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treknaut t1_je5f7q9 wrote

There's literally a condom called Retard in there!


TrashPanda592 t1_je5i8zr wrote

Ok i'm curious what is a retard condom. Going by pricing it's in europe or the uk?


purple_pixie t1_je5k419 wrote

Presumably somewhere that speaks a Romance language, and it'll retard in the sense of to slow down / delay.

Given the name it's next to I'd have to assume Italian

(Also the UK doesn't use the Euro)


Riegler77 t1_je5kijn wrote

To retard means to delay. (This is also used in medicine). In this case it means that it's designed to make the man come later.


RichestMangInBabylon t1_je7fzmo wrote

That seems inconvenient. I'm not really sure where I'll be later but I probably won't want to cum then.


Maverick_1882 t1_je5lk62 wrote

Retard is a product line from Control condoms. Retard is lined with Benzocaine, which temporarily numbs nerve endings.


camelzigzag t1_je5n11z wrote

This reminds me of the Curb Your Enthusiasm episode where Larry wears a condom backwards before having sex.


Elfonso8az t1_je78jan wrote

I think that might be what is trying to prevent lol


loverlyone t1_je63suz wrote

They have these machines outside every pharmacy in Italy. “Retard” was definitely our fave name.


GrandProblem8034 t1_jeayopm wrote

It’s for the gentlemen that’s curved to the left or right two degrees like how you would retard your timing in your vehicle -2 degrees back.