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Jorcora t1_jedxo6n wrote

Are we becoming more and more stupid? Have we forgotten to read/show corporal expression in real life? Life is not a chat where you need emojis or gadgets to show your emotions.


lunedeu t1_jedy834 wrote

No, but when you have to signal no contact constantly to many people it is best to just say it once and have it respected. I wish no contact was the baseline norm everywhere so I dont have to impose it for others.


Cerulean_IsFancyBlue t1_jef0xb1 wrote

People have always signaled through their clothing and accessories. Team colors, mourning attire, flag pin in the lapel, spiky mohawk, political buttons, “rebel” beret, jeans to the board meeting, religious necklace, “I voted”, wedding ring, school tie, MAGA hat, pussy hat.

“New thing bad” + half-ass justification, is no way to go through life.