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badg0re t1_je66jb1 wrote

Trust me you’re lucky as fuck, and a lot of people will even call me lucky. So enjoy what you get or change your life for the better


OhNoEnglandBloke t1_je675bl wrote

I just want a jet ski and somewhere to use it….


badg0re t1_je690xi wrote

Well, I don’t have a jet ski, but I almost have where to use it, but there are russian mines floating around. “Who asked?” You may reply and it’ll be fair enough, but I think you can go to Swansea on weekend and rent a jet ski, you’ll remember it for a long time for sure.


OhNoEnglandBloke t1_je6alzr wrote



Russian mines?


badg0re t1_je6bodi wrote

1 😊

2 Yeah? I found on google that there is a lot of places where you can have ride on jet ski, but you should know better, I’m sure there is a lot of great places to go

3 Sadly yes. I live in Odesa and Black Sea and it’s beaches aren’t safe place to chill and swim for more than a year already.


OhNoEnglandBloke t1_je6cesm wrote

Shit man, I’m really sorry.

Maybe one day we can meet in Swansea however your expectations need to managed.


badg0re t1_je6dvq2 wrote

Don’t be sorry, it’s not you who support this bullshit I believe. And when I manage to get to Britain I’ll try to dm you if I won’t forget XD