Submitted by Glades_road t3_z7y8i7 in mildlyinteresting
wallnumber8675309 t1_iy8r834 wrote
50% chance the janitor just doesn’t care.
NBAccount t1_iy8rks4 wrote
Look, I'm tired of this whole, "people are allowed to have different viewpoints" thing.
There are simply certain things that are inarguable; objectively right.
Tolerating the opposing viewpoint doesn't make you a better person. It means you will allow evil to proliferate.
The roll goes down in front.
RandoMcRandompants t1_iy8saf2 wrote
all this does is prove which is the correct orientation
SIobbyRobby t1_iy8sy6n wrote
There are two types of people, the ones who are wrong, and the ones who are right.
Choose wisely..
niobiumnnul t1_iy8tom5 wrote
Equality for all toilet paper directions, I say.
N01_Special t1_iy8u2tw wrote
Now we need daily updates to see the results.
blade_torlock t1_iy8ukav wrote
The toilet paper always went under when I was growing up, my mom always said that people who put it over never had kids.
Droideka33882 t1_iy8umpg wrote
nah let me just pinch the wall to get the paper 💀
Economy_Armadillo_28 t1_iy8unhe wrote
I have very mixed emotions😑
myeff t1_iy8v1zr wrote
Or cats, or a light breeze, or...
OfCourseIKnowHim t1_iy8vav4 wrote
100% chance
OfCourseIKnowHim t1_iy8vfzs wrote
I don’t put mine on the roller. I just put the roll up on the back of the toilet.
jakob767 t1_iy8vsux wrote
Are you guys saying the paper should go a long with the wall??
Organized-Geese t1_iy8vuys wrote
99% chance the janitor took the pic after setting it up like this. The key is still in the lock.
Jesuskrust1313 t1_iy8vz0f wrote
So one is wrong and one is right?
AccomplishedFerret70 t1_iy8wa7t wrote
I'm a topper
Ancalimei t1_iy8wann wrote
Agreed. And I've lived with both kids and cats. Haven't had any issues. Raise your kids/animals better and use your products the right way.
lost_in_connecticut t1_iy8x6p9 wrote
I feel like I just stepped into the chalice scene of The Last Crusade.
eclecticsed t1_iy8x7ru wrote
Kind of feel like the key being in there is a subtle sign that this was done for the picture.
patrickivan t1_iy90b0p wrote
Bi ply
mr_mcpoogrundle t1_iy90drr wrote
That's called being versatile
Comfortable_Ad8516 t1_iy90nw4 wrote
papersuite t1_iy91nyx wrote
Yes and no
RhymeTymes t1_iy91w6u wrote
Alright folks I’m willing to put my karma on the line to settle this once and for all. Upvote if you’re for the left, and downvote for the right.
nikkipimpinit t1_iy921zt wrote
Always remember when filling rolls of toilet paper: Beards are good, mullets are bad.
Goatee_McGee t1_iy9392t wrote
Which one is closer to the toilet? The one closest gets priority
AholeBrock t1_iy93gbk wrote
Or the person who took the pic noticed the key in the lock and decided to flip a role for a post
Driveformer t1_iy9582b wrote
This just displays how unsanitary under can be. You will be wiping yourself with whatever is on that dispenser
Salty-Article3888 t1_iy96svs wrote
Even toilet paper is woke now
Total-Khaos t1_iy99chy wrote
I choose this ugly looking cup a carpenter obviously made instead.
Early-Sale4756 t1_iy99qvg wrote
Shockingly wholesome
CongratsGuy t1_iy9axzb wrote
This is obviously the result of an ongoing war between the day shift and night shift custodians.
melance t1_iy9cp7b wrote
Bangs not mullets.
Quale- t1_iy9elrq wrote
I love the play on words, ones who are “right”.
InternationalBus8936 t1_iy9h7ik wrote
That are half right
[deleted] t1_iy9its9 wrote
Poorkiddonegood8541 t1_iy9kv33 wrote
The roll on the left is wrong. I'm certain because mom always had it going over the top!
fletch0083 t1_iy9mv5b wrote
The patent for the toilet paper holder shows that over is the correct way:
GaffJuran t1_iy9mwvq wrote
…Unless you have a particularly playful cat. Then you’re just wasting tp.
[deleted] t1_iy9n5n0 wrote
Nutsnboldt t1_iy9r23d wrote
Now all the psychos can have their tp brush against the wall like they deserve.
fmshobojoe t1_iy9t752 wrote
my mom always put it over, I guess she never had kids :/
dubshooter t1_iy9vsoc wrote
The key is right there… are you the janitor looking for Reddit toilet paper clout?
Jesuskrust1313 t1_iy9wqh2 wrote
No I’m saying… one is right and one is wrong. The wrong one is on the left 😂 everyone knows the one on the right is the proper and correct way to do this 😂
SilverEagle1987 t1_iy9yc3g wrote
Does it make a difference in which way they should be facing? I don't really see a difference. I work in retail and my floor person pointed out that in the restrooms that the toilet paper should be placed similar to the roll on the left as it is in the photo. I should also mention this said floor person barely lasted two months before they stopped showing up to work then they were fired for attendance.
papersuite t1_iya1tut wrote
And I am saying that if you mean the one i think wrong, is wrong then I disagree and if you are saying the one I think right is right then I don't disagree.
MindlessAd9668 t1_iya3elu wrote
As a janitor can confirm.
blade_torlock t1_iya3h13 wrote
Different mom's different tolerances.
Mom had 5 kids so her tolerance was zero.
MindlessAd9668 t1_iya3jwg wrote
I really don't get paid enough to give a fuck which way the toilet paper is.
Mech-Waldo t1_iyad3t7 wrote
Unless you have a mischievous cat.
theveryrealreal t1_iyaj3pk wrote
Subtle in a middle of the photograph super noticeable way. You leave a key like that in public restroom you have about 8 minutes before key and Both rolls are gone
Insubordinate_God t1_iyajnho wrote
When the roll is backwards and you tear the tp it'll roll more out, an undesired effect. With the tp facing forward you can tear it more towards the top to prevent the un-necessary rolling. That's my poopolgy.
BaggyHairyNips t1_iyakfp0 wrote
Or the janitor realized this way they usually only have to change out one roll at a time.
Fortapistone t1_iyamb3a wrote
Or it was a mistake....
LincolnHamishe t1_iyarucc wrote
It's half wrong.
obolobolobo t1_iyayuhk wrote
No, no, no! Now everyone's unhappy.
Edit: I'm an overthetopper but even though I'm catered for I can't stop looking at the abomination of the underneathy. I assume the underneathers are looking at the overthetop and thinking the same thing.
[deleted] t1_iyb2rnu wrote
JarvisDargon t1_iybfw48 wrote
By both you mean wrong and correct!
haringtiti t1_iybhvlr wrote
the keys still in it.. switch that left one around
haringtiti t1_iybi46s wrote
i love that someone always drops this most irrefutable piece of evidence, then the wrong side people just say 'well you guys must not have cats'
scaleofthought t1_iybl909 wrote
Oh look, the one facing outward is used more. Who would have guessed that most people don't want to use toilet paper that has sat against a piss and shit splattered wall?
disdainfulsideeye t1_iybrsnm wrote
The one on right is correct, the one on the left is blasphemy.
Signal-Pirate-3961 t1_iyburt0 wrote
Toilet paper pronouns.
KingoftheMongoose t1_iyctww2 wrote
One of these rolls can look pretty by tidying up the loose end. The other still looks wrong even when tidied.
RhymeTymes t1_iyds100 wrote
Update! After a rollercoaster day of 2 upvotes to two downvotes we arrived exactly back where we started.
CurlSagan t1_iy8qruk wrote
Steal that key and you get free toilet paper for life. Lifehack!