Submitted by bezododo t3_yhcnx1 in mildlyinteresting
sladebonge t1_iud13ij wrote
Better go ahead and light it on fire, just to be sure.
icantfeelmyskull t1_iud3800 wrote
bezododo OP t1_iud3hnp wrote
Good call
SpoonsInTheFootPowdr t1_iud4ocq wrote
What does it smell like?
haxxer_4chan t1_iud6ns7 wrote
Now for some delicious honey! People say that wasps don't make honey, but there's no science to back that up
Crotchless_Panties t1_iud88rp wrote
Came here to ask what they do eat, because I have never seen them making anything except paper nests and trouble.
Curve_Express3 t1_iudda0l wrote
Looks like an apple turnover 😋
ElGarretto84 t1_iuddcxo wrote
CrippledJesus97 t1_iude9f1 wrote
10/10 would totally light on fire.
tehmlem t1_iudepfa wrote
They feed their babies insects but the adults eat nectar, fruit, honeydew, and sometimes the secretions of their larvae depending on species. Basically a lot of flower's ball sweat and bug's ass juice.
yeuzinips t1_iudg6rv wrote
Pop a quick H on this box...
iwascompromised t1_iudilj9 wrote
The nest and the shed.
Joseki100 t1_iudjvu2 wrote
They feed on sheer anger.
totally_schtooid t1_iudkwl6 wrote
Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
imacatpersonforreal t1_iudlx4v wrote
Just make sure you don't get stung, so as to not mess up your dating profile pic that you'll inevitably be taking today.
DYMongoose t1_iudobw6 wrote
This is absolutely terrifying to me.
Johnny_Utah09 t1_iudohix wrote
There's some very basic science to support that pal.
haxxer_4chan t1_iudp1a9 wrote
Alright well I'm gonna check it out anyway. There could be something delicious in here that wasps do make, and I want that.
The_Dingman t1_iudp1fd wrote
That's a hornet nest. Paper wasp nests are flat with exposed comb.
[deleted] t1_iudqefe wrote
nsa_reddit_monitor t1_iudqmzm wrote
> There could be something delicious in here that wasps do make
There is!
Noxious89123 t1_iudrwuq wrote
Bobbyanalogpdx t1_iudsnus wrote
Looks like a perfectly layered croissant
Crotchless_Panties t1_iudvtjn wrote
No wonder they are always pissed off!
Icedcoffeeee t1_iue7tmx wrote
Paper wasps are surprisingly mellow. I moved into a new house, and was so busy getting settled. In April, these brownish, dangly legged paper wasps built a nest in a gap about five feet from my front door. I gardened outside all Summer, and they didnt bother me at all. Occasionally one would come over to me when I would use the hose. I grow veggies, and I read that they're organic pest control. I had no idea.
benark t1_iuehbn4 wrote
Downer-time: burning wasp nests STINKS terribly. Don't just throw one in your neighbors' backyard fire. Bad times.
Grow_Green t1_iueig4g wrote
Base building in r/playrust be like.
admiralteal t1_iueo79u wrote
On the bug juice: the most awful behavior of wasps, in terms of its ability to generate existential dread, is to gather carrion or hunt for meat which they feed to the larvae. The larvae then digest the meat (since the wasps cannot) and secrete a sweet substance to feed the adult wasps.
Like external stomaches for rotten meat.
TurrPhennirPhan t1_iuepmst wrote
Basically the Romans of the insect world.
lovelydaylovelyday_ t1_iuepofe wrote
trypophobia activated
SurrealRareAvis t1_iueq341 wrote
Mother Nature’s Piñata!
SurrealRareAvis t1_iueq5zz wrote
Huh. Who knew?
Thanks for the heads up!
saskford t1_iueq7h3 wrote
You are not wrong
Abedbob t1_iuewh46 wrote
Tape a tube and smoke them out to get to their delicious honey
Inevergnu t1_iuewsey wrote
Great, now I'm hungry again.
Luh2018 t1_iuewtjq wrote
Hornets are wasps, no?
Inevergnu t1_iuexhvg wrote
If it was yellow and orange it'd look a lot like my mom's "Italian surprise" casserole. *Shudders*
TuzkiPlus t1_iuexwna wrote
Neinfu t1_iuey6sy wrote
Thanks I love it!
howard416 t1_iuey9w4 wrote
But not paper wasps
Stage3GuildNavigator t1_iueze6i wrote
They're also pollinators!
I've had the same experience with them, think most people must either confuse them with hornets, yellowjackets, etc or have freaked out at ones minding their own business and pissed them off.
The-mighty-joe t1_iuf12ei wrote
Hell, I’d settle for a light peppering of some napalm.
QuantomField t1_iuf1kpj wrote
Take your ass to r/weeatwasps and get out.
QuantomField t1_iuf1s0f wrote
Be sure to cover up your knees.
Lordstryker317 t1_iuf6rbw wrote
thisisredlitre t1_iuff3ll wrote
Reminds me of a 3d print that went awry
htmlcody t1_iufk7ma wrote
Huh. Who knew?
Thanks for the challenge!
htmlcody t1_iufkh0q wrote
that’s right let’s just call them paper hornets and that will take the sting right out of this debate
IchBinEinDrache t1_iufkq0a wrote
These cunts have nests? I'm surprised they are able to cohabilitate with each other considering they are fucking assholes.
htmlcody t1_iufkr6d wrote
a flower’s ball sweat
i am dead
bezododo OP t1_iufncoh wrote
Oh wow, how can I tell the difference?
hicow t1_iufqxj9 wrote
Paper wasps built nests in the deck railing in my old apartment. As long as they stayed outside, we were all good. Never really had a problem with any other bugs on the deck when they were there, either.
GreyFoXguy t1_iufwx59 wrote
Is your name Buzz Killington?
GreyFoXguy t1_iufxq46 wrote
That reminds me, where do you take a hornet if they are dying? To the waspital
CatDogBoogie t1_iugbzv9 wrote
Forbidden lettuce.
No-Interaction120 t1_iugm81n wrote
Not paper wasps, they have exposed comb and don’t get nearly as large and aggressive as Yellowjackets/hornets.
TolliverCrane t1_iugoehk wrote
Here's the thing. You said a jackdaw is a crow.
chakzzz t1_iuh61ch wrote
And then burn the ashes, just to be sure
sladebonge t1_iuh835e wrote
Just to be sure.
Syrinx221 t1_iuhh30y wrote
I had a similar experience with mud daubers. Still made me nervous but they weren't aggressive
Zestyclose-Link-5914 t1_iuikrd3 wrote
Burn it.
SirHerald t1_iud0gpj wrote
Mildly interesting indeed