Submitted by ginganinja29 t3_z6ztgh in mildlyinteresting
Disrobingbean t1_iy3wb7o wrote
islandgyalislandgyal t1_iy3whx8 wrote
JEEZ that looks painful
Agitated_Habit1321 t1_iy3wkv1 wrote
Beeeg boy burn
ginganinja29 OP t1_iy3xv8y wrote
Shrek Is Love. Shrek Is Life.
SurrealRareAvis t1_iy3y3e3 wrote
I see a trematode
RussDoggyDog17 t1_iy3yebh wrote
Fosterbudding1 t1_iy3yuoz wrote
Must have been a hell of a windy day..
TakameCC t1_iy3za1x wrote
Dammit son your faster.
TEAMTRASHCAN t1_iy3zgqg wrote
Looks like it’s pointing to the summer solstice
JukeboxHero66 t1_iy3zn68 wrote
That is what we calla pro-gamer vein.
ginganinja29 OP t1_iy3zvki wrote
This is the story of how that small insignificant burn I got from a plastic tote bag I left a little too close to a candle, was going to be the starting point of a whole new life of adventure
GooseBellyCocoaPuff t1_iy4015k wrote
Fashioncore t1_iy40rus wrote
If you scratch it, Dark Lord will come.
EddieHavok t1_iy42i60 wrote
Either he’s the Dragon born, or he has a double dragon brother out there somewhere.
matthewtheninja t1_iy42yre wrote
Burninating the village…
Automatic-Word-3655 t1_iy430eo wrote
It's the dark mark
matthewtheninja t1_iy432dn wrote
Get some consummate v’s on this ho
GrilledCheeser t1_iy43bmp wrote
Turn it upside down, it’s a fat man golfing 🏌️♂️
PlagueofSquirrels t1_iy43hrq wrote
Ragnarok_619 t1_iy453qk wrote
The heir of slytherin
InternetDweller420 t1_iy458sz wrote
Mermaid praying to the sun.
Socially8roken t1_iy45hqz wrote
Ba da da dum, Ba da da dum,Ba da da dum,
Dodoot da do do, Dodoot da do do, Dodoot da do do
The system is down, The system is down, The system is down
CrazyCubicZirconia t1_iy4636c wrote
Best of luck defending the Earth Realm in Mortal Kombat.
Rather you than me…
Emotional_Road247 t1_iy46biy wrote
Burninating the peasants...
Wormwood_With_A_Hat t1_iy46kvd wrote
You’ve got a snickers bar vein
Mr_Notacop t1_iy46oy1 wrote
such_scurty256 t1_iy4713f wrote
More like scrat chasing that damn nut but okay
Kevizzle12 t1_iy47afe wrote
Guy wouldn’t know majesty if it came up and bit him in the face.
PhanSiPance t1_iy47p4s wrote
Needs a beefy arm.
[deleted] t1_iy48jq0 wrote
kelsobjammin t1_iy49x1j wrote
I saw someone kneeling and praying at first! Wild brain
dasbanqs t1_iy4b7q0 wrote
That happened once!
Jimmyb3121 t1_iy4c98z wrote
gasp the HEIR!!
a-snakey t1_iy4f662 wrote
SsSs sS ssSSss sSssSs!
soloChristoGlorium t1_iy4fgh0 wrote
And you're both faster than me!
Get_off_critter t1_iy4gijy wrote
I'm shocked at the lack of typo comments like this lol
[deleted] t1_iy4h3au wrote
Pinkeyefarts t1_iy4hn7e wrote
VehicleFun1117 t1_iy4hrui wrote
Bros a death-eater
Fosterbudding1 t1_iy4hxgq wrote
CatfishMonster t1_iy4hz5a wrote
Snake Rattle n, Roll!
ireallydontcare52 t1_iy4i6ep wrote
S, more different S.
one_eyed_teddy t1_iy4isdg wrote
Looks like a person jumping to catch a ball
Traumfahrer t1_iy4jnsx wrote
You know that people will steal your identity (the fingertips) by posting such pictures?
bamboohobobundles t1_iy4l4io wrote
Trogdor was a man
I mean, he was a dragon man
Or, maybe he was just a... dragon
But he was still TROGDORRRRRR
ginganinja29 OP t1_iy4lc8x wrote
Conspiranoid t1_iy4lkab wrote
ginganinja29 OP t1_iy4lu36 wrote
Blister* oops
[deleted] t1_iy4mang wrote
redyankeerose t1_iy4n5t2 wrote
Dude I think you’re cursed
BuckNastysMamma t1_iy4s6nj wrote
WeatherIsNiceUpHere t1_iy4s8se wrote
Maybe you should stop grabbing at tiny snakes that are on fire
EFSOZKAN556 t1_iy4tflc wrote
its the google snake
CrudelyAnimated t1_iy4to04 wrote
He carries the Dark Mark of He who shall not be named.
ASpiralKnight t1_iy4u2p7 wrote
10 points to Slytherin.
CultOfBelloq t1_iy4uig7 wrote
Won't someone think of the thatch-roofed cottages?
bakedphish1 t1_iy4vu1t wrote
johnmarkfoley t1_iy4vxrq wrote
johnmarkfoley t1_iy4w3l9 wrote
The Chosen One!
wxwatcher t1_iy4wtwd wrote
Reminiscent of Serpent Mound in Ohio (even has the egg at the top):
blandsrules t1_iy4wwwn wrote
What up? We are three cool guys looking to party at our party mansion
sexwithpenguins t1_iy4wz4l wrote
I thought it was a cat with a big fluffy tail playing with a Christmas ornament.
my_bigoof_evolved t1_iy4xh3e wrote
bruh your thumb is SWOLE
my_bigoof_evolved t1_iy4ximd wrote
Pater_Aletheias t1_iy4xypc wrote
Ten points to Slytherin
[deleted] t1_iy4ynse wrote
WalkerBRiley t1_iy4z8b3 wrote
I love every last one of you, except that jerk who tried to interject Harry Potter into what was once a perfect thread.
Spnwvr t1_iy50npx wrote
The s is for sucks
Spnwvr t1_iy50rj1 wrote
Burninating all the people, in the thatch roof cottages!!!!!!
Spnwvr t1_iy50ua0 wrote
ForsakenLemon t1_iy52psw wrote
Clearly it is a basketball player shooting some hoops.
[deleted] t1_iy52rqa wrote
alientrashkitten t1_iy53us8 wrote
a sneaky snek
Back_to_the_Futurama t1_iy563g4 wrote
Hey you probably shouldn't... (Pop it, pop it, pop it, pop it, pop it)
No-Elk-6499 t1_iy579sj wrote
Or a player hitting a baseball out of the park!
ThisCould-BeYourName t1_iy59v8s wrote
I see a camel
Bi-elzebub t1_iy5b811 wrote
Are you from new zealand?
osrs-p-imp t1_iy5cwpo wrote
Looks like a seal playing with a ball
alegxab t1_iy5d0et wrote
It's clearly a slug
Yuri909 t1_iy5d1t7 wrote
I have never been so proud to find the comment I wanted to make already at the top
panosdimitri t1_iy5dr9h wrote
Sell it on eBay. People pay big for that stuff.
ginganinja29 OP t1_iy5e8t9 wrote
The whole thumb?!
criticalpwnage t1_iy5elz4 wrote
NGL when I first looked at this picture I thought this was something completely different.
oldmanartie t1_iy5ersd wrote
Badger badger badger badger badger
WellJustJonny t1_iy5flzw wrote
Critter from Tremors.
panosdimitri t1_iy5fywc wrote
I mean if you can up sell and through in the hand why not
ginganinja29 OP t1_iy5is1e wrote
AKchaos49 t1_iy5lp36 wrote
That was my first thought as well.
MonoRover t1_iy5morz wrote
For good measure
LetOutrageous9789 t1_iy5mp27 wrote
Bro how trained that Finger fam, got mad arteries, keep going fam, WWE GO JIM
Ashbr1ng3r t1_iy5p7wt wrote
Neat, especially if you look at it from the side
Material-Bag833 t1_iy5pamx wrote
But more like a squirrel
Remoru t1_iy5pgfl wrote
pakage t1_iy5t0po wrote
1000% trogdor
Hanz_VonManstrom t1_iy5t19e wrote
“Yeah that looks really good. Coming out the back of his neck”
Takeonlyone t1_iy5va0g wrote
Not one single Kung Fu reference. I guess it is time to leave…
Strict-Algae-8599 t1_iy5vt8a wrote
Surrender yourself to Lord Moldy Butt.
maimedfeline t1_iy5xl9x wrote
Looks like a guy laying down lol
Indestrucktable t1_iy5y0fv wrote
Looks like praying man
GrandProblem8034 t1_iy60k2n wrote
Sperm with a mouth.
KingoftheMongoose t1_iy62eat wrote
Hrmmmmm…. Let’s see……
Ahhhhh yes…..
chair_caner t1_iy638k8 wrote
My first thought exactly
Financial-Amount-564 t1_iy63bg7 wrote
You type with a kiwi accent
iamfuturetrunks t1_iy63jmq wrote
He is the chosen one. He is a slytherin! :O lol
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_iy640ih wrote
I see it! The ball is even there. The golf club is a bit chunky though so it would be more like a field hockey or lacrosse stick. (Are players allowed to bring the stick above their heads in field hockey & lacrosse?)
Germangunman t1_iy661vm wrote
Made this picture look like a veiny penis
Unfair-Afternoon4529 t1_iy68jn4 wrote
Or a Goa’uld
Ghostbuster_119 t1_iy6eubx wrote
Put some pure Vanilla extract on that.
Not the fake stuff either, usually found near baking stuff in the store.
LorenzoStomp t1_iy6ftzr wrote
The Cheat is grounded!
ginganinja29 OP t1_iy6gfuo wrote
What will that do?
Ghostbuster_119 t1_iy6gxwn wrote
The alcohol in the vanilla extract makes the burn not hurt and really just makes it much more bearable in general.
I know it sounds crazy but it's pretty nice for those deep burns that just keep hitting you with those twangs of pain.
A small bottle of the real stuff should be around $5 and if you only use it on burns will last a good while.
Red_Centauri t1_iy6ha8y wrote
Cat playing with a ball
ginganinja29 OP t1_iy6jgrf wrote
yesiamveryhigh t1_iy6o9hd wrote
This is the only correct answer.
SteakNotCake t1_iy6pott wrote
To prevent a blister after burning your skin: cut an onion and put the onion juices/liquids (or whatever you wanna call it) on the burn. If it dries up, take a layer of onion and crack it to get more liquid. Do this for a total of 15 mins. Works every time. No burn blister ever again.
ElectricalSmile7271 t1_iy6qgit wrote
It almost looks like someone sitting down and throwing a ball up.
Mulberryhwheg t1_iy6qxqz wrote
Just for a second there I was worried the NSFW blur screwed up
taurustravels t1_iy6rat5 wrote
Does it?
VisibleNinja4581 t1_iy6t537 wrote
Slytherin! 🐍
RainingLights t1_iy6wbej wrote
TealAppeal85 t1_iy6y4ju wrote
pacman snake is gunna eat a pellet
Vaxxone t1_iy6ze1x wrote
Corn is no place for a mighty warrior!
xxchhfdd35325 t1_iy7i8vp wrote
Looks like a handicap sign to me
pigsinspace72 t1_iy7iuzw wrote
... Ccv. M. E we ece xwe
Extreme_Witness6332 t1_iy7jm5r wrote
Are you a Kiwi?
Whygoogleissexist t1_iy7jyvw wrote
Well at least you’ll get money for nothing and chicks for free
gratuitous_h t1_iy7o3v3 wrote
Hello fellow midwesterner, I hope your burn heals quickly! 🫡
TheUnconfirmedk1ll t1_iy7o8em wrote
Actually kinda looks like a handicap parking spot
VeryCreativeSwede t1_iy7qdxq wrote
Looks more like someone praying to a floating ball
cingerix t1_iy7tscn wrote
a bluster awn hehs fengah
ginganinja29 OP t1_iy7v6w6 wrote
Thank you!
blackbird24601 t1_iy7wf4p wrote
Let me go on…..
TomMcTomface t1_iy7wqsy wrote
That's definitely an alien chest burster.
InfernoGuy29 t1_iy80ans wrote
This Hoonter got a little bit too much insight.
Melburn_City t1_iy82gn5 wrote
Nothing - source rn.
Burns like this can really only be properly treated by complete prevention or treatment directly after the burn (20 minutes under cool running’s water!)
Otherwise it’s all pain and scar management.
Broomsticky t1_iy84ckh wrote
Don’t shed on me
BornYinzer t1_iy88lyg wrote
Looks more like a squirrel.
Timetomine32tpdf t1_iy8f8xm wrote
Look more like a chest bruster
APlayerHater t1_iy8qtqi wrote
Well just Trogdor the burn
House_Hippogriff t1_iy9pxcf wrote
have you developped the spontaneous ability to speak parseltongue?
markipilerfan2021 t1_iybpers wrote
somebody get strong bad on this
QuailandDoves t1_iy3wa98 wrote
Wow it really does.