Submitted by Bara_Chat t3_1253p6w in mildlyinteresting
DarkAngelBaM t1_je2c5ji wrote
CRO553R t1_je2edhj wrote
Not so strange...I'm 1'61"
Sanity_LARP t1_je2jxol wrote
At that point why even put a number if they can't look 1 up or down and tell it's 5ft? It's not more intuitive to just diverge from the standard that everyone learns. I would kick these out from under people if I saw them.
152centimetres t1_je2kg3q wrote
gonna start telling people im 4'12 bc it sounds better than "5 nothing"
dclxvi616 t1_je2khn0 wrote
Don't take it out on the consumer, they probably didn't even notice until they got home, if at all. Find the person that made it this way.
helloimmatthew_ t1_je2ufji wrote
I’m 1’62”
nl_Kapparrian t1_je2un7w wrote
I'm 4'20"
aught4naught t1_je2vlg0 wrote
Six foot minus 3 here
Columbus43219 t1_je2vnfr wrote
I am going to post this reply, even though I just realized the clip is FIFTEEN years old:
Salarian_American t1_je2xyl3 wrote
I once heard a guy I know respond to be asked how tall he was with "5 foot 12." This was also the guy who, when asked how long he thought a task would take, said: "I don't know, twenty minutes, maybe fifteen at most."
SunChipMan t1_je2z0lu wrote
I'm 4' 22"
Adios-Bitchacho t1_je32gnf wrote
Fucking metric system.
HotSalsaAssFire t1_je32khu wrote
3ft tall? TF
_BRZRKR t1_je33hat wrote
He sounds fun to be around
Blundell1992 t1_je35qw0 wrote
I'm 5' 15".
crunchyfrog555 t1_je37sjg wrote
Lol, maybe that's a setting only for leap years? :)
DH8814 t1_je38a4k wrote
I used to tell people I was 5’12” lol. I was a good bit taller than 5’11” but felt like a liar to say I was 6’ when I didn’t quite hit the mark. Got that extra quarter inch and now I’m a guilt free 6’ 😝
ObsoleteReference t1_je39mhp wrote
Honestly I’m just happy they went on To 5’1” after that, rather that 4-12,5-0,5-1.
Razur_1 t1_je3ez2c wrote
Nah hes 6-3, bro has negative inches on em.
JerseyshoreSeagull t1_je3i861 wrote
I'm 4'20" myself
yourwholefreakinlife t1_je3iqy7 wrote
IdealIdeas t1_je3itcg wrote
Maybe im 5' 12"
Because whenever I go to the doctors and get prescribed drugs they question my height if I say im 6' and they question my height when I say im 5'11". Every time I have to explain im like right on the line between the 2 heights.
JayKronos t1_je3l788 wrote
DjuriWarface t1_je3nsjp wrote
>gonna start telling people im 4'12 bc it sounds better than "5 nothing"
I think that works the opposite of how you think it does.
There are probably a lot of people who would think 4'13" is shorter than 5'.
Unless you're trying to sound petite, then you do you.
152centimetres t1_je3o6n5 wrote
i'm actually more like 4'11.75 but usually round up, so i think 4'12 is just the funniest thing to say
Y34rZer0 t1_je3qk7z wrote
There must be some curious reason, cos there’s no 5’0”. I wonder what it is
Salarian_American t1_je3rx4m wrote
It depends on how much you're amused by people who say stupid shit all the time
OniDelta t1_je3sd7c wrote
Definitely wasn't a programmer.
bostiq t1_je3ufb6 wrote
Well I'm 3'40'' so what?
bostiq t1_je3ukcd wrote
I'm also surprised they are not measuring you in hummingbirds... it's more accurate than hamsters
Kc-hush t1_je3v1s7 wrote
50 percent of the time it works everytime
AndrewPurnell t1_je3vata wrote
Spent a few months working with my brother doing residential construction. When I would call out a length for him to cut I would ask for 5 foot 23 inches
saforrest t1_je3w4rc wrote
Reminds of a dude I knew named Daryl who, when asked how long a task would take, would say something like “a maximum of fifteen to twenty minutes”.
enehar t1_je3w72v wrote
If they say it in jest, absolutely.
Salarian_American t1_je3w7iv wrote
I'll take those odds
saforrest t1_je3wakj wrote
To be honest this looks like something made for the U.S. market by someone who grew up with metric.
Beersink t1_je3wkij wrote
Well there are twelve inches in a foot so you must have to list them all.
[deleted] t1_je3wz9q wrote
Gonna start telling people I'm 4'24"
[deleted] t1_je3ycck wrote
[deleted] t1_je3yghe wrote
Haha that’s hilarious
noahnear t1_je3ys36 wrote
5foot is unlucky in Mandarin.
reflirt t1_je41wnd wrote
I mean I’m 1’60” so
usinjin t1_je422wq wrote
Username almost checks out!
aught4naught t1_je42ep7 wrote
sssh...don't want Tinder to hear
Fillmore43 t1_je43ynq wrote
Sucks for me being 4’25”
Kiflaam t1_je44run wrote
maybe the print came from an automated machine of some sort that doesn't have a null option for the inches?
misterfuss t1_je47ar6 wrote
I knew a really tall girl who said she 5’ 12” when asked due to the stigma of being 6’ tall.
[deleted] t1_je49h33 wrote
Obi-wan-blow-me t1_je4bsvc wrote
I'm 1'81" european style
Koendeijck t1_je4cj91 wrote
Is this some sick American joke I'm too European for to understand?
SchizophrenicKitten t1_je4cylx wrote
JeffBrat t1_je4ddr9 wrote
Train overdue, Angels have gone. Sorry, I had to say that...
toaster98 t1_je4dhn7 wrote
Can someone explain this to me who uses normal units ?
yolorips t1_je4ilnc wrote
as a european i don´t see nothing strange here
The92nd t1_je4kn6m wrote
Similar here, I'm like 6'1 and ¾ and I don't like saying 6'2 even though with shoes on I'm over it.
SlartieB t1_je4kwfg wrote
It should go 4 ft 11 in, 5 ft, 5 ft 1 in. But it says 4 ft 12 in instead of 5 ft. 12 inches=I foot.
Shortsleevedpant t1_je4l2qf wrote
You could probably extended them all the way to 4’14” if you needed.
toaster98 t1_je4l416 wrote
Ah thank you
toaster98 t1_je4l6uv wrote
Ah thank you
SlartieB t1_je4lbgd wrote
Risk of misinterpreting that as 50 inches if someone's not able to see the decimal clearly. 5 feet = 60 inches. 4ft 2 = 50 inches. Risk of someone setting it up far too high or low
SlartieB t1_je4lil1 wrote
Five foot eleven and a half?
SlartieB t1_je4lotj wrote
Half of the world's population is below average intelligence
tila1993 t1_je4mjlz wrote
That’s like when I heard how to read a clock in second grade I put 2:60 instead of 3 and got yelled at.
Bara_Chat OP t1_je4mm4e wrote
In Canada, but basically it's like saying my height is 1m100 instead of 2m.
Bara_Chat OP t1_je4n3m0 wrote
I'd rather say I'm 69 inches in my case just so people can say... nice.
Sanity_LARP t1_je4rbc8 wrote
Well really most of the world falls into the "average" section of the IQ bell curve but I do see your point
SlartieB t1_je4rg6o wrote
Yeah it's a tongue in cheek statement lol
J3FRS0N t1_je4rsqv wrote
You borrowed. Borrowed = take, loaned = give.
Wolfgang1234 t1_je4s1kn wrote
There are 12 inches (") in 1 foot ('), so 4'12" would usually be written as 5'0".
Bara_Chat OP t1_je4v7zk wrote
Oh you're right. I wasn't sure so I used loaned. Thanks.
J3FRS0N t1_je4vfyj wrote
👍 I'm a bit of a grammar nut but it always comes from a good place. Thanks for taking it well, most people freak out at me.
Spezi-Community t1_je4x6u7 wrote
Is this some kind of joke im to european to unterstand?
Mokkiki t1_je4yiqs wrote
That’s for folks born on a leap day/year!
great9 t1_je51fku wrote
that's what you get for using imperial units
LSqre t1_je51miz wrote
I'd be in good company
[deleted] t1_je54kd0 wrote
Hreny1 t1_je55qb3 wrote
Whats that in normal units?
gregit13 t1_je55uj8 wrote
4'10, 4'11, 4'12.. Make sense to me too
Goshenta t1_je56ohm wrote
fermat9997 t1_je57zgx wrote
Less interesting than 4'11.99repeating"
SamohtGnir t1_je59f1k wrote
I'm 4' 24".
a_phantom_limb t1_je59n38 wrote
Four feet and twelve inches is five feet.
[deleted] t1_je5a330 wrote
Nandy-bear t1_je5cfkp wrote
This should be in the dictionary for mildlyinteresting. Nailed it, no notes.
Although I am wondering on the why.
doctorlongghost t1_je5fhik wrote
Does it though?
-Raskyl t1_je5for4 wrote
I used to know a couple, the woman was 5'0". And her husband would call her 4'12", and it made her so irritated. I thought it was great, and also better than 5'0". But ya, she did not.
ArbutusPhD t1_je5g5m4 wrote
Return them, there is no 5’ setting
ThingCalledLight t1_je5h93n wrote
I was looking to help a guy with some voice acting. I asked him to describe the character.
“He’s pretty lazy, but energetic.”
When I asked what kinda timeframe he had, he said,
“Take your time, but I’m pretty impatient.”
I did not take on the job.
[deleted] t1_je5ii8x wrote
[deleted] t1_je5izd9 wrote
Birthday_dad420 t1_je5jx1g wrote
Just remember that 1/3 pounder failed because people though 1/4 is bigger
Riegler77 t1_je5k1e1 wrote
Why not? 4'12 is obviously 5'2
derliebesmuskel t1_je5lt24 wrote
I don’t see the problem. There are, after all, 12 inches to the foot.
trashlogin48 t1_je5n2q6 wrote
missed opportunity here. You are 69 inches tall my friend.
aught4naught t1_je5natj wrote
trashlogin48 t1_je5njvu wrote
Rounding to the nearest inch is generally accepted. Go out and enjoy your new 69 life.
aught4naught t1_je5nud1 wrote
if only all my hair hadn't migrated to my nose and ears
commentninja t1_je5o5gz wrote
You could also throw a helping verb in there.
crutches I was loaned
Meaning someone else did the loaning
English is a wacky language.
Hashashin455 t1_je5ox3l wrote
At least they didn't label the one after it 5 ft
AffectionateGrape184 t1_je5pjnf wrote
You correct me bro? You lookin for a fight bro?
AffectionateGrape184 t1_je5q2e6 wrote
That's why normal people measure the height of an average adult with 180 lines, not 70
No offense
stitchworthy t1_je5q94c wrote
I thought you already went by 152cm
Spezi-Community t1_je5r3an wrote
Falcon3492 t1_je5s7w8 wrote
Well at least they didn't put it down as 960/16ths.
WulfTyger t1_je5t45x wrote
The Third Pounder effect.
Rabidowski t1_je5vecr wrote
"borrowed" from ...
mjolnir76 t1_je63cyl wrote
Had a friend in college who was tall. When people would ask, she’d say 5’12”. Loved the confused looks.
TheRealMisterMemer t1_je696st wrote
What do TransFlash cards have to do with anything
smartyy86 t1_je6g91m wrote
in a country where a 7/64" nut exists, which exists between the 3/32" and 1/8" nut, but is bigger than the 3/32", yet smaller than the 1/8" nut, you should not dare to complain about such a thing.
GewoonEenRedditNaam t1_je6gb90 wrote
What is interesting about this
noopcm t1_je6gv96 wrote
It’s technically correct, which is the best kind of correct.
Bara_Chat OP t1_je6iuoe wrote
I live in Canada, but even here tools are sold in both imperial and metric sizes. It's a bit of a mess.
Bara_Chat OP t1_je6jfww wrote
English is not my first language, so if I make mistakes, I'd rather be told so I can improve.
TuxTues3 t1_je6vuvx wrote
Nah that's Titanfall but still what does that have to do with anything
Elfonso8az t1_je78tm6 wrote
As a European I can say that this made me understand the imperial system even less
[deleted] t1_jeahjq6 wrote
dclxvi616 t1_je2a4u8 wrote
Better choice than 5'0", and we all know that simply 5' is going to leave people saying, 'Five foot what? Did the numbers get scratched off?'