMajor69 t1_jefyvoo wrote
This was part of the plot to toy story 4
Koeienvanger t1_jefz9zk wrote
Maybe they're 18 now lol
its_justme t1_jefzucb wrote
I’m really tripped out by how long OP’s thumb is
Gorsken t1_jeg0itk wrote
End-game hifi experience.
Eeeeeeebee t1_jeg0m4s wrote
14 is teenager. Not kid. I remember most movies I've seen at 9, let alone 14.
GalickGunn t1_jeg0yqt wrote
Toy story 4 vibes
Koeienvanger t1_jeg1fub wrote
Teenagers are kids.
game_asylum t1_jeg3svi wrote
Pretty sure that's just vinyl
Trumpswells t1_jeg5b3q wrote
Thanks, Hello Kitty.
EdenStarEyes t1_jeg68td wrote
I forgot about those! Awesome.
Ordinary_Today401 t1_jeg6szo wrote
It looks like a Chatty Cathy.
ruiamador t1_jeg8vq9 wrote
My mother had one.
IcyInvestigator6138 t1_jeg98xc wrote
Thanks, I was thinking exactly the same but couldn’t recall her name
chuker34 t1_jega3ti wrote
Datsun cars did the same. Started in the 280ZX and I know it continued in the 300ZX and maybe some Nissans?
The car would talk to you and tell you things like “the left door is open” or when you left the lights on or keys in the ignition.
These days they don’t seem to work, but there’s YouTube videos of people making them work.
Useless but cool piece of technology.
chuker34 t1_jega845 wrote
Datsun, 280/300ZX
chuker34 t1_jega8lg wrote
Datsun, 280/300ZX
SpotCreepy4570 t1_jega99l wrote
Crazy part is I'm watching it as I came across this post, little creepy lol.
AKADriver t1_jegaf24 wrote
Nissan, not Chrysler, in fact did use a small phono record. It actually sounded pretty good, since it used natural speech. You'd think, ah, the Japanese, surely they had electronic voice synthesizer technology ahead of the US. Nope! Ultra-miniaturized record player.
They did develop a solid state version of their own by '85.
AKADriver t1_jegb6vs wrote
Yep and the 810 Maxima.
[deleted] t1_jegcvcp wrote
Cindexxx t1_jegdjf7 wrote
Not for very long though, and it only works once. Well, once per person. But still.
Bempet583 t1_jegfvp7 wrote
buddboy t1_jeggjmo wrote
Thats really cool. FYI though what you are describing is a lot more like a gramophone than a record player
Current-Ad-7054 t1_jeggk1o wrote
Lol Dick nice one
[deleted] t1_jeggmnl wrote
mandu_xiii t1_jeghf5l wrote
When I was a kid, I had a car from Knight Rider, KIT, that used that same concept for speech. I took it apart and was fascinated by it.
maurice_moss_d20 t1_jegig5j wrote
Then why would they say "as kids" if they're still a kid? Checkmate.
CreeperThePro t1_jegky74 wrote
Wow that’s so cool
I_suck_at_Blender t1_jeglmto wrote
And I bet after many years of use it's GHASTLY.
CBT_Dr_Freeman t1_jeglqw6 wrote
16yos tend to think they're the shit and called millennials "boomers".
Oclure t1_jegn19c wrote
Yea I meant to say victrola, but my phone autocorrected into Victoria.
Don_Tiny t1_jego21p wrote
> 16yos tend to think
I disagree.
Source: was 16 once ... before the first world war, I think.
MrPumpkin21 t1_jegqbx3 wrote
If they’re playing the Beatles on a record.. you best believe your cabbage patch kid is being played on a record.
Ok-Camp-7285 t1_jegqzv0 wrote
>Huh, that’s cool and this is indeed the very definition of mildly interesting.
It fits the definition, it isn't the definition itself
nolongerbanned99 t1_jegt1ie wrote
They should do that with people.
Annoying_Anomaly t1_jegtbmy wrote
all fun and games until it plays backwards and you hear satan
hypercarbia t1_jeguhah wrote
Stay whelmed.
Willy_wolfy t1_jegx60c wrote
My sister had one of them. Times change fast hey.
MussenM t1_jegxvpm wrote
Cuz a 14 year old got more years in memory than a 9 year old. So whether the kid says “as kids…” or “a few years back…” or “when I was younger…” doesn’t really matter. Checkmate no u.
maurice_moss_d20 t1_jegy7bt wrote
I'm not debating that, but why would a kid say "as a kid"? I'm just goofing around anyway, feel free to ignore.
root_over_ssh t1_jegzlse wrote
My cousins had a cecciobello doll growing up, it was slightly broken so it sounded demonic and would scare the hell out of me.
MussenM t1_jeh1wbj wrote
I could ignore for sure, but I like explaining stuff, ignore this if u want. Some teenagers will try to look smart and cool by separating themselves from younger kids and will for that reason say “as a kid…” when bringing up a past event. Another reason is that most teenagers will say they aren’t kids so they can feel more independent and free which is completely natural. Please don’t take this as a hostile argument, I am also just goofing rn. Have a good day.
chickennoobiesoup t1_jeh1xqh wrote
Ripping open dolls to see what’s inside is perfectly normal behavior for engineers.
AdventurousRoll9798 t1_jeh34p7 wrote
That doll is in very good condition. The clothes are clean and the hair is shiny. Probably worth some $$$. Nice find.
Melis725 t1_jeh3b0y wrote
Wow...never seen this kind of doll before!
mopman94 t1_jedvejf wrote
Huh, that’s cool and this is indeed the very definition of mildly interesting.