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andersonfmly t1_iy8933t wrote

Gosh... It's been AT LEAST twelve hours since the last post about these. Thank you for easing my withdrawals from their absence.


DaClems t1_iy8heij wrote

You should be so lucky to see these beautiful bastards on your feed twice. If you are any kind of person, you'll be ecstatic to see them again tomorrow and again the next day. Again and again until the end of time. And if you are wise, you will fall to your knees and thank the universe for providing such magnificence and splendor.


andersonfmly t1_iy8jnhe wrote

This comment, my fellow Redditor, made my day - if not my week. For that, you have received a Gold Award. Thank you for the brief moment of levity.


DaClems t1_iy8lc4e wrote

Aw that's nice. Glad you're feeling better. Thanks for letting me know


BJ22CS t1_iyd2ame wrote

At least this one has 2 different sizes; of the 100s I've seen posted on this sub, I've never seen one where it showed 2 that were different sizes (I assumed they were all the same size).


FM-101 t1_iy9gx3e wrote

I have an unreasonable and intense hate for this floor sign.

Like, i know its not your fault for not knowing. But also im so tired of seeing this shit posted here.


Siryl7001 t1_iybj96x wrote

When I saw this, the "spin out" sound effect from Mario Kart played in my head.


Skittles_the_Jester t1_iy89fsv wrote

I’ve seen these one other time and I gotta say I love em


Buck_Thorn t1_iy8bzxy wrote

Say, you're new around here, ain'tchya? (spoken in 1940's B&W movie voice)