Submitted by VulturE t3_yfnnc2 in mildlyinteresting
Riptide360 t1_iu48zj4 wrote
Any idea what is coming in?
hereforthensfwstuff t1_iu49ugg wrote
It was probably the best part!
[deleted] t1_iu4a8cq wrote
kraftwrkr t1_iu4ayfm wrote
This is 100% what is going on. Tax/zoning dodge.
Daetra t1_iu4cw4r wrote
So they'll build back the store or just leave it like this?
nitwit_frank t1_iu4dgzy wrote
BLM finally being at least partially respectful.
cybercuzco t1_iu4dlgs wrote
They will build an entirely new building on the back where the CVS used to be and leave the entrance. Maybe an office building or a high rise apartment complex.
Daetra t1_iu4dvd6 wrote
Well they'll save money by not having to build a new entrance.
VulturE OP t1_iu4dx7b wrote
This was the CVS at 6100 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA
Teledildonic t1_iu4eceb wrote
imbacklolfumods t1_iu4el0m wrote
According to CNN, they left this building “mostly intact.”
theveryrealreal t1_iu4h4po wrote
They're nice, but I'm told you have to stop throwing stones if you live in one. Not sure that's worth it.
shawn_overlord t1_iu4irb7 wrote
I mean yea how else will they get in
HyperDoodle t1_iu4j13f wrote
Plankston t1_iu4pkag wrote
The CVS of Theseus?
Big_ol_fatkid t1_iu4qnmv wrote
Spirit Halloween
nitwit_frank t1_iu4uu8u wrote
A catastrophic but mostly peaceful intervention. After they tore it down they took to city hall to ask why there aren't more pharmacies in the area.
WirelessBCupSupport t1_iu4yle1 wrote
That is in PA.
BusLandBoat t1_iu4zepv wrote
Probably sold it to someone to dismantle at their own expense.
Mandie_June t1_iu52gdj wrote
Why waste a perfectly good entrance?
murdering_time t1_iu531q2 wrote
If you replaced a CVS piece by piece with a Walgreens, what would you get when you're finished?
[deleted] t1_iu5atys wrote
GypsyDarkEyes t1_iu5g5z2 wrote
Was hoping it would be used as an upscale bus stop.
[deleted] t1_iu5j1j6 wrote
Lord_MAX184 t1_iu5tmiu wrote
I think they're gonna turn it into a bus stop
tycoonking1 t1_iu6e6h3 wrote
Probably some cold medicine.
Stew_New t1_iu6ok2n wrote
pul_chri_tude t1_iu70z1w wrote
Fortress of Solitude CVS (it’s Superman’s)
Profesor_Gato t1_iu753ot wrote
Blessed glass house
DayOldTurkeySandwich t1_iu75n2a wrote
🎵Don’t it always seem to go🎵
🎵That you don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone🎵
🎵They tore down CVS, and left the entrance intact🎵
grambocrackah t1_iu75tyy wrote
I love it
DiscoveryOV t1_iu7m596 wrote
There was this house I used to drive by regularly. One day it was sold and the new owners, to count as a remodel, started construction and tore down the entire thing except the sun room which came off the side of the house.
Then about 6 months later they tore down the sun room and redid that too :)
natty-broski t1_iu7penl wrote
No, Sliberty—you can see the fancy apartments in back
PenguinTransport t1_iu7y9jf wrote
This is on my way home.
Emzzer t1_iufyor9 wrote
I've heard there's a lot of money in helping people get stoned...
sluwecki t1_iu48dai wrote
Is this a zoning thing?