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_Silly_Wizard_ t1_je7lc7o wrote

It's when your doodoo piles up and breaks the surface of the water, of course.

Typically results in your standard iceberg formation of 10% above water, 90% below.

Don't want to scrape knuckles on the thing.


sadetheruiner t1_je7rx7v wrote

Alright makes sense actually, I am a frequent pooper so things don’t escalate that far lmao.


NoTurkeyTWYJYFM t1_je9d8gq wrote

Alright firstly, congrats on taking such fat shits

Secondly, this sounds like a geographical thing because toilet water level in the uk is at least 7 or 8 inches below dick level. Unless your name is Randy Marsh, perchance?


_Silly_Wizard_ t1_je9pw2c wrote

When it comes to toilets, America is the wild west. Sometimes you're perched over a porcelain grand canyon, sometimes your nut hairs will be tickling the surface of a shallow pond.

We desperately need universal toilet reform!


NoTurkeyTWYJYFM t1_je9q4wm wrote

Yes. I vote maximum water level to envelope the anus plus the dick and balls for smooth expulsion