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Hickspy t1_iu1qj2m wrote

And that truck will sit in the left lane for 70 miles.


TipYourDishwasher t1_iu28j7a wrote

Asking for a friend, why is passing on the right a big deal?


adrolter t1_iu2a4le wrote

If there's plenty of shoulder and you're paying attention (and have good reaction time) it's generally not. Sometimes trucks just don't merge back to the right and force you to pass on the right, so I just wait for a reasonably safe opportunity, gun it, and get it over with.


TorqueRollz t1_iu2fdld wrote

Because you’re supposed to pass on the left and people aren’t expecting faster moving cars to be coming on the right.

Having said this, if some asshat is going too slowly and impeding traffic in the left lane then people will pass on the right. You’re not really supposed to though


Nostradamaus_2000 t1_iu2gog9 wrote

I agree, we were making a left turn and a lady tried to cut in and got caught on the front wheel and car tossed, we didnt even know she was there.


JustDubbinAround t1_iu2r37r wrote

For these guys, it's because they make wide right-hand turns. Sometimes, the only way for them to make a right turn is to swing to the left first. Stupid people will sometimes try to squeeze by on the right when they do that, even when the driver has his blinker on, and then get squished when the driver tries to make the turn.

As for why you shouldn't pass on the right normally, bear in mind that these rules were written years ago, and that when they were written, many cars did not have passenger side wing mirrors. Even though everything has a passenger side mirror nowadays, they bear the warning, "Objects in mirror are closer than they appear." So if you go to pass someone on the right and that driver decides to move back over, then when he looks in his right side mirror, it looks like he has more space than he actually has.


Fromanderson t1_iu2yahu wrote

Trucks have massive blind spots. I own an elderly cabover and even with better mirrors I can’t see much on that side. Throw in a trailer and I could completely total your vehicle and not even know it.

Years ago I was rear ended in an old farm truck. His bumper got caught under my trailer hitch. I dragged the guy for a bit with him standing on the brakes. I didn’t hear or feel a thing.

Keep in mind a loaded semi or one of those triple axle dump trucks makes anything I’ve driven look like a toy.


Dry-Fill9591 t1_iu3bzfl wrote

In some European countries, and probably others too, it's very illegal to pass on the right and you absolutely do get pulled over for it. I wish it was like that in the US, as well as enforcement of "left lane is for passing only" laws that are already on the books in most places.

But that's a pipe dream, in the US it's a god-given right to drive like a complete selfish dipshit and keep your license.


Pedantichrist t1_iu3fvz4 wrote

Truckers love to think this way, but if you put several tons of machinery somewhere without checking nobody is there first, you really ought to be culpable.


Syrel t1_iu3p5xl wrote

That's a chair point but I think the balance of perspective from both sides would indicate a mutual understanding that a trucker should know the force their trucks carry, and how much less abruptly they can stop.

Likewise, as a regular car driver, we should recognize these trucks as big and slow, but also in many ways more dangerous than another similarly sized car to pass or otherwise engage with.

Mutual respect should be given.

Think of it like we're the motorcycle, and they're the car. Motorcyclists sometimes drive way more wildly, making unsafe cuts in traffic and squeezing between cars because they believe they have enough space, even when they don't.

It's my job behind the wheel to be aware of them, just as much as it's their job to be aware of me. Its a lot easier to stay safe in a car crash than in a motorcycle crash. I'd think the same rule applies to big rigs and regular vehicles.


Pedantichrist t1_iu3pa5h wrote

Just like with motorcycles and cars, cars too often blame motorcycles, as if it is the motorcycle's fault for being there, when any driver should be looking out for them.


TMed2012 t1_iu43cw0 wrote

A lot of people are talking about the truck’s blind spot, but a part of it is also the passing vehicle’s “blind spot” that’s caused by the truck in front of it. When the driver sits on the left side of the vehicle, it’s easier to see around the left side of the vehicle in front of you when starting to pass. I’d you try to pass on the right, you have to be almost fully committed to the right lane before you can see around the truck.

Under normal circumstances that doesn’t matter a whole lot, but abnormal circumstances are what make it dangerous. Things like stopped or very slow vehicles in the right lane that the truck is try to pass. You try to pass on the right and end up rear ending a much slower vehicle that you didn’t see until it’s too late.

Plenty of other small reasons that add up to make it a “big deal” overall, but this one it seems a lot of people don’t think about.


smashmouthrules t1_iu43uz3 wrote

Lmao where tf do you experience this. Reddit is full motorbike-riders whining that their friend died while doing a wheelie at 150km/hr on a suburban street and it was because car-drivers don't check their blind spots, somehow


Salarian_American t1_iu4i9fl wrote

I've seen more than one that got cute and wrote "Grateful" on the left and "Dead" on the right.


neckos t1_iu4ojvp wrote

Again, they are a crime fighting force and not a particularly effective one. We don't need American police shaking down civilians for money based on minor traffic offenses.


JustDubbinAround t1_iu4xdpb wrote

They are a law enforcement force, and that includes enforcement of traffic laws.

In 20 years of driving, I've never had them try to shake me down. Must be because I know how to follow simple traffic laws.


Khagan27 t1_iu4y5gx wrote

I’ve also seen “overtaker” on the left and “undertaker” on the right, which I thought was witty


jjpenguins66 t1_iu5afcz wrote

NEVER ride/drive beside a truck. If you can't see the driver looking at you in his mirror, most likely he can't see you. Remember, you are the one who's most likely going to be hurt. Get past as quickly and safely as possible if you need to.


Roman_____Holiday t1_iu5rxer wrote

Trucks keep right and they won't have an issue. If people are passing you on the right and you aren't about to turn left, you're the one who's fucking up.